My tolerance is at the point right now where I can get effective relief pretty consistently on just ONE oxy 30. Aren't I lucky?
For some reason I still love those yellow Watson 10/325's. Maybe it's because they were my first love from the NROP days...
I've got zero benzo tolerance (I was prescribed last year, and was wiped out by .25 Xanax, if that tells you anything), so I ordered some of those for some flying I've got to do this month. Hopefully it will be the best flight I've ever had (I also ordered a lot of DHC from AMC -- although I didn't realize it was continuous release until after I purchased -- do you think this will be effective for me?).
Back on the topic, I placed an order today and received a TN not long ago. Communication has been great so far. I'm tempted to request the package be held for pick up so I don't have to wait until "the end of the day" which is when UPS delivers to my area. I probably won't, just because it's weird walking into that place knowing what's in the envelope.
You seem like a cool guy. My best to you, sir (and to you, Herr Poot).