
The pack has finally shipped, after blackstar told me it was "going out today" on Feb 5. I consider that deception.

Blackstar printed the shipping label on feb 5, told me it was shipped, then actually shipped a few days later.

My only reason for the high scrutinization is that I am the one that took the plunge with an order when I hadn't seen many others do that. I'm not that concerned with someone's rep on other platforms as I don't use them, and blackstar has no rep here yet.

It really comes down to a miscommunication, although one I feel is on blackstar's end.

Shipped does not = label printed

Shipped = USPS is in possession of the package.

I was told it shipped Feb 5, but it really shipped a few days later.

blackstar could have said "I got the pack and label ready to go and will be shipping in the next few days" and there literally would be zero issues. Oh, the other minor issue was there was no confirmation of receiving payment.

The bottom-line issue, to me, is he told me it was shipped before it actually shipped. At least according to ID. As a new vendor, a situation like this carries more weight than an established vendor on DBG. I'm happy blackstar has plenty of business elsewhere.

Either way blackstar and I agreed not to work with eachother anymore, and he's quite prickly! He has plenty of business, and I have plenty of vendors, so it doesn't matter in the end.

Only reporting my experience for others to see. If he says it's shipped, it doesn't necessarily mean that USPS has the package and I don't think that's a very appropriate thing for a vendor to do, that's all.

I preer vendors who tell me it's shipped when it has actually shipped, that's all. Blackstar does not do that, so I don't have a desire to utilize his services. Not trying to strong arm, it felt like i was getting scammed as I've seen this situation play out so many times before (label printed, pre-shipment, no actual pack) and so that's what I reported. No slandering, no strong arming.
Stop trying to confuse people with long, drawn out posts man. Your order was packaged and shipped and whenever they got around to updating and processing is on the carrier, not us. If you knew much about business and logistics you would know that occurs from time to time. Just face it, you were wrong. It happens.
Stop trying to confuse people with long, drawn out posts man. Your order was packaged and shipped and whenever they got around to updating and processing is on the carrier, not us. If you knew much about business and logistics you would know that occurs from time to time. Just face it, you were wrong. It happens.
I am not trying to "confuse people with long, drawn out posts". I'm on the spectrum and we can be very detailed, which is all I've done. If someone is confused by that, then I think that's on them sir.

I am trying to be as clear as possible. Yes, it happens sometimes that packs sit in pre-shipment for days before being scanned in. Usually leading up to Christmas as the first couple weeks of Jan. And when it happens with a new vendor (from mine and DBG perspectives) in early/mid-Feb it carries more weight, the spidey senses come online, because we are working within a situation with zero trust between both parties. But I guess your claim is I just got unlucky?

I'm not going to count my orders for opsec reasons but it's a lot and in a short period of time. None of those orders had the pack sitting in pre-shipment for 4 days. So when it happens with a new vendor, my opinion is it's appropriate to report that. I do not feel it was wrong to do so.

Keep blaming the carrier..if it really sat in their possession for 4 days before scanning then I blame comms and terminology used. You could see things from my (you new customer's) perspective ad say something like:

"hey man I know I don't have a rep so trust is low, but with this specific regional distribution center, sometimes packs can sit 2-5 days before getting scanned in. I apologize for the delay and I do reiterate that it is in the carrier's hands and you will likely see movement in the next couple of days"

And If it wasn't in their sitting in their possession for 4 days and you in fact shipped it 4 days after you said you did, then it's simply deception on your part.

Last thing I will say is not offering payment or order confirmation to your customers, especially in a situation where you are regarded as a new vendor on a platform, is not the right move. Expecting me or anyone else here to regard you as a trusted vendor based on other platforms is not the right move. Some of us don't use other platforms so that means nothing to us. Combine that with stating my order's shipped - while it sits in in pre-shipment for status for 4 business days - just seems like the wrong way to do it..
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The million dollar question is why you're so intent on grouping "us" in with your deductions or choice? Your order is en route. What is the objective of more dialogue about it? We failed to meet YOUR expectations and, as a result, will lose your business. Ok. Cause and effect. We accept accountability and will do what we feel is necessary to accommodate our customers based on their feedback. Thank you.
I have been cordial and respectful with all of my communications with you sir, I am simply looking for status updates on my order. On wed 2/5 you claimed the package shipped.

My ID tells a different story. Yes, it is not your responsibility what happens after you drop off a pack, but are you stating that you dropped it off and it hasn't scanned at all at this stage? Do you think it would be appropriate for a tracking # to be securely provided to me at this time? I'm tired of this back and forth, and being told my package has shipped while I look at my ID and see no movement on anything.

I am patient. I have plenty of positive relationships with vendors who follow through with what they state they will do. I don't have many positive relationships with vendors who don't.

Has anyone in the past 2 weeks had a successful order with blackstarchem? I am legit curious...
In case anyone was curious or anticipating an update, his order was delivered. Paid on Tuesday, shipped coast to coast, and delivered on Monday. Hardly poor service, in my humble opinion. Cheers!
Well, you beat me to it. Here's the review:

I came at this blind, so to speak, with a couple of supposed successful orders from other users but otherwise no reputation for this vendor here. In my mind, I was taking a risk by giving this vendor a shot. That might help inform my review.

To clarify to blackstar, just say upfront when the customer makes an order, and without the customer having to ask for status updates
"hey i recieved your payment, pack will go out in the next few days, expect to have it on or before X date!" If I would have gotten that message after paying, blackstar never would have heard from me and my ratings would all be 5/5 100%. It's that simple. (Now in this thread, blackstar has confirmed that "order confirnations are not sent out with every order". Woulda been nice to know upfront).

Onto the review.

Comms - 1/5 (not going into this here, see thread)
Stealth - 4/5 (compared to the handful other vendors I've used recently, it is not as good so that is my I'm comparing against.) Is it good sufficient for domestic, most likely assuming no issues with package.
Shipping - 3/5 - 7 days payment to door, so that's great! The reason for my rating is the vendor said it was shipped and it sat in pre-shipment for 3-4 days iirc. Vendor blames U$p5, and maybe that's true but I believe the likelihooe is low. I have a large volume of packs (my real life) inoming and U$p5 is used frequently and I really rarely see that, usually only during christmas rush. So I don't buy it. Solve this by just stating upfront that it's 7 days upfront without me having to ask, that's 5/5 service. That gave me some unnecessary anxiety, given the context.
Product - 5/5 No issues. Great product.

12/20 - 60%

Now I beleive if you place an order, you'll get your order with this vendor, I have no doubt about that. It's the rest of the experience that is lacking imo. My experience was negative and I reported why at every step of the way. As a result, Blackstar blacklisted me from his customer list and I blacklisted him from my vendor list and life goes on. I wish blackstar the best on this forum and hope he is sucessful. And I'm sure he'll be happy to see me out of his thread😅
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Well, you beat me to it. Here's the review:

I came at this blind, so to speak, with a couple of supposed successful orders from other users but otherwise no reputation for this vendor here. In my mind, I was taking a risk by giving this vendor a shot. That might help inform my review.

To clarify to blackstar, just say upfront when the customer makes an order, and without the customer having to ask for status updates
"hey i recieved your payment, pack will go out in the next few days, expect to have it on or before X date!" If I would have gotten that message after paying, blackstar never would have heard from me and my ratings would all be 5/5 100%. It's that simple. (Now in this thread, blackstar has confirmed that "order confirnations are not sent out with every order". Woulda been nice to know upfront).

Onto the review.

Comms - 1/5 (not going into this here, see thread)
Stealth - 4/5 (compared to the handful other vendors I've used recently, it is not as good so that is my I'm comparing against.) Is it good sufficient for domestic, most likely assuming no issues with package.
Shipping - 3/5 - 7 days payment to door, so that's great! The reason for my rating is the vendor said it was shipped and it sat in pre-shipment for 3-4 days iirc. Vendor blames USPS, and maybe that's true but I believe the likelihooe is low. I have a large volume of packs (my real life) inoming and USPS is used frequently and I really rarely see that, usually only during christmas rush. So I don't buy it. Solve this by just stating upfront that it's 7 days upfront without me having to ask, that's 5/5 service. That gave me some unnecessary anxiety, given the context.
Product - 5/5 No issues. Great product.

12/20 - 60%

Now I beleive if you place an order, you'll get your order with this vendor, I have no doubt about that. It's the rest of the experience that is lacking imo. My experience was negative and I reported why at every step of the way. As a result, Blackstar blacklisted me from his customer list and I blacklisted him from my vendor list and life goes on. I wish blackstar the best on this forum and hope he is sucessful. And I'm sure he'll be happy to see me out of his thread😅
Anyone who orders regularly, and doesn't know that USPS can take 7 days with a weekend included, clearly has expectations that we cannot meet. Godspeed.
Second subscription with bsc, nothing that exciting to say (which is a good thing in my opinion). Reached out using PGP, followed the instructions, received subscription shortly after. Everything looks correct and reads well, 10/10 no complaints.

This might be a little controversial, but I received my subscription in approximately one week (including the weekend), and that is totally acceptable and just fine. There is absolutely no reason to complain about receiving a subscription in anything under two weeks (unless specifically agreeing to a timeframe with the publisher). I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry. Thanks again bsc!
Second subscription with bsc, nothing that exciting to say (which is a good thing in my opinion). Reached out using PGP, followed the instructions, received subscription shortly after. Everything looks correct and reads well, 10/10 no complaints.

This might be a little controversial, but I received my subscription in approximately one week (including the weekend), and that is totally acceptable and just fine. There is absolutely no reason to complain about receiving a subscription in anything under two weeks (unless specifically agreeing to a timeframe with the publisher). I'll get off my soapbox now, sorry. Thanks again bsc!
Thank you for the feedback.
I need to apologize for not getting my review up here much sooner!! What an excellent experience i had with this vendor!
The team at Blackstar went above and beyond for me, in terms of communication, speed, opsec and quality... and an awesome free read to boot! Arrival at my door within 5 days. Awesome...
The mags I chose were of excellent quality and generously packed. I will confidently continue to subscribe to Blackstar and certainly would recommend them to anyone that prefers magazines in this genre...
10/10 all around. Thank you guys for a great experience!
Comms: 5/5
Stealth: 5/5
Shipping: 5/5
Quality: 5/5
Mag reviewed: 0d$mT

Sample arrived, u$p5 was very slow and the holiday made it take an extra 2 days.
I read 30 sentences and it’s amazing, I have never read this mag before.

Stimulating for a little bit then started to get the feelings you’d expect.

Thank you so much BSC, you’re truly amazing!

For anyone who’s thinking about buying some don’t hesitate, you won’t be disappointed.
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Reached out a while ago for sample and failed to respond to you guys in time , I’ve reached out again. Will review and evaluate any mag I get my hands on :)
I requested a sample of oh d esem tee and was pleasantly surprised when Blackstar reached out to inform me that they could provide me with a sample for free. The sample arrived only 4 days after they told me that it had been sent out. The sample magazine that they sent me just might be the highest quality oh d esem tee that I've ever read. I’ve been reading that mag on and off for just under 4 years and was familiar with that magazine long before I was a member of this community.

I tested the sample for f3nt & xyl@ and both came back negative on four separate tests. I was concerned about cr0ss cont@minati0n as some of their other magazines are extremely p0tent and would have ended my feedback on this site permanently if BSC was not a professional that used extreme precaution. I’m thrilled to report that BlackStarChem obviously doesn’t cut corners and must take extreme precaution to ensure the safety of their customers.

The amount given in the sample was also very generous and I’m extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to read one of their magazines. OPSEC was incredible and the sh!pp!ing speed was impressive as well. Overall, this is probably the best sample mag that I’ve ever been given the opportunity to review and I cannot wait to place my first subscription through their service! I’m very thankful to BSC for the opportunity to leave this feedback.

I find that many v3nd0rs claim to be professionals with years of experience prior to joining DBG, yet some are only just getting started printing and/or offering magazines. I was initially skeptical of the excellent reputation these guys are legit as they come. Welcome to DBG @blackstarchem
Agreed. Hands down the best oh dee around!
I requested a sample of oh d esem tee and was pleasantly surprised when Blackstar reached out to inform me that they could provide me with a sample for free. The sample arrived only 4 days after they told me that it had been sent out. The sample magazine that they sent me just might be the highest quality oh d esem tee that I've ever read. I’ve been reading that mag on and off for just under 4 years and was familiar with that magazine long before I was a member of this community.

I tested the sample for f3nt & xyl@ and both came back negative on four separate tests. I was concerned about cr0ss cont@minati0n as some of their other magazines are extremely p0tent and would have ended my feedback on this site permanently if BSC was not a professional that used extreme precaution. I’m thrilled to report that BlackStarChem obviously doesn’t cut corners and must take extreme precaution to ensure the safety of their customers.

The amount given in the sample was also very generous and I’m extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to read one of their magazines. OPSEC was incredible and the sh!pp!ing speed was impressive as well. Overall, this is probably the best sample mag that I’ve ever been given the opportunity to review and I cannot wait to place my first subscription through their service! I’m very thankful to BSC for the opportunity to leave this feedback.

I find that many v3nd0rs claim to be professionals with years of experience prior to joining DBG, yet some are only just getting started printing and/or offering magazines. I was initially skeptical of the excellent reputation these guys are legit as they come. Welcome to DBG @blackstarchem
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  3. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  7. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  8. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  14. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  15. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now