Are you a fan of Tapentadol


Feb 14, 2021
I'm just curious what aothers here think about tapentadol.  I tried some....actually tried quite a bit of it and to be blunt about its just a 'meeh' type thing for me.  There was all the talk about its 40x the strength of oxy and other noise but its basically a pretty blah medicine for me.  Hardly woth the Schedule II rating.  And definitely NOT worth the insane totally insane prices these Indian vendors are selling it for at about $400 for 180 pills.You gotta be kidding me????

Oxy is just about cheaper as is perc or vics.  I have found it just has no appeal for me.  If I take 200mg it just feels liike a super tramadol...without any of the good parts of tramadol. As an analgesic its just about at ibuprofen /actominophen level.  

If you were able to get directly from India it might have been worthwhile as a stop gap to prevent wd's but of little other use.  Just wondering how much appeal there is for tap out there.  My guess is not much.

Hardly woth the Schedule II rating.  And definitely NOT worth the insane totally insane prices these Indian vendors are selling it for at about $400 for 180 pills.You gotta be kidding me????
Agreed and agreed. Mos def not deserving of a C-II classification. It's what I'm useing now and the same amount is really no more potent for pain than regular trams. The first time I took it I got really sick but then I guess my body adjusted to it. Not worth bothering with unless you can get it really cheaply.

Does work as a minor stop-gap to wd's, but not 40x oxy, that I know for sure. I never like Tram, but these do have a little something to take the edge off for a couple of days. Hardest part is choosing subs or these, for me.

About 10 years ago I went to an urgent care and I was prescribed this as  Nyucentra Probably spelling it wrong, :-) anyways it was described as between the strength of all tram and a Percocet five or 10. I do remember having a good experience but had not thought twice about it since then because it’s hard to get prescribed.

And that was just some thing I had until I can source tramadol again. But now I’m facing an issue with what my doctor will or won’t prescribe me as a basic pain medicine. Then out of the blue this is come across again and then now I notice on the website there are interest in the generic version of this which is the other drug listed above. Anyways long story short I do remember my experience being good and I am interested in trying it again.

So I will say it’s worth trying but if you take tramadol it may interact with your tramadol. I feel like it’s an all or nothing thing like if you didn’t have any other drugs and couldn’t get any other drugs and this may be the one drug kind of like a Suboxone thing that could cure everything and be used long-term maybe what right now I still prefer Roxies :-) but yeah if anyone knows a good source to try keep us posted

About 10 years ago I went to an urgent care and I was prescribed this as  Nyucentra Probably spelling it wrong, :-) anyways it was described as between the strength of all tram and a Percocet five or 10. I do remember having a good experience but had not thought twice about it since then because it’s hard to get prescribed.

And that was just some thing I had until I can source tramadol again. But now I’m facing an issue with what my doctor will or won’t prescribe me as a basic pain medicine. Then out of the blue this is come across again and then now I notice on the website there are interest in the generic version of this which is the other drug listed above. Anyways long story short I do remember my experience being good and I am interested in trying it again.

So I will say it’s worth trying but if you take tramadol it may interact with your tramadol. I feel like it’s an all or nothing thing like if you didn’t have any other drugs and couldn’t get any other drugs and this may be the one drug kind of like a Suboxone thing that could cure everything and be used long-term maybe what right now I still prefer Roxies :-) but yeah if anyone knows a good source to try keep us posted
Without going too far out there the tap sources here I wouon this forum are very good.  With tap right now tap has more or less taken the place of tram for the bulk of the vendors from India.  My personal vote would go to PepeB from comparatapentadol (I can never seem to spell that right but he's on here. In fact he's the only one I would order anything from India due to shipping issues.

I've personally never tried Moda but he is also a highly regarded vendor who  I believe carries Tap.

For a real fast short tap connect we also have another vendor here who offers fast turn around tap but boy you pay quite a premium for as they call it US to US tap.  

The good thing about tap is that the brands are pretty well standardized so you don't really have to worry about the quality of what you are getting.  It sounds a bit trite but  "Its all good".  My favorite brands are noosanta and aspadol.....but to be honest i don't know if it really matters.

So if tap agrees with you, you are in pretty good shape.  They just don't seem to agree too well with me.

And before i forget PepeB offers this product called Tapeease or something like that.  Its a nasal spray form of tap,  Personally I might just prefer it to the pills which are 100mg.  

As far as sourcing tram goes things have changed considerably.  Tram used to be a staple with indian vendors but it has been more or less 'banned' there so it would seem wiser to look elsewhere like South of the border.  Put it this way in the old days getting tram from the indian sources was like getting green for a state registered dispensery nowadays that's if you happen to live in a green state you will know what it means to say that instead of the state registered dispensaries you are going with black market green.

..I believe its not banned per se in Mexico so your better bet would be to go there. But personally i can't vouch for the tram from there since I don't do tram anymore either  but it seems to make sense to me to go where its at least somewhat regulated versus banned.

So happy hunting.  This forum is great and hopefully everything works out for you.

Can anybody suggest or PM me a UK source for t@pentadol please? ive emailed a couiple of guys here but they haven't sent T@pentadol as being available on their list.

I have found some online sites (already mentioned on the forum) but how genuine they are Im not sure as they're not vendors on here

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I would suggest to seek Tilidine instead of Tapendadol. Both of them are very stimulant opioids. Tapendadol can be snorted as well, but it burns like hell. So best RoA for both is orally. Tapendadol got a shorter effect and with more up and down peaks. Tilidine give a solid stimulation and share some similarities with oxy, even if of course won't give the same enjoyment - but is really a valid replacement. can be found usually on DNMs from german sellers.

I would suggest to seek Tilidine instead of Tapendadol. Both of them are very stimulant opioids. Tapendadol can be snorted as well, but it burns like hell. So best RoA for both is orally. Tapendadol got a shorter effect and with more up and down peaks. Tilidine give a solid stimulation and share some similarities with oxy, even if of course won't give the same enjoyment - but is really a valid replacement. can be found usually on DNMs from german sellers.
Thanks for info, I will certainly look into it. What are DNMs?

DNMs = Darknet markets. Nothing really so obscure or complicate to use nowdays, everyone by following a 15 mins step-by-step tutorial could access them in a safe way. Or in 2 minutes if they don't care anything about security - thing that usually small buyers just for personal usage are doing.

I don't think otherwise you can find a phrmacy on clearnet. offering Tilidine, since it is an approved pharmaceutical only in Germany..
So it's sold from DNMs seller usually offering pharmaceuticals products. Tilidine is pretty cheap too, last time I checked was less than 8usd for a 200mg Pill (dosage 50 to 100 mg depending tolerance).

Very rarely there are offers for LIQUID TILIDINE. I never had the occasion to try it (to be taken orally) but it seems the liquid version is totally amazing, kicking in in few minutes and giving other than the light stimulation, a very warm body well being pleasure and rush. The price is also insane tough.. around 300 EUR for the bottle, that are probably just 3-4 dosages :D

Another super rarity you can find only in Germany (and only for IV) is Piritramide. it seems to be one of the best opioid of the non morphinian classes together with the golden trinity dipipanone-ketobemidone-dextromoramide.

Take care,

nother super rarity you can find only in Germany (and only for IV) is Piritramide. it seems to be one of the best opioid of the non morphinian classes together with the golden trinity dipipanone-ketobemidone-dextromoramide.
What are the chances of coming across something like that? 

It depends in the efforts you want to put ;) there are some people I know who studied or knew from stories of the old generation, all the locations where the biggest hospital fields or location at the front during WW1 / WW2 took place, and after they collected all historical proofs about those event, they just went on-side or on every nearby town/village, knocking on every door and telling they are collectors of historical items of WW1/2, like first aid kit and such :D After a few hundreds knocking on the doors, you can be sure the kit of grandfather/mother who worked as auxiliary in such fields can be found in the cellar.

You can follow the best discoveries / retrieved ultra rare vintage pharmaceuticals on the reddit sub obscuredrugs. Damn, the pharmaceutical of those times was totally another world. Opioids, Barbiturates, Methaqualone, Amphetamines, and a countless number of rare and obscure pharmaceuticals - since seen the precursors for the standard pharmaceuticals were not always available during the war times, the pharma industries just made the closest functional pharmaceutical possible ;D

Dextromoramide is probably the best opioid ever made in pharmaceutical history, sadly retired only after 2 years it released worldwide, because "not safe". Yeah sure, not safe because was probably going to cause the hugest opioid panemic of the history, being a true holy grail (discovered from Jannsen, the immortal genius chemist who creared Fentanyl 4 years later as well) - with a potency of only 3.5x analgesic, got the strongest euphoric hit of every opioid (talking of the < 10x classes), and a warm body well being pleasure that get close to acetyl-f (15x).

My goal is to collect all existing pharmaceutical opioid to store in a museum, the beginning was easy, but now it became difficult if not impossible, and i'm not even at the half of the way (20 over 54, the last time I checked at least). But finding the hardest piece of the collection, an original dextromoramide vial made in 1959, was really one of my happiest moment of my life. Shame that I could get only one, so I never had the honor to try it.

Ketobemidone is another interesting one. With an analgesic potency of only 0.8x morphine, was tested as replacement of methadone to heroin addicted. After several months, the results were great - 100% of the addicted, stopped with heroin and only asked for Ketobemidone. Because it's a lot better than heroin in fact, despite the lower potency analgesic, the receptors affinity is amazing! And, even here the analogues possible, nowdays still totally legal worldwide, are just there waiting for somebody to synth them. Chinese tried but they did a huge fuckup giving us o-amkd, totally worthless opioid if not perfect replaced for amphetamine. Ketobemidone is STILL available as pharmaceutical in two EU countries, but sourcing it is a hero quest too, I spent two years before I found a source, and for a box I got asked an INSANE price. could not even enjoy it because my tolerance was already fucked up from stronger stuff.

Dipipanone is still pretty popular in south africa as pharmaceutical, and super extremely rarely in UK, I never managed to find it, and probably it will disappear completely. Main reason is just because there are no more raw materials to produce if (in a profitable way for the pharma industries). Here our chinese friend was the only time I think they did something decent, with a low potency but effective, more than o-dsmt. The problem is the half-life was SO.LONG, and acting similar to methadone mechanism, that even such apparently safe compounds caused overdoses, since people was unaware of the 24+h of half life.

The others on the list are not worth to mention, since they are either gone already or they are manufactured only on request for specific cases. Not that they would not be amazing pharmaceutical opioids tough. I heard Piritramide IV is actually not so impossible to find it - or better said, to get it if you do an OP in a german hospital and u mention you have allergy to morphine :d Liquid Tilidine is appearing from time to time to other german DNMs seller. I was around yesterday to check DNMs and I saw tilidine pills vendors, but no bottles.

So yeah, the changes of finding such rarity are only related on the efforts you want to put in. Nothing is impossible, and if nothing can be found, then it can be synthesized. Of course this is certainly not easy too, first because most chemist won't take the risk of doing a synth of a scheduled and patent pharma opioid, and secondly because any seller putting effort in realizing something like this won't make big profits either. There is no love or it's really a small Niche community who likes to hunt and research such stuff, reading about new possible opioids and trying to bring back a good RC opioid scene. All that matters if to get the strongest analgesic opioid ever and with a legal status, to make millions selling it as fake pressed or china white or whatever else.

If you check some reddit sub related to chemistry or other clearnet forums related to drugs manufacturing you can find lot of interesting things tough, recently I saw new rc opioids of brand new classes and very safe from the pharmaceutical perspective, they posted all the info and the synth route, but we talk of compounds with 0.5- max 2x morphine potency, so except people who like opioid and research them as hobby, nothing interesting for the business. And of course just because they posted or released new papers about 'em doesn't mean at all they are selling them trying to ask u get banned.

Ok, end of my useless wall ot text

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.