ive read and read about fat being able to be converted to muscle. im not that much into fitness at my own peril, but i always believed fat can be burned, and the energy used to create the muscle. now im not a fat person at all, i just have a little soggy areas round my mid riff that all men in their mid thrities do.
what id like to start doing is to quit smoking, have started the epipe thing this weekend and i realise how bored im going to het not smoking. so i decided to turn to exercise and weights. im not joining a gym or anything so would anybody have any tips for thing is can do at home. im gonna start running and pressups situps etc. but id like ro work on my shoulders and neck. they get quite sore from my awkward posture (i came off a motorbike last year and my resting posture is slightly to the right) i use for comfort.
so if anyone is cool enough to give me practical tips id be grateful. i know im not gonna be arnold swarzeneggar or owt. just tidier and tighter for the lucky ladies lol.
i just would like the tone and strenght but none of the huge bulk. so if i get weights should i do a lot of sets of lights orfewer sets of heaviers.
believe me i have read forums on the internet and they all contradict each other then my post becomes not about my topic just a fight between the people who came on to help sheeeeesh. ill listen to any one who is kind enough to help.
btw muscle building on me is gonna be hard i gain mass very slowly so should i be switching diets so theres the whol protein v carbohydrate thing that peoplexes me.. and should i get myself some supplements to aid the process.
im sure when the time is right ill join a gym its just the ones ive been at are expensive and wasted because i never go back. this time i want tobe knee deep into it before i commit to a yr membership.