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this is an edited excerpt from an email i sent to a mop. I have diversified to another source in another part of the world. Intend to email that i am unable to make my usual order due to price at my typical contact time. hopefully more people take a step like this.


I am writing you to see what products you expect to have in stock that could ship out ***day, as I would like to place an additional order once my shipment arrives on ***day, and the quality is tested.

My Preference is for *****, or **********. a secondary option would be **********, and/or *********.

I hope that you do consider significant discounts for repeat purchasers, and members of the dbg forum, as I am finding it difficult to justify paying over *************/mg.

please let me know what you plan to have available for ****day shipping, and what kind of discount pricing you can make

available. I will plan to get back in touch with you on my usual order day

*End quote*

the reply was as follows:

No Sir. i can't go low doesn;t metter how many you order, and also

i just carry ********* but i'm out on those maybe later on this week,

thank you

So......my little part to *hopefully* impact the prices we all are paying.

btw- it was sent to a different vendor than this one, but i feel this is valid in reference to this vendor as well

Maybe this post should be in a new thread/topic, but I wanted to reply to the above posts and since I have mainly ordered from A I believe it is ok to post my observances about prices, availability and loss of business. If it is not ok admin, feel free to delete/ move my post, no explanation will be necessary.

The DEA regulates how much active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) can be sent to drug manufacturers each year. They designed this to prevent the creation of stockpiles that could be diverted to other countries for inappropriate use. Many drug companies cannot meet US demands for the ADD drugs, the codones, etc., due to the shortage of API, let alone ship to other countries.

The price changes are due to supply and demand. A,B,C,D and E do not set the prices. We all know who controls all of the vendors down there. The "pharmacists" from each site are given a little leeway, like giving a couple of freebies, replacing fakes, lost orders, etc, but that is the extent of their involvement in the finance part of the business. Hell, most of them did/do not even know they were/are selling fakes. You have to trust me on that last statement, it is true.

Are their orders down? Sure are! What kind of numbers have you seen on your envelopes? Mine used to get as high as 40 or 50. Now they are in the teens. That is another reason for the price hikes.

Most of this post is fact that can be researched easily. A small part of it is opinion. Do with it what you want, just do not propose that we all stop buying gas on a certain day to protest the high cost charged by the oil companies, if you get my meaning.


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Maybe this post should be in a new thread/topic, but I wanted to reply to the above posts and since I have mainly ordered from A I believe it is ok to post my observances about prices, availability and loss of business. If it is not ok admin, feel free to delete/ move my post, no explanation will be necessary.

The DEA regulates how much active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) can be sent to drug manufacturers each year. They designed this to prevent the creation of stockpiles that could be diverted to other countries for inappropriate use. Many drug companies cannot meet US demands for the ADD drugs, the codones, etc., due to the shortage of API, let alone ship to other countries.

The price changes are due to supply and demand. A,B,C,D and E do not set the prices. We all know who controls all of the vendors down there. The "pharmacists" from each site are given a little leeway, like giving a couple of freebies, replacing fakes, lost orders, etc, but that is the extent of their involvement in the finance part of the business. Hell, most of them did/do not even know they were/are selling fakes. You have to trust me on that last statement, it is true.

Are their orders down? Sure are! What kind of numbers have you seen on your envelopes? Mine used to get as high as 40 or 50. Now they are in the teens. That is another reason for the price hikes.

Most of this post is fact that can be researched easily. A small part of it is opinion. Do with it what you want, just do not propose that we all stop buying gas on a certain day to protest the high cost charged by the oil companies, if you get my meaning.

I'd have to agree with that, topdog. The pills are shipped from the US, while we send the money to Mexico, "A" could be in Canada or Bangladesh, we don't know anything about thier "business." I know that I can get my meds, without having to mess with all the drama I would otherwise. Hell, some are cheaper than I can get them here (I do not have insurance at this time).

As for my status, While I am distressed by the drastic increases, They are still cheaper than I can buy them on the street. "A" is doing a fine job of making up for my last (and only so far) botched order. She is discounting the shipping and including extras, so YAY!

As for getting them to drop thier prices, it would take a LARGE number of people to get a reaction (as stated by GB), you'd probably have a better time of haggling with your local street dealer.

"A" is about as good as they come! Awesome all the way. When it becomes cheaper and easier to buy these meds here, I will probably stop using this provider.

The above statement is for sale for a cost of $.02

A - (wongly addresses to Frankiegirl

I've been a friend of yours since November, and yes you can brag some of the best service in the business (including your partner) We know that so much of the hi-cups and troubles are not caused by one but by supplies and new formulations of medications and price raises. These are are some major surmountable obstacles. What can you do about them and how can you plan for them? You can't. Will your bosses lend you a listening ear to the price problem or is that an unapproachable subject? Maybe if you'd rather write to me privately then do so. Ask R. I really look forward to hearing your side of the story.


There is a new dragon that's raised it's ugly head lately and it is 'extreme price price raising.' I'm not signaling out anymore in particular. But there will be a panel vote about this subject because we don't see that it's fair.


The price changes are due to supply and demand. A,B,C,D and E do not set the prices. We all know who controls all of the vendors down there. The "pharmacists" from each site are given a little leeway, like giving a couple of freebies, replacing fakes, lost orders, etc, but that is the extent of their involvement in the finance part of the business. Hell, most of them did/do not even know they were/are selling fakes. You have to trust me on that last statement, it is true.

Are their orders down? Sure are! What kind of numbers have you seen on your envelopes? Mine used to get as high as 40 or 50. Now they are in the teens. That is another reason for the price hikes.

Most of this post is fact that can be researched easily. A small part of it is opinion. Do with it what you want, just do not propose that we all stop buying gas on a certain day to protest the high cost charged by the oil companies, if you get my meaning.

*Mods - like topdog referenced in his post, if this discussion (which I think is within the guidelines and is certainly viable to the subjects in this forum), needs to be modified, or moved to a new or different thread, please go ahead and replace or move my post as well.

topdog - I thought your post was great with several strong points. Now maybe I have misread the posts and opinions of those before me in this thread, but just to clarify my point, I didn't say and did not, in any way, mean to insinuate that the vendors set the prices for the products advertised on their websites and were/are responsible for the minimum and price increases everyone has experienced, especially lately. In fact, I addressed this subject 2 days ago in the 'I Have Something To Say But..." thread (Actually, I mistakenly thought it was earlier in this thread). But I don't expect you or anyone else to have noticed that, I only brought it up to illustrate my previous viewpoint on the subject. Anyway, in that thread I said, "It just seems like... the boss behind the vendors are pricing themselves right out of customers (insinuating that not only were those vendors - "be it A, B, C, D or E," not responsible for the increases in price or in minimums, instead technically their bosses were."

I've also stated that I thought greed, in addition to the supply and demand that you mentioned, played a role in both the price and minimums increase. I think if it was only supply and demand, as the orders go down and assuming they stay down and level off again at some point, the prices and even the minimums would also go back down, or at least partially. And in the years I have been following these OPs (formerly over on the DB forum for a decade), I can count on zero fingers and thumbs how many times I have seen the prices go up on items and then return to their original or previous amount - not on any item whatsoever. That obviously does not mean it can't happen, as a matter of fact, I'd LOVE for that to happen, but both my past experiences with OP's (from this country, Mexico, Europe et al.), and my basic knowledge of human nature tell me otherwise.

I absolutely remember the numbers on the letters that you mention in your post, and I certainly would've noticed if mine went from the 50's down to the teens, but unfortunately, like others, I haven't been able to order since these new increases were put into place. However, it is nice to know that orders have gone down, if only as personal solace in knowing that I'm not the only one who just can no longer afford to play ball (so to speak).

I genuinely don't know who was proposing that everyone stop doing business with their vendor of choice on a certain day as a form of protest, but I could not agree with you more on how ridiculous and pointless that type of action would be.

Although, I still don't see a problem with the basic outline liveline101 proposed above. Even though the vendors do not set the prices, rules etc... they still are somewhat of a conduit between the customers and those actually responsible for changing the prices. But like I said in an earlier post, I'm also not delusional as to what I think would happen even if every single customer expressed their disappointment in these changes and even if just as many made it clear to those calling the shots, that (like myself) they would not be able to order nearly as often as they did previously. But I also don't think doing either or even both of those things would hurt.

In my opinion, the only thing that could or will change the prices, the minimums or both, back to what they once were, or at least to a more reasonable increase, is the loss of business and profits. And even if that were to happen, or even if it is beginning to happen now, my cynicism won't allow me to believe that the customers will see a return to the order sizes and prices of old, or even less of an increase in both areas as a type of a compromise in an attempt lure old business back again, anytime even remotely soon.

Anyway, thanks again topdog for your post, as it's always helpful to read another opinion on this matter, especially a well-informed one like yours.



As I gather it, you seem to be agreeable to the idea that prices now are too high?

And the only way to bring them down hypothetically is to reduce business?

But you aren't terribly sure that will happen in this case?


A - (wongly addresses to Frankiegirl

I've been a friend of yours since November, and yes you can brag some of the best service in the business (including your partner) We know that so much of the hi-cups and troubles are not caused by one but by supplies and new formulations of medications and price raises. These are are some major surmountable obstacles. What can you do about them and how can you plan for them? You can't. Will your bosses lend you a listening ear to the price problem or is that an unapproachable subject? Maybe if you'd rather write to me privately then do so. Ask R. I really look forward to hearing your side of the story.

The tone of my emails from the past few weeks leads me to believe Ali is not around anymore. At least not in the correspondence arena.

The tone of my emails from the past few weeks leads me to believe Ali is not around anymore. At least not in the correspondence arena.

Yes TD this letter was for 'A' from Certussrx, and I did mess up and put FG's name on it. Did it not seem like I was addessing 'A'?

So is everyone hinting at the price explosion is due to an number of things beyond a little Pharmacia greed and that there's really noting we can do about it and the best thing to do as a Mod is just to leave sleeping dog lie.


I feel I need to supplement my statement about pricing. Prices on narcotics, etc that are purchased illegally have risen dramatically in the past few weeks. Not just from our friends south of the border, but US email sources and SilkRoad as well. (And while I am on the subject of SR, I read on here it was full of child porn and guns. What asshole's those posters are. I did not bother rebuffing the posts, because they obviously were never on the site, they just read about it on CNN)

The point I am trying to make is this: The prices are going to stay where they are until supplies can be increased. If they did not raise the prices on the items that they have available they would be sold out of them too.

As much as everyone hates it, including myself, It is business and it is life.


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Yes TD this letter was for 'A' from Certussrx, and I did mess up and put FG's name on it. Did it not seem like I was addessing 'A'?

So is everyone hinting at the price explosion is due to an number of things beyond a little Pharmacia greed and that there's really noting we can do about it and the best thing to do as a Mod is just to leave sleeping dog lie.

This is America. Someone has to raise hell. I am not saying bend over and take it, I'm just trying to explain it.

Love ya Hyp.

PS-I am glad you changed your name back.

Nice! Thanks Younghypnotic for your hard work. Greatly appreciated! Have you contacted any of the other mop's/gotten feedback from them?

Upset that I didn't get the shipping price cut I got, but otherwise a decent order from "A". Received when she told me I would, and still got a little discount on shipping. But I'm questioning the quality of one of the products I got. It has a punch, but is a little weaker than normal. And a few are chipped.
Definitely suspicious about the quality of the meds I just received from "A". They are speckled and seem to break into sections, just as reported in the fake pills section. Never had this problem from "A", will definitely say something.
So back to my issue to low quality, chipped pills. I emailed "A" about it and she said she'd try to send extra of a different brand that I've had success with from her in the past (The ones I got were a brand I knew from the street, but some were definitely fake)
So if you read all the above quoted posts, you can see my last order with "A" that spanned a few posts due to the time between emails with me and her. So I ordered 2 products, and one of the two products, which I got 20 of, seemed to be suspect. Some were real, but some were fake(Had a faint, short buzz, could be placebo). So I email "A" about this problem and she decided to send me 20 of a different brand that I've had previous success with her(Same product). So I will say that I am very pleased that "A" fixed this problem, and because of the manner she did, I give her a 10/10. Even with the rising prices(which I think have something to due with dwindling supply and increasing demand due to multiple factors), I still think she's the best vendor out there.

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I vote we pool our $ together and hire a crew of chemist to analyze all our favorite products and produce our own generics at cost..... of course we would give the chemists a good salary. hell, maybe we could start selling products back to our vendors., kinda like....

well, have you ever seen an electric meter spinning backwards, because the home/business owner has solar power supplement, and often produce more than they can use/store, so they sell it back to the power company....

oh damn.... there's that little patent thing.... well, it was a thought. anyone else got some good ideas?

I vote we pool our $ together and hire a crew of chemist to analyze all our favorite products and produce our own generics at cost..... of course we would give the chemists a good salary. hell, maybe we could start selling products back to our vendors., kinda like....

well, have you ever seen an electric meter spinning backwards, because the home/business owner has solar power supplement, and often produce more than they can use/store, so they sell it back to the power company....

oh damn.... there's that little patent thing.... well, it was a thought. anyone else got some good ideas?
Now that's really breaking the law.

oh....i didn't realize that. hmmm well, maybe we shouldn't do that then. We definitely do not want to break any laws!!!

the idea was good while it lasted in my fantasy at least.

I vote we pool our $ together and hire a crew of chemist to analyze all our favorite products and produce our own generics at cost..... of course we would give the chemists a good salary. hell, maybe we could start selling products back to our vendors., kinda like....

well, have you ever seen an electric meter spinning backwards, because the home/business owner has solar power supplement, and often produce more than they can use/store, so they sell it back to the power company....

oh damn.... there's that little patent thing.... well, it was a thought. anyone else got some good ideas?
Great idea. I know a few people on here would love to design the DBG imprint for the pills..

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?
  3. D @ druuls: sorry about that
  4. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  5. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  6. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  7. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  9. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  11. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  13. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  14. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  15. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  18. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  20. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good