Canadian Input 2015

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Where have all the Canadians gone?

We need new input as our sources here are almost nil.

And the falling dollar does not help!

What are you all doing for your orders? Cold turkey?

I pay $100 more than last fall's same order!

Vacation or my order? Order, of course!

I'm still with SL

Always reliable for me.

Just placed an order:

Jan. 30, 2015

Will keep you posted via delivery.

And from what I have read, he may be your only vendor as I don't think you are going to find any SY vendors that will ship to your part of the world.

BUT..,if you DO find one, I suggest you make really, really, REALLY close friends with him/her.

I was hoping to have Canadian input. as per the Title of this Topic, unless you have something to say to legitimately help Canadians.

Some US areas have less luck than Canada.

TTM is right up there for service to Canada.

Some vendors I have used are not even mentioned on this site.

15 years in this game. 

I also cannot "read, read, read" as the mods and VIP's say. 

Does anyone else have a life?

I don't have the time to find one little snippet buried deep in some forum topic, from months back, that may or may not be true. Then, I have to research this snippet.

Nor, I can just make hundreds of futilepointlessaimlesspurposelessvalueless & useless comments to get up into the "secret world of sources" that most of us 9 to 5 er's w/ kids can't sit for hours and do.

I wouldn't do this anyway. What is the point of making meaningless posts?

These posts are also what us legit people have to "read, read, read" through to find help.

I posted once, way back, and some jerk just made fun of Canadians, hockey, French & Poutene (SP). I just moved here so it meant nothing to me. Nothing to do with a "Drug Buyer's Guide", nor anything to do w/ my legit question.. The guy got another post to up him to VIP. Stupid.

As for For IOP's

I pay and get what I pay for. I am polite, and don't over email vendors, without a legitimate question. They are too busy, and English is usually not best to communicate with.

They down right just want your order and payment and then you wait... Same everywhere. 

If your order comes through, repeat and they will remember you!

Order, Pay, Wait, Receive, Re-order. Those are the only "friends" they want. 

I also cannot "read, read, read" as the mods and VIP's say. 

Does anyone else have a life?
That is the best way to not be scammed...that is the read, read, read. Things change like I change my britches. There aren't a lot of Northeners on here, so that is pretty much going to be your only option. Also just a FYI, after reading I kind of got a desperate/in need of help asap vibe. That can open the door to scammers also. They will just happen to have exactly what you need, how you need it, when you need it, and for the perfect price. This community does as much as possible to stop it, but it has and always will happen. All I can suggest is pretty much to do what you don;t want to do. I know it is not the answer you want, but the particular section has been pretty frozen lately. Also when posting in other treads, try and use code words. Like MG for Mon3**ram. Google bots pick up on that stuff instantly, and if somebody searched for Mone***am and p1lls it could bring up DBG as one of the first results. Somebody searched the words re mailer and *lite and dbg was the first page to come up. We know the mounties are on this site, but the less attention we bring to it the better off we are. If ya need any help let us know, but take the advice I mentioned in mind. Canada section is pretty empty.

Oh, Moounties?

That's why the CDNS have left the site.

I was just wondering where the Canadians went.

No worries, I don't get scammed.

Guess I'd better log off now, don't want some big Hats a knockin' on my door.


Plus Fargo shouldn't be saying

"BUT..,if you DO find one, I suggest you make really, really, REALLY close friends with him/her."

Sounds kinda creepy to me, especially with all these scammers ready to pounce.

Well as you know, the customs up there is strict. That pretty much sums it up. I heard your cust0ms is almost as bad as Australia's. That country is very very strict. The LE is not as dumb as we think, they have tools where if they want to, they can find our exact location from any post. Ever hear of a guy named 3dward $nowden? Everything on this information highway leaves a digital key, which is stored in megadata centers. Your country cooperates with this country. Google operation pangea.

Fargo is just telling it like it is. He has a vast amount of knowledge. I am 100% sure he means good. I think it is how you interpret it. Kind of like how you say "I don't get scammed" I had to chuckle. Any vendor can go rogue at anytime. They can be the creme of the crop, and you place an order, and they go radio silent. I see from your join date you have not helped with keeping the CDN thread updated either. Maybe everybody is happy and not posting, as you were? The community will only thrive if all members keep information updated.

It's true. Any good vendor can go silent...../default_sad.png

I hate customs it's THAT much harder for us Canucks, eh? yeesh....more bad news for me.

It's true. Any good vendor can go silent..... /default_sad.png

I hate customs it's THAT much harder for us Canucks, eh? yeesh....more bad news for me.
At least you have the over the counter cod-eine... I've been jealous of that for many years.

Suzie, on 08 Feb 2015 - 1:15 PM, said:Suzie, on 08 Feb 2015 - 1:15 PM, said:Suzie, on 08 Feb 2015 - 1:15 PM, said:

At least you have the over the counter cod-eine... I've been jealous of that for many years.
I suppose. F3ntanyl is mostly what I try to find ever since I was abruptly cut-off from my script and had to join a m3thadone clinic (thanks Doc!). And f3ntanyl is not easy to find. Nor is it cheap. So when I'm reading that there's hardly any vendors that ship to Canada due to our cust0ms, it's pretty disheartening.

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suew99, on 31 Jan 2015 - 03:17 AM, said:

Where have all the Canadians gone?

We need new input as our sources here are almost nil.

And the falling dollar does not help!

What are you all doing for your orders? Cold turkey?

I pay $100 more than last fall's same order!

Vacation or my order? Order, of course!

I'm still with SL

Always reliable for me.

Just placed an order:

Jan. 30, 2015

Will keep you posted via delivery.
 Hey Sue,

Next time you're on I'd be curious to read review of your last order.

I'm still new here so I'll need to do some searching to find who SL is and what type of menu there is.

In the meantime, hope all went well and is well. /default_smile.png

Hey Sue,

Next time you're on I'd be curious to read review of your last order.

I'm still new here so I'll need to do some searching to find who SL is and what type of menu there is.

In the meantime, hope all went well and is well. /default_smile.png
Starlite, in the international thread.

 No, Just Tylenol 1 without an RX,
I know but we can't get that here over the counter, lol.... I have to drive almost 300 miles to get it and can only bring two bottles over the border.

 Hey Sue,

Next time you're on I'd be curious to read review of your last order.

I'm still new here so I'll need to do some searching to find who SL is and what type of menu there is.

In the meantime, hope all went well and is well. /default_smile.png
Hey, nice person!

Decided to log off for a while...

until my blood came down to a low boil and not to send a couple replies I might regret, to some down south US over-typers that claim to be experts on our Cdn issues... First they attempt to scare me about mounties...told me to be best friends w/ my suppliers... then one took it upon himself to psycho-analyse me (guess I'm paranoid and will buy drugs from anyone who approaches me, oh my!

then ask why I don't post anymore??

My posts were not directed to anyone. I will not appease them with an intelligent answer.

Lots of the people on here are not even "drugbuyers". They should be banned and get a life.

Where are the moderators?


to you Nate and fellow Cdns:

SL Order placed Jan.30

(ask for the price in their currnecy with the initial order and you will save some $S)

Mailed on Feb 2 & 3

Arrived Feb 16 & 18, all in good order.

Good quality,

5/5 orders received no problem, no delays & discreet safe pkging.

K pins & Ad orderd, good as usual.

Cod and S_ma OK as well.

Just email SL, their email is the topic in in the international thread and they should get back to you!

I am placing another order tomorrow.

(just in case, try to keep a small reserve at all times).

Have a great evening!

I would PM you, but not allowed to unless I post a few hundred of meaningless messages. I have a life to attend to in the morning.

I know but we can't get that here over the counter, lol.... I haveh to drive almost 300 miles to get it and can only bring two bottles over the border.


From the stupid Canadian that started this post..

In Ontario, Tylenol #1 contains 8mg of codeine phosphate (the max available OTC in Canada) as well as acetaminophen and caffeine. They may also offer you their store brand of equivilant dosage (such as the 'Life' brand at Shoppers) which is usually around 25% cheaper if you don't care about the brand.

You may also ask them for ROBAXACET-8 which also has 8mg of codeine but has methorcarbamol as well as acetaminophen which is specially formulated for back pain.

You will be asked to show photo ID and this will be recorded in their system as mandated by law for any narcotic drug, including those not requiring a prescription.

To be honest I find they are not much more effective than standard Tylenol or ibuprofen and the codeine scarcely makes a difference due to its low dose and the tamper resistant formula. OTC codeine preparations are required to be tamper resistant caplets which turn to gel if crushed and added to water to abuse and they are not absorbed as well as standard codeine tablets such as Tylenol #2 or 3 as a result.

I don't even buy this stuff & the store is 2 mins. away from my house.

I don't feel a thing, even for the most minor headache.  In order to get any effect, the acetaminophen is going to destroy your liver in the amount you would have to injest for the codeine effect / relief.

 All of the mail centers will hold packages for all the major U.S. carriers..You can ship to the mail center, and pick up when the package shows up. Like You-P-S..Unless you are deep in Canada, it would make for a good road trip across the border...When you cross back over, stick them where the sun don't shine if you have to...!! /default_cool.png

haha, YB - stick them where the sun don't shine /default_smile.png

SueW99 - I have low tolerance to codeen and for me even one but especially two not only takes the pain away but gives me a little buzz, and that is for either 222's or any of the generics.  But alas, I'm not willing to take the long trip to get them anymore in my old age.  Years ago I had one sent to me from an online Canadian pharm and it cost 50.00 plus shipping and that was one bottle.  Now days it costs 60-80.00 USD for one bottle which might sound extreme but if you count the gas not so much.  But since I can get 60mg. pure I would not even consider it but the odd thing is that I don't like it pure as it works but makes me feel tired and like my legs have weights attached to them so I take 1/4 or 1/2 with a tylenol, lol

Sue w,

If you dont want to read, think most posts here are meaninless and futile, think people here are out to scare you, think most members here don't have a life, think people are psychoanalyzing you, and think that most members are not even drugbuyers and should be banned, why in the world are you here exactly?

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haha, YB - stick them where the sun don't shine /default_smile.png

SueW99 - I have low tolerance to codeen and for me even one but especially two not only takes the pain away but gives me a little buzz, and that is for either 222's or any of the generics.  But alas, I'm not willing to take the long trip to get them anymore in my old age.  Years ago I had one sent to me from an online Canadian pharm and it cost 50.00 plus shipping and that was one bottle.  Now days it costs 60-80.00 USD for one bottle which might sound extreme but if you count the gas not so much.  But since I can get 60mg. pure I would not even consider it but the odd thing is that I don't like it pure as it works but makes me feel tired and like my legs have weights attached to them so I take 1/4 or 1/2 with a tylenol, lol
Hi Suzie,

Wow, I wish I had the same low tolerance as you!

Never hurts to get a little buzz when in pain /default_smile.png

I take the generic OTC Robaxacet-8, and 1/2 an AD for shoveling my giant driveway. Takes over an hour when we get a lot of snow. Especially this year.

Good workout. But not good for my back and hip/knee which I am too chicken to get a replacement for. It sucks to get old! Had a minor surgery a while ago and woke up just after they started! In a daze I saw 2 nurses holding me down and I remember screaming in pain /default_ohmy.png . Guess the anesthesiologist got the dosage wrong. Petrified this will happen again. I am average for my weight and height so I guess it was my high tolerance.

Did you ever try D_H_C?  they had IR and ER. That was great stuff to say the least, when we could get it here. Miss it very much. Days were happy, painless pure sunshine! Used to send it in glass bottles! Always arrived, no sweat.

Must still be around somewhere...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  2. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon:
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  6. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  10. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  11. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  13. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  14. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  15. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  16. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  17. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  19. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣
  20. Z @ zzaps94: Hey guys sorry I misunderstood what does shoutbox was, Hope you guys are all having a great day out there