How long did you wait on your email from A ?.Just want to say again that A. was top notch
I received email from A. within 24 hoursHow long did you wait on your email from A ?.
It's not my first rodeo ordering from MP's ( or SY ) but waiting 3 days usually means "move on". Feed back is appreciated.
I do love this forum as it reminds me of " my home forum " from years ago except the people are kinder from my reading around the last few days.
Thanks for having me !
Thanks !
While that is appreciated, I also CAN'T post ANY positive feedback on the vendors that I HAVE been able to contact because you must have 50 post to do so on their respective threads. So, and no offense is intended here to those high profile members who do, but other than hijacking a thread such as this one where I am allowed to post and ramble on about absolutely nothing that has to do with the actual topic at hand to raise my post count so I can PM, what am I to do? For example, I'm sure we're ALL FAMILIAR with the ploop thread and I can almost guarantee you that more than HALF of that thread was and still probably is NOTHING but ploop jokes by senior level members and even moderators while others were just begging for some positive or negative feedback. I could've provided such but the topic is locked to me because I don't have 50 post yet and I REFUSED to engage in 3rd grade humor to run my post count up so I could actually start posting meaningful and helpful feedback to the rest of the DBG community. If I've offended anyone I apologize, I just want to be able to be a good reliable source of info and fedback to the community and make a positive contritbuion and if it takes posting on a whim and making toilet jokes in the only forums I'm allowed to post in to boost my post count then so be it. There has to be s better method though and i'm all ears. Thanks and sorry again....awr, I removed your post. We do not allow new members with under 20 posts to skirt around the PM restriction by asking for or soliciting PMs. Thanks for understanding.
What you can do is to ask a mod to PM you, and reply with your feedback on vendors in areas of the board you are not permitted to post in, as a number of other members have done. IfWhile that is appreciated, I also CAN'T post ANY positive feedback on the vendors that I HAVE been able to contact because you must have 50 post to do so on their respective threads. So, and no offense is intended here to those high profile members who do, but other than hijacking a thread such as this one where I am allowed to post and ramble on about absolutely nothing that has to do with the actual topic at hand to raise my post count so I can PM, what am I to do? For example, I'm sure we're ALL FAMILIAR with the ploop thread and I can almost guarantee you that more than HALF of that thread was and still probably is NOTHING but ploop jokes by senior level members and even moderators while others were just begging for some positive or negative feedback. I could've provided such but the topic is locked to me because I don't have 50 post yet and I REFUSED to engage in 3rd grade humor to run my post count up so I could actually start posting meaningful and helpful feedback to the rest of the DBG community. If I've offended anyone I apologize, I just want to be able to be a good reliable source of info and fedback to the community and make a positive contritbuion and if it takes posting on a whim and making toilet jokes in the only forums I'm allowed to post in to boost my post count then so be it. There has to be s better method though and i'm all ears. Thanks and sorry again....
If you think I didn't read through EVERY SINGLY PAGE of ploops thread you are sadly mistaken sir, but it took twice as long as should have because the ones who are supposed to keep things on track were the very ones derailing it. I do get your other points though and take them with appreciation but to to imply that I'm here for a quick fix and not willing to put in the requisite time is almost offending. If I lived off the government and all I did was collect checks then fine you'd have every right to think I don't put in the time, but I work 60 hrs a week and to have to spend a couple of hours reading through PAGES UPON PAGES of childish humor most of which was written by those who are responsible for keeping such things from cluttering the thread, just to get to what I'm actually looking for is ridiculous. So I'm sorry for not wanting to one again read through his more of your childish humor and trying to get straight to.the point....What you can do is to ask a mod to PM you, and reply with your feedback on vendors in areas of the board you are not permitted to post in, as a number of other members have done. If
you read the various email vendor threads, I pass along any feedback received in this manner without divulging member names and while maintaining the integrity of the rules.
As for "a better way", no, I'm afraid there is not. There is no perfect system, and yes, you could "speed post" to gain posting access to your desired thread, but your reputation would be tarnished and render your feedback moot to most members. We have experimented with various methods of managing this issue, and it is Admin's belief (as well as the mod staff's) that the present system is the best available solution, and provides relatively quick access while still helping to prevent a fully open, Topix style free for all. To be candid, we place a high value on community participation here at DBG, and if you can't find 50 relatively meaningful, open topics to contribute to before jumping into the email vendor threads, then maybe DBG isn't what you're looking for.
Further, and finally, before you take issue with me and my "Ploop" humor, I would invite you to read the entire thread, where you will see that I was the first member to place a test order and provide feedback for the benefit of our members, aside from the original thread creator. With all due respect, the thousands of hours I've invested here on DBG, added to the fact that I'm usually the first to take the proverbial plunge for the good of all members, has afforded me the righ to have a few laughs with my friends. If you wish to enjoy and benefit from the full spectrum of community member benefits, I recommend that you invest the requisite time.
Take care.....
So then am I understanding correctly that its ok if I ask a Mod to PM me? If not then I apologize. Been trying to check out this page and email A but I do think its down. Have tried quite a few times. Have one vendor on another thread I feel pretty good about but wouldn't mind Checking prices, stock and shipping costs with A however can't. Im interested in becoming a new customer. If its within the rules I would appreciate a message from a mod but again if not... I get it and understand if this post is removed. Tomorrow a new week begins for me and im gonna take the plunge one way or another no later than Weds. Thanks in advance.What you can do is to ask a mod to PM you, and reply with your feedback on vendors in areas of the board you are not permitted to post in, as a number of other members have done. If
you read the various email vendor threads, I pass along any feedback received in this manner without divulging member names and while maintaining the integrity of the rules.
As for "a better way", no, I'm afraid there is not. There is no perfect system, and yes, you could "speed post" to gain posting access to your desired thread, but your reputation would be tarnished and render your feedback moot to most members. We have experimented with various methods of managing this issue, and it is Admin's belief (as well as the mod staff's) that the present system is the best available solution, and provides relatively quick access while still helping to prevent a fully open, Topix style free for all. To be candid, we place a high value on community participation here at DBG, and if you can't find 50 relatively meaningful, open topics to contribute to before jumping into the email vendor threads, then maybe DBG isn't what you're looking for.
Further, and finally, before you take issue with me and my "Ploop" humor, I would invite you to read the entire thread, where you will see that I was the first member to place a test order and provide feedback for the benefit of our members, aside from the original thread creator. With all due respect, the thousands of hours I've invested here on DBG, added to the fact that I'm usually the first to take the proverbial plunge for the good of all members, has afforded me the righ to have a few laughs with my friends. If you wish to enjoy and benefit from the full spectrum of community member benefits, I recommend that you invest the requisite time.
Take care.....
And actually I placed my test at least 2 days before you did Jewy (i have the documentation to prove it to) but you would never know because I couldn't post in that thread...Is you think I didn't read through EVERY SINGLY PAGE of ploops thread you are sadly mistaken sir, but it took twice as long add should have because the ones who are supposed to keep things on track were the very ones detailing it. I do get your other points though and take them with appreciation but to to imply that I'm here for a quick fix and not willing to put in the requisite time is almost offending. If I lived of the government and all I did was correct checks then fine you'd have every right to think I don't put in the time, but I work 60 hrs a week and to have to spend a couple of hours reading through PAGES UPON PAGES of childish humor most of which was written by those who are responsible for keeping such things from cluttering the thread, just to get to what I'm actually looking for is ridiculous. So I'm sorry for not wanting to one again read through his more of your childish humor and trying to get straight to.the point....
I implied nothing of the sort. Read into it what you will. I have no intentions of engaging in some verbal tug of war with you. I believe I made my point, as have you, so let's leave it there. And if you don't care for my humor, then don't read my posts. I assure you I will reciprocate. Good day.If you think I didn't read through EVERY SINGLY PAGE of ploops thread you are sadly mistaken sir, but it took twice as long as should have because the ones who are supposed to keep things on track were the very ones derailing it. I do get your other points though and take them with appreciation but to to imply that I'm here for a quick fix and not willing to put in the requisite time is almost offending. If I lived off the government and all I did was collect checks then fine you'd have every right to think I don't put in the time, but I work 60 hrs a week and to have to spend a couple of hours reading through PAGES UPON PAGES of childish humor most of which was written by those who are responsible for keeping such things from cluttering the thread, just to get to what I'm actually looking for is ridiculous. So I'm sorry for not wanting to one again read through his more of your childish humor and trying to get straight to.the point....
How adult of you...I implied nothing of the sort. Read into it what you will. I have no intentions of engaging in some verbal tug of war with you. I believe I made my point, as have you, so let's leave it there. And if you don't care for my humor, then don't read my posts. I assure you I will reciprocate. Good day.
LMAO......It is so smooth and silky.... Hopefully the headaches will be gone soon /default_rolleyes.gifWell said Hooter. 16 posts and 16 headaches.
BTW, Have you changed skin cream recently man? Your complexion is looking top notch /default_smile.png