I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but obviously some people need to be reminded again and again as if they are plain and simple: blind, deaf, and stupid.
Do NOT post the names of drugs, code or not, on the forum. LE are not that bloody stupid. All it takes is a 6th grade education and a review of the thread to figure out what "R's, V', and P's" are. Come on now boys, you're not playing around in a tree fort.
The DBG site is at risk of being shut down if people like you continue trying to be 'clever' by not exactly spelling out the med's name letter by letter. What you're doing is fooling nobody.
If you wish to discuss the names of meds, for the 100th time, do so via PM (later delete it), through email, or by telephone. Don't do it on this site. OK!
All that needs to be posted is the date ordered, when it was received, and if you're satisfied or not. From that info posted on that specific vendor thread; if somebody wants to PM you, then you can privately share the info between yourselves. But NOT on the forum for everybody in Timbuktu to see. For the life of me...
It's getting to the point where some people need to be banned for posting sensitive info over and over, and new member should be required to take a basic IQ test.
Think before you post!