Can anyone offer any advice for getting through to This appears to be a good site as everyone seems to be sharing good feedback. However, I've written "A" three times now in the past three weeks with no response at all. I've written the site, and the two e-mails shared in earlier posts.
For reference, when writing an e-mail to "A", keep the following things in mind...
"A" bases not all, but quite a few of her customers through a more complex system, rather than just hitting the reply button to every e-mail that enters her inbox. So with that in mind, be creative, think of things to say in the e-mail to stick out that are unique.
Also a great tip, let her know what forums you are a member of (And your nick(s)/handle(s) on those websites as well) to let her know you are a contributing member of one (Or many) drug forums and give a little info about yourself. I'm not saying write a history report/essay of your background, however letting "A" know you are reliable, drama-free, helpful (Just like "A" herself) and also have the ability to voluntarily leave positive feedback for successful transactions will end up working in your favor.
I really shouldn't have to be telling people this, it should just be plain, old common sense. You should be very polite and trusting. Don't sound shady/sketchy and be brief, prompt and to the point ("A" has quite a large customer base and doesn't have an EXTREME amount of TIME to read and reply to customers who write her UNABRIDGED e-mails, let alone reply at all).
If she does not respond to you in a few days, do not keep pestering her with e-mails. It is obviously up to her discretion whether to take you on as a customer or even reply back to you AND MASS E-MAILING/SPAMMING HER INBOX WILL NOT HELP YOUR CASE!
It is for this reason (Along with many, many others) why "A" has become as popular and reliable as she has. And continuing with her current strategy also guarantees current (And future) customers that she will be around for a very long time!
So to summarize, write an e-mail to "A" with a brief explanation of who you are and enough info to shed some positive light on yourself (Almost a very brief resume of sorts). If you don't have anything to write about or have no history on forums anywhere,
I'm not saying that you're shit outta luck, but you definitely won't be first on her list to get back to... USE COMMON SENSE! And if "A" does not e-mail you back right away, try again in a week or two! Don't send her more than one e-mail every week or two! Otherwise, you may end up on a permanent blacklist and you may as well forget about her getting back to you... EVER.
Good luck to everyone and BE PATIENT! It will be well WORTH THE WAIT! Have a great night everyone!