For anyone looking to research G.. do not buy GVL Gamma Valerolactone. You want to get GBL which can be consumed or converted to GHB easily or BDO which the consensus seems that it is a little dirtier but lasts much longer and hits less hard. GBL hits harder than GHB.
I’m so confused I thought this G I kept hearing was old school Jesse and Walt library. Thanks for clearing it up. Heard GHB making comeback but could not figure why so I thought for sure they mean good old clear /blue books from Jesse and Walt…. Who knew
Dude you won’t find anything from UD Amazon - but eyelash glue remover, wheel cleaner, some inks and solvents. I’ve searched all over and in the US the only reliable GBL is someone with a drum left from pre-ban or who gets someone to agree to ship it. BDO is more industrially common and though consumer products aren’t gonna have it in an easy to find place, my go to is @CalFresh here for pure industrial BDO that has zero additives or extras. Just the good stuff. You can make GBL from there, but I prefer to just make the GHB straight organic synthesis from the reliable laboratory in my sexy body;)

Seriously, can’t recommend BDO from the right place enough. @CalFresh has it for cheap. Skip the Amazon search but do update if you find it
@LatsDoodis That GHB Factory is indeed quite sexy, my Doodis!
Agree on the above regarding GVL, GBL, and BDO. However, BDO is the most advantageous in my opinion for several reasons:

1. It’s more available and less controlled, making it more accessible and more likely authentic and affordable; and,
2. It can be easily converted at home to GBL. Or, to GHB directly using enzymes already in the body (for industrial applications, of course), so it’s sorta fungible in this way; and,
3) I find It has a strong effect and lasts slightly longer comparatively. This duration can be adjusted by food intake, which affects onset and peak time, offering some discretion. (Be cautious with alcohol as it offers an extended toxic exposure and increases risks by peaking B.A.C. first, then quickly freeing enzymes that turn next to the BDO metabolism, which can be hard for people with less experience.)
4. “Plus…It’s a shanty…”

BDO is not inherently “dirtier”, but some products aren’t pure and that’s not always obvious. This is one common reason why reporting varies. There’s also genetic and circumstantial/pharmacodynamic factors that affect the enzymes necessary to rapidly metabolize it. If you have them and it goes through you without much holdup- it’s not been shown to even have the same feared toxic metabolite that alcohol does, which is surprising and a gift.

The dose is extremely limiting for all these “G” substances, with precise amounts and narrow windows of range for use before trouble. That said, only one BDO overdose death without any other substances has ever been recorded, although plenty of Emergency visits occur, mostly for monitoring.

I find BDO, and most good things in my life after educating myself on this fine website. … one vendor one fine website I know (no relation) is worth a try if you’re looking. I guess just look around, - actually, screw it, until I’m shown otherwise it’s hands down @CalFresh - but if anyone else has good experiences please share, too!
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Agree on the above regarding GVL, GBL, and BDO. However, BDO is the most advantageous in my opinion for several reasons:

1. It’s more available and less controlled, making it more accessible and more likely authentic and affordable; and,
2. It can be easily converted at home to GBL. Or, to GHB directly using enzymes already in the body (for industrial applications, of course), so it’s sorta fungible in this way; and,
3) I find It has a strong effect and lasts slightly longer comparatively. This duration can be adjusted by food intake, which affects onset and peak time, offering some discretion. (Be cautious with alcohol as it offers an extended toxic exposure and increases risks by peaking B.A.C. first, then quickly freeing enzymes that turn next to the BDO metabolism, which can be hard for people with less experience.)
4. “Plus…It’s a shanty…”

BDO is not inherently “dirtier”, but some products aren’t pure and that’s not always obvious. This is one common reason why reporting varies. There’s also genetic and circumstantial/pharmacodynamic factors that affect the enzymes necessary to rapidly metabolize it. If you have them and it goes through you without much holdup- it’s not been shown to even have the same feared toxic metabolite that alcohol does, which is surprising and a gift.

The dose is extremely limiting for all these “G” substances, with precise amounts and narrow windows of range for use before trouble. That said, only one BDO overdose death without any other substances has ever been recorded, although plenty of Emergency visits occur, mostly for monitoring.

I find BDO, and most good things in my life after educating myself on this fine website. … one vendor one fine website I know (no relation) is worth a try if you’re looking. I guess just look around, - actually, screw it, until I’m shown otherwise it’s hands down @CalFresh - but if anyone else has good experiences please share, too!
Just got some bdo from cal to try out for the first time, but am a little hesitant because of the reports of nausea I keep hearing about. Do you think that is generally due to impurities?
Busy life and I would be pretty bummed if I wasted a few hours of chill time because I made myself sick, yknow?
Any tips to prevent the nausea? Also, good starting dose for 140 lb person?
Does anyone have some non-US domestic or non-Amazon US (as other countries Amazons don’t stock it) recommendations for good pure BDO?
So BDO has a lot of issues but we carried a legit 99.6 % purified product and the efficiency of that proddrug and non concerns of toxins can make it attractive. A highly purified BdO is amazing.

How is GHB often made? Some underground clandestine chemist takes gbl and uses lye to convert to GHB. 90% of the time they do nave the property equipment for this process but most importantly they do not have the ability to get the microscopic contaminants off the top layer (remember lye?) and effectively your poisoning yourself. BDO purified by a pro can only be beaten by GHB made 100% correctly and that is is clean and sanitary, that’s what we found finally, After 20 years we found a GHB source that takes the care and has the equipment to create a superior product, I was blown away when. I tried it . Please give it a shot? If you are a bdo gbl ghb connoisseur we have it anytime at a negotiatory price right now. Highly maxed out at 0.9 g per ml
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. malmechist @ malmechist: Shoutout to TGC-RC thanks for fighting the good fight peeps.
  2. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: Oh how i wish i could see certain parts of the future.
  3. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: I was at one point yesterday but not at the same time as you @Moonkey
  4. M @ Moonkey: Is anyone else having trouble getting proton mail to load? Was on it & everything just quit, tried phone & laptop. Can't even get support to load or anything, rest of the web seems fine. Is it just me?
  5. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh would you mind sending the number over to me please?
  6. Q @ quickfasthots: PM of course
  7. CalFresh @ CalFresh: @xenxra tx for the tip. hope everyone here is doing well!
  8. Robotanical @ Robotanical: I have been so torn when it comes to investing in crypto. I regret not doing it back in 2010-2011. One of my relatives recently got into xrp, which has sparked my curiosity. I really don't have any money to lose, though. I feel like any $ that I invest has to be an amount that I can afford to lose. Not in that position atm. lol.
  9. R @ rasetreydir: @xenxra I'll be patient for 600k. Now i just need the btc.
  10. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Sent you an email, from a new email address, could you respond please? You wil recognize subject line.
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: @rasetreydir pretty sure bitcoin is gonna go over $600,000 by 2028 if you can hold out that long
  12. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @PharmerJohn hey man just so you know shoutbox shouldnt talk about orders. Those are for emails and threads. The mods wanna keep the shoutbox clean
  13. Deepnorth @ Deepnorth: Holla to my fellow peeps. Remember jshout box is limited in words because dets should not go here. I saw someone asked. ✌️
  14. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone here at DBG is having a great weekend!
  15. R @ rasetreydir: I seem to remember hearing that about ripple. Well one thing im sure of is i certainly missed that btc boat. Nobody is laughing about it now ulike 10 years ago.
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: monero honestly isnt even a bad choice to hold right now, im expecting xmr to reach a 3 year high in the coming weeks
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: it's also been long confirmed that ripple actively sells against the market and holds a significant portion of the xrp supply in their custody
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: there's plenty of better crypto to buy right now instead of betting on the top ones that have been around for years. they take a significantly larger amount of capital to increase price.
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @rasetreydir ripple's about to be dealing with a lot of heat because apparently they're spending millions of dollars to lobby against a strategic bitcoin reserve, i'd be pretty careful touching xrp here
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Literally how I feel with all crypto lately- like do I resubscribe now or do I wait until tomorrow in case it has another run? I'm not cut out for stock broker stress lol