C@dein getting lackluster


Sep 27, 2016
Hi. i'm looking to gain some understanding regarding pain meds. I'm suffering from a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa and for many years, and i've been taking a combination of ibuprofen and c@dein to deal with the pain, but lately it's starting to lose it's effect and my condition is worsening as well, so i'm thinking I may want to try something stronger as walking around with pain 24/7 isn't, well, pleasant. My GP is kinda restrictive about painmeds (he's quite liberal with di@z and zop though). He's been giving me progressively higher doses of codein, but he doesn't want to prescribe heavier stuff unless absolutely necessary, which i try to tell him that it is. i think he's starting to come around, but i'm thinking about ordering something in the meantime.

My problem is that i know very little about pain meds and the strongest i've ever taken is codein, unless you count the surgeries i've had for this very condition when i was on IV m@rphine.

I've tried to educate myself a bit, but there are so many different pain meds and they all seem to have wildly different strength. There's v1codin, d1laudid, oxyc@done (is roxy the same as that btw?), fenta, tr@madol on so on and so forth. What i'm looking for is something a little stronger than c@dein, but not too strong. I'd love to hear from someone with experience.

Hi @Jellopanda, next step up from cody would be DHC or tr@mz, though tr@mz come with added addiction potential through the way they work. 

Just out of curiousity, what are the steps after DHC and tr@mz. I'm a fan of House M.D. (who is addicted to vicodin) and though i'm reluctant to admit it a guilty pleasure of mine is Grey's Anatomy. They throw around all these different drug-labels and i have no idea what they're talking about. Also a friend of mine has asked me several times if i wanna try his d1laudid, which i've turned down so far because as i understand it the stronger the stuff is the more chance there is for addiction.

Seems Tr@mz might be off the table for me as they can cause something called seratonin syndrome when combined with SSRI's. I take 20 mg of escitalopram (c1pralex) a day.

According to Pharmacy Times:

What Are the Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome? Some of the symptoms, such as confusion, agitation, and fever, are relatively nonspecific and can be caused by many disorders other than serotonin syndrome. Other symptoms are more specific, however, and thus are more useful in the early detection of serotonin syndrome. These include myoclonus (muscle jerking), muscle rigidity, and tremor. Serotonin syndrome also can cause sweating, incoordination, seizures, and coma. Severe cases of serotonin syndrome can be fatal.

Seems Tr@mz might be off the table for me as they can cause something called seratonin syndrome when combined with SSRI's. I take 20 mg of escitalopram (c1pralex) a day.

According to Pharmacy Times:
Yep,stay away from them. Above those staples you are really taking a step up to scheduled narcotic medications. I would really work on your Doctor for a better alternative, cody is good, but it is the weakest starting point for opiate pain meds. What is the cody you take, is it mixed with paracetamol or on its own? What's the strength kompis?

30 mg cody and 400 mg paracetamol. I take two of those mixed with 400 mg ibuprofen, but double that when it's bad. every six hours roughly. have to set my alarm clock for the middle of the night so i don't get those 30 minutes when the meds have stopped working and i'm waiting for them to kick in again. Still, the pain is always there tho, my meds just dulls it a little. on average it's something like 300 mg cody, 4000 mg paracet and 2000 mg ibuprofen every 24 hours.

Hi @Jellopanda I'd recommend talking with your doctor about DHC and perhaps the longer acting continous release or extended releases versions available in 60mg 90mg and 120mg.Of course the 30mg intant release are avilabe also.I'd try these before some of the more heavy pk meds available..



I'm with @blissopifree 2 here, it will also stop you consuming so much paracetamol which is doing your liver and kidneys no favours kompis!

ok. i'll look into DHC then. i've also been worried about the paracetamol

And too much ibuprofen can lead to ulcers as well i've heard

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yeh defo stay away from the trams, my 2 reasons are

1) the likely hood of a seratonin overdose due to ur pshyc meds

2) trams, tolerance is just ridiculous. before u know it ur on stupid doses and they arnt even relieving the pain in the end.

...next step is a whole another ball game really ur into the scheduled route as said , it can be  expensive an not always the easiest to obtain an if taking that route u will almost certainly gain a nasty addiction.. im currently tapering from such route onto the methadone now an about to switch to subutex as im very near the end. i can assure u i it hasnt been a nice year so far. im yet to sleep a full night an fight that last demon. 

wish u all the best my friend hope u get the help an info you need, the doctor may be the best route for u i, know they are nightmare, esp here in eng but keep on.

im basically repeating the above comment here tbh just giving my 2ps worth as they say

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Good luck @dotcomkotr,one day at at time ive walked the path your about to set off on.The first couple of days on the change over to subz are the hardest but they are berable,although I'd recommend taking the 1st day off work if your employed just to make it a little more comfortable.

All the best 



Not sure how it is in england, but here in norway meds are basically free as long as they're prescribed by the doctor. So i guess the wisest course of action is asking him if i try out DHC and see if that works. Thanks for all the great advice everyone.

After DHC it's all painkillers with nasty side-effects and heavy addiction potential then?

Edit: oh and yeah, let me echo bliss and wish you good luck and all the best @dotcomkotr

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Good luck @dotcomkotr,one day at at time ive walked the path your about to set off on.The first couple of days on the change over to subz are the hardest but they are berable,although I'd recommend taking the 1st day off work if your employed just to make it a little more comfortable.

All the best 



Not sure how it is in england, but here in norway meds are basically free as long as they're prescribed by the doctor. So i guess the wisest course of action is asking him if i try out DHC and see if that works. Thanks for all the great advice everyone.

After DHC it's all painkillers with nasty side-effects and heavy addiction potential then?

Edit: oh and yeah, let me echo bliss and wish you good luck and all the best @dotcomkotr
thanks guys, im out of likes, gonna have to donate again soon because i run out after half hour on here lol. @blissopifree 2 ive been putting it of for 5years now. i was on 120ml, im on 20 due to drop to 15 saturday. been shitting the switch tbh. ive seen someone take a suby whist on high does of meth an iv never sen a rattle like it. that my next, im doing it without the clinic now cos they are just a wrecking ball where i am. i drop 5 ml every 2 weeks only in the last 25 ish ml have i started to fel it, an wake up rattling fairly hard, i forgot what it was like i been on the death juice an shit that long.

bless though an appreciate all comments. 

I've looked a bit at DHC and there seems to be two different types: a fast acting one that doesn't last as long and a continuous one that lasts about 12 hours. i guess the last one would suit me best then since my pain is pretty much 24/7. and i won't be woken up in the middle of the night in pain. haven't seen any vendors that carry DHC yet, but maybe i'll find some in the email section once my sponsor stuff is cleared.

Just to be clear about something. Stuff like vicodin, percoset, hydrocodone, oxycodone and dilaudid is really heavy-duty stuff right? stuff you shouldn't try unless you're really desperate?

I've looked a bit at DHC and there seems to be two different types: a fast acting one that doesn't last as long and a continuous one that lasts about 12 hours. i guess the last one would suit me best then since my pain is pretty much 24/7. and i won't be woken up in the middle of the night in pain. haven't seen any vendors that carry DHC yet, but maybe i'll find some in the email section once my sponsor stuff is cleared.

Just to be clear about something. Stuff like vicodin, percoset, hydrocodone, oxycodone and dilaudid is really heavy-duty stuff right? stuff you shouldn't try unless you're really desperate?
tbh i know of people that use them both in together, they take a slow release first thing, then top up throughout the day with the fast. it seems to keep u chugging along without hitting the half life.BUT regular use of either fast or slow (both) will give u an addiction an ur tolerance wil shoot up.

the second part of your question is kinda a yes. the reason i said about it being expensive an hard to get at times is because even though ur scripts are free.. eventually your script wont be enough, u will have to source vendors/

i urge again to grind your doctor down to the way ur feeling an get him to realise what daily life is like for u

I've looked a bit at DHC and there seems to be two different types: a fast acting one that doesn't last as long and a continuous one that lasts about 12 hours. i guess the last one would suit me best then since my pain is pretty much 24/7. and i won't be woken up in the middle of the night in pain. haven't seen any vendors that carry DHC yet, but maybe i'll find some in the email section once my sponsor stuff is cleared.

Just to be clear about something. Stuff like vicodin, percoset, hydrocodone, oxycodone and dilaudid is really heavy-duty stuff right? stuff you shouldn't try unless you're really desperate?
Hey @Jellopanda! Good name by the way : ). 

I second what everyone else has said really... And yeah, you wanna try and get off those paracetamol infused ones, cause they will be battering your liver!!.. Not good, especially as you are probably wanting to take more for the pain, hence more paracetamol...

So, firstly I'd ask for codeine phosphate - no paracetamol, so you can take more when needed without obliterating your liver... Then DHC instant release or extended (although the differences in codeine and DHC aren't really that noticeable from a pain treatment point of view, in my personal experience). But the DHC does come in extended release, so it would be easier to manage your pain without constant re-dosing... 

However, as you've already discovered, and even though codeine and DHC are still classed as narcotic, your next step are the heavier narcotic painkillers... Hydrocodone (vicodin), hydromorphone (dilaudid), oxymorphone (opana) oxycodone (percocet, endocet, oxycontin etc)... And yes, they are hardcore painkillers, some more than others... But, if you've got legitimate pain, then you have a legitimate right to be able to control your pain... 

However, if you can manage your pain on codeine or DHC, then it would be a wiser choice, purely due to the dependency issues of the latter class... Not that you can't get yourself a dependance on the first two, it would just be, for me at least, a preferable dependence : )..

Good luck with your quest, and try not to dive straight into the deep end : )


Thanks @Phrenicz for advice. I'd really like to get off the paracetamol, especially since i had a couple of years with way to much alcohol consumption, which certainly didn't do my liver any favours. Been alcohol free for over a year now tho. Starlite offers these 60 mg pure c@deine tablets that might be for me. Been trying to find a DHC vendor, but no luck so far, may have to do some more research.

As you're warning me about the heavier stuff, i'm really not keen to develop an addiction, as i've had that already with alcohol and it was not a walk in the park getting over that.

Truth to be told i already feel like i'm walking a razors edge when it comes to di@z and have to show some self-restraint not to take too much. And although zop isn't as physically addictive, i certainly feel like i could become psychologically addicted simply because they feel so damn good.

In short i know i have an addictive personality, fortunately i'm aware of that and doing my very best to restrain myself as much as i can. After some learning experiences i believe i now only take what i strictly need as opposed to what i feel like.

Hey @Jellopanda! Good name by the way : ). 

I second what everyone else has said really... And yeah, you wanna try and get off those paracetamol infused ones, cause they will be battering your liver!!.. Not good, especially as you are probably wanting to take more for the pain, hence more paracetamol...

So, firstly I'd ask for codeine phosphate - no paracetamol, so you can take more when needed without obliterating your liver... Then DHC instant release or extended (although the differences in codeine and DHC aren't really that noticeable from a pain treatment point of view, in my personal experience). But the DHC does come in extended release, so it would be easier to manage your pain without constant re-dosing... 

However, as you've already discovered, and even though codeine and DHC are still classed as narcotic, your next step are the heavier narcotic painkillers... Hydrocodone (vicodin), hydromorphone (dilaudid), oxymorphone (opana) oxycodone (percocet, endocet, oxycontin etc)... And yes, they are hardcore painkillers, some more than others... But, if you've got legitimate pain, then you have a legitimate right to be able to control your pain... 

However, if you can manage your pain on codeine or DHC, then it would be a wiser choice, purely due to the dependency issues of the latter class... Not that you can't get yourself a dependance on the first two, it would just be, for me at least, a preferable dependence : )..

Good luck with your quest, and try not to dive straight into the deep end : )

Out of likes friend but sound advice maybe if his pain is that bad the scheduled route maybe the only way, id deffo try the dc first though 

Out of likes friend but sound advice maybe if his pain is that bad the scheduled route maybe the only way, id deffo try the dc first though
I agree with the advice several people have given me about trying dhc before going for the scheduled route as you apparently call it. the drawbacks of that seem scary. I have checked a lot of vendors tho and can't seem to find dhc anywhere. Maybe it's in the mexican section, but that won't help me as i'm from norway.

Atm it seems like the route open to me is trying to convince my GP that i need it. He's a bit wierd when it comes to prescriptions. He has no problem prescribing 200 di@z. In fact all i need to do when i need more is call his nurse and tell her i need more and a few hours later an electronic prescription is ready for me at my local pharmacy, but when it comes to painkillers any stronger than 30 mg codeine/400 mg para he's really stingy. Maybe it's down to some kinda experience he's had with patients who have abused them or something.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!