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I just heard from A, sounds like the majority are ok, but know of one that didn't happen. I'll post when I have received to let you know.


sheesh, I shoulda waited 5 mins to post that. ^^^

I just received, via my normal gentleman in brown.

All is good: As ordered, all accounted for, in good order. I'm on a roll for several weeks now with good consistent orders with A.

I'm sorry for LITS but it doesn't appear to be the norm at least, for any others who may be wondering.

Hopefully LITS' order report will be posted as received tomorrow, Saturday.


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I just heard from A, sounds like the majority are ok, but know of one that didn't happen. I'll post when I have received to let you know.

   i had one that didn't go out  tuesday, A contacted me next morning and asked if I got Mychoice alert, I said no and she said she would get to the bottom of this. Well reason it didn't go out, out of stock, she asked me if I wanted to choose something else and I guess I didn't get back in time. All arrived well. So my guess is that's one reason why your flowers didn't get shipped. i guess that's better than shipping tulips instead of roses, but when it happens on the weekend that really sucks. Good luck, hope all works out well. I know for sure when there is a hicup, A will fix it every time. It's just that it always seems to come at the worst time. Guess that's why the squrills hide so many nuts for the winter, I've just been too much of a hog to do that. I'll have to start because holidays are coming and we all know what that does to shipping

raymond112 said:
Good question and a UGE possibility IMO. Good luck to all who post and those who don't
  Yes he would and D also. Now last year when she took a break, she let us know and set us up with R, when he got too busy he set us up with D. I was thinking it would be a good time to find another vendor or group just in case, guess i'll have to start reading and try one out before something does not go well with this group. It's just that A has such a good batting average, but anyone can go in a slump. I need back up so I can have choice also.Anyone have a favorite not in this group let me know. Not trying to break rules, I'll do my homework on their thread, just would like a starting point. Like the rating we give vendors at begining of thread or if there is a better way to start searching I would like a tip.


I just wanted to let everyone know that I've had a rather lengthy email conversation with R today about their group, their situation in general, as well as some of the concerns being expressed by members here on DBG. In all seriousness, I've gotten to know R fairly well over the past year, and have built what I believe to be a somewhat unique level of mutual trust with him, at least to the degree that one can do so under the circumstances. In any event, we discussed a number of things, including the posted tunnel article being discussed, as well as A's status and their status as a group, both present and future. While there's no need to discuss each and every point we covered in detail, the relevant points that we covered as as follows:

  • There is no connection whatsoever between R, A and D and the tunnel that was recently discovered and destroyed by the authorities. I have no reason to doubt him on this point, as other tunnels have been discovered and closed without order flow having been negatively impacted in any way. Also, from a practical logic standpoint, there is simply no need for a large, elaborate tunnel of the sort that is discussed in the article for a vendor group offering the sorts of products that R's offers. Just as an illustration, let's use the number 200 as a daily order count. This is ONLY a number for illustrative purposes, so please don't quote me on that as being some indicator of their volume, as it is NOT. Anyway, point being, it certainly doesn't take a multimillion dollar tunnel with its own rail car system to transport 200 6 ounce overnight envelopes each day, not by a long shot. From my knowledge of the situation in that part of the world, these tunnels are used for transporting vast quantities of MJ and other "bundled" products that represent a great deal of size and weight, hence the rail cars. While it's true that they could be used for lighter duty transportation purposes, the profile just doesn't fit, and again, I have no reason not to believe R when he tells me they are unrelated.
  • Where A is concerned, R tells me that she is, and I quote, "still working normally as she always has, to the degree that being a stay at home mother of a toddler allows her to". While I'm decidedly male, and have thus never been a "single mother", I can, however, speak directly to what it's like to be a single parent with pre-school age children at home, and having to carry a full time work load while tending to their needs in a "home office" environment. I know, because I did it for years with no help and several business enterprises to operate. While a child's needs time wise wax and wane at different stages of life, A's child is at the age (which I've omitted for her privacy's sake) where they are no longer a baby, and have become "mobile", which I remember as being the toughest years in terms of being able to keep track of them while still attending to business duties. The point is, R assures me that she is doing the best she can, but admittedly has become very taxed lately in terms of time. There are no deeper issues at play, and what we're seeing of late is simply a function of the conflict that one faces as a working, stay at home parent with pre-school age children. Let's also keep in mind that A, along with R, are arguably the most popular SY vendors here on DBG, and in general, and as a result, have what must be one of the larger client bases among their peers. So, I'm quite certain it was a full time job before, and now she's performing it along with what amounts to a second full time job.
  • Finally, R assured me that their group is not experiencing any problems that we as customers should be concerned about. There's always the supply side issues they deal with on certain products, etc., but in terms of any larger scale problem that would potentially threaten the survival and viability of the network, there are none.

In any event, that's the update as it was provided to me, so in my viewpoint, there's no reason to believe that A is anything other than the first class, quality vendor that she's always been, and that I anticipate her to be going forward. Just a matter of life's every day challenges of late.


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Thanks for that J-Chew. First, it's good to hear his overall outlook is optimistic, including his view on A. Although I think it's been years since I've even emailed her, after reading some of the recent comments on this thread, I was also becoming a bit concerned. While she still might occasionally struggle to deal with her base on a completely consistent level, thanks to your post, it's much easier to understand why that might happen now. And regarding that "news story," it's good to have confirmed what I already suspected anyway. 

Finally, I thought I'd publicly give my stamp of approval (not that it means much, but it's mine dammit!) on your effort as a new member to this site. You seem to be putting forth a valiant attempt to contribute and provide good, quality information and advice. And I assure you, it's not going unnoticed young buck. I'm betting you've got quite the future on this site.


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Thanks for that info Jewy! As a mother of a toddler, I can certainly sympathize! But it sucks when mistakes occur that leave you without meds! I know I should always have back-ups but, financially, that is not always possible. I have used R before and might use him as a back up again. Again, thanks for all you do, Jewy! I just received an alert saying label has been created but not dropped off yet. I keep checking it, waiting for it to turn green! Wish me luck!

Thanks for that info Jewy! As a mother of a toddler, I can certainly sympathize! But it sucks when mistakes occur that leave you without meds! I know I should always have back-ups but, financially, that is not always possible. I have used R before and might use him as a back up again. Again, thanks for all you do, Jewy! I just received an alert saying label has been created but not dropped off yet. I keep checking it, waiting for it to turn green! Wish me luck!
No problem Lucy, I'm glad to help any way I can. And yes, I certainly understand where you're coming from. When we're in need, and spending a great deal of money to have our needs met, it's frustrating when things don't go as we expect. Any customer of any business has every right to feel that way when performance falls short of expectations. Please don't mistake my comments as excuse making or apologetics where A is concerned. Just what I believe to be honest insight into the situation, and an attempt to assuage any concerns anyone may have had about potentially larger, more systemic problems. As for using R as a backup, that's certainly a fine idea, and there's no one that I would recommend more. However, R also mentioned that he would be helping A as needed, so in truth, R is more or less an extension of A. If it were me, I'd just stay the course with A, and do whatever you're able to do to build a small reserve supply, even if it's only one dose per order being set aside. As we've discussed before, and as I've found out from personal experience, having even a 2 or 3 day emergency supply on hand completely changes the look and feel of these brief delay situations. I know that at the prices we pay, it's difficult to do quickly on a budget, but if you can slowly build an emergency reserve over time, you'll be glad you did. Keep us updated, and hopefully Saturday will treat you well!

That's awesome Early, ya big stud you! I think I've found my new nickname.....
Thanks man. 

My Halloween "gift basket" at work had assorted candy along with a "pouch" of Big League Chew (original flavor). Right before I started typing I "put a big wad between my cheek and gum" and got to work. So, using only my ingenuity and one hell of a sugar high, I just combined the first letter of your birth name with the word "Chew" and bam, "J-Chew!"

I was a little young to remember "Candy Cigarettes," but I do remember the marketing campaign of BLC to young kids. The package still says "pouch" on it, though I'm pretty sure everything else they used to print on the packaging is different. The TV and print commercials literally used to say "put a big wad between your cheek and gum just like the pros do." There are so many things wrong with the imagery and wording of that slogan - remember, the target age group were pre-teen boys - not to mention the concept of the product in general!

Looking back, it's just hard to believe that a bunch of grown-ups sat around a table somewhere, essentially thought of emulating shredded chewing tobacco for kids by making extra sugary shredded bubble gum (not to mention the slogan) and despite the well known facts about tobacco causing cancer, said "Great Idea!" Even then I guess, people - many in certain areas of the country that grew and harvested the real thing - still refused to believe the science behind those facts. Denial can be pretty scary.

Anyway, I honestly didn't even realize they still made the stuff until yesterday afternoon. 

OK, off topic rant over. Sorry folks.
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I didn't get my package today!/default_sad.png A sent it overnight not Saturday delivery so no meds until Monday, which SUCKS!!

It's been a long while since I have commented (and I don't usually comment much, but been grateful for all I learn here since back in the DB days)... I've been reading the thread for a bit today.  I've been experiencing some pretty regular delays in shipments from A here lately, but I stay the course as she has been a long-time, well-trusted, provider to me.  I was glad to see that J-Chewy made it known that A is a stay-at-home mom, basically running two full-time jobs.  She shared this to me when her child was born; basically because I got extremely frustrated and let her know I was frustrated.  I immediately understood and have tried to keep that in mind since.  It still gets frustrating, but when it comes to compassion and reliability, you just can't beat A.  Placed an order today - I'll try to update when it arrives.  Unfortunately, she is out of stock on one of my staples, but will substitute.  That gets a little frustrating, but what can you do?  If anyone finds another back up besides R (who does come through when A is overwhelmed) they can recommend, please do.  I'll, of course, do my research as well, but it's always good to know.  Have a great day, everyone!

So strange to read the different reports as I had another perfect order with A; I ordered yesterday and received today. I ordered off my "regular schedule" due to my work travel schedule getting changed so much recently. I'm definitely feeling blessed and extremely happy to have had such good luck with her lately!

I'm wondering if the differences lie in WHAT is being ordered? Just a thought?...Whatever the case, I'm a happy camper.


So strange to read the different reports as I had another perfect order with A; I ordered yesterday and received today. I ordered off my "regular schedule" due to my work travel schedule getting changed so much recently. I'm definitely feeling blessed and extremely happy to have had such good luck with her lately!

I'm wondering if the differences lie in WHAT is being ordered? Just a thought?...Whatever the case, I'm a happy camper.

I'm glad you mentioned that FG, because I've been wondering the same when reading of the occasional delays and order errors with both A and R. Seems like maybe there's a connection between the delays and the products ordered. I do know that R and A don't always receive accurate stock updates in a timely enough manner from "higher up the food chain" to alert customers before they place orders. Fortunately, it's a fairly infrequent problem, but I do think you may be onto something there.

Another report to share:

Ordered yesterday early AM, received the "got your order" email from A, ran out and made payment and sent A the info just a few minutes after cut off time. No further communication until the nice gentleman in the ugly brown uniform came this morning bearing a letter for me! :-)

5 star transaction. I like getting my TN, but I can deal knowing it's on the way. I hope everyone else has a great experience.

Happy Friday DBG ~ Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?