The site structure and content of the linked site is an exact, and I do mean EXACT replica of any of a number of other scam forums / websites operated by the Stashman / Benzo Lee / drugbuyersforum dot org crew. This one is slightly sloppier than the others, rather hastily built in my view, but it's theirs nonetheless. Same "accredited vendor" bullsh*t and all, right down to the supposed $1500 deposit required of vendors. I'm a little surprised that no one picked up on this sooner. There was some other link posted by a member just yesterday or the day before that connected to another one of these sites. Same "vendor program", same content, same everything. Oh, and by the way, their creativity is slipping. One of their similar con sites is called "Pill Trader", and another is called "Silk Road Meds", or something similar, playing off the Silk Road name, and here we have "Silk Trader". How clever.
I've said this at least a thousand times, but I'll say it once more for the benefit of all of the new members. ANY "forum" or website that is set up in this manner, indicating that vendors are required to pay a deposit and that there is a financial guarantee to insure delivery, IT'S A SCAM, and most likely, it's this crew. They aren't all that clever to be candid, and they most certainly ARE NOT holding anything, other than their c*ck and a mountain of stolen money.
Please, please folks, don't even consider this site or any other like it. I promise you, THERE IS ZERO CHANCE OF RECEIVING AN ORDER.
That's the best I can do. I can only hope people read and heed the warnings.