This appears like a twin site to MacroMass : same products, same prices.
I couldn't say if they are run by the same person(s) or by an ex-partner gone comptetitor... /default_unsure.png
I thought the very low prices for meds could outweight the shipping costs, so I decided to give them a try :
April 5 : I register - I receive an automated e-mail acknowledging my registration.
April 5 still : I place an order. A rather big one, so that the quantities offset the shipping costs. - I receive another automated e-mail, but no info on the WU receiver.
I send them an e-mail at support @ asking about WU.
It comes back from mailer-daemon : The email account that you tried to reach does not exist.
I then decided that I would not pursue business with people who do not have a working support e-mail.
April 11 : ONE WEEK LATER! I get an e-mail redirecting me to a message box on the site where I find the WU recipient info in Pakistan.
My advice : don't send your money to people who can't take care of their business in a timely manner and prefer making communications with them as hard as possible.
Bu the way, Macromass has another lookalike site : Knight of Pharma