I owe you a fair review.
I will place a small order and provide feedback as... let's call it atonement for any discord I may have wrongfully brought to your thread.
Will reach out via TG
Apparently the vendor holds a grudge against me and immediately refused to do business. Which... I'm fine with. Didn't want to order of my own accord- it was only a gesture of good will to provide a review to help solidify reputation and in doing so apologize.
But I do think there's a difference between someone making false accusations maliciously, and someone reading them as an onlooker and merely wanting to warn others in an attempt to prevent anyone from losing money. Difference being the intent. My intentions were pure. As I originally said, I make no accusation, I merely share what others have written, and promptly researched to debunk when tipped off it was erroneous.
My actions were irresponsible, for sure, but not malicious. On the contrary, I've done everything I can, bending over backwards, to apologize and help atone. And it does strike me as rather petty to refuse business with someone who with a pure heart and sound conscience merely attempted to do the right thing and help warn ppl, and even then doing so in an inbiased manner, presenting the evidence found, even if the result was not as intended.
I have countless vendors spanning here, TG, DNM and beyond. It's not about losing access to a vendor I need. What gets me is the punitive measures being exacted in vengeance against someone who, in good conscience tried to do right but admittedly, irresponsibly did harm, but has since then repeatedly and profusely apologized.
Idk. If it were me, the moment someone apologized to me and I saw they meant it in earnest, and weren't just saying the words going through the motions, but genuinely and truly felt remorse for their actions and asked if I could find it in my heart to forgive them...
I'd do it in a heartbeat. And while someone can say they've forgiven someone else, actions speak louder than words. Saying ya, it's all good, but get out, go find another vendor... the two don't align. The actions reveal the heart's intent. There is no forgiveness. Only lingering resentment.
I wish you well my friend. I'll leave you be in peace. I hope you'll consider what I've said, not for my sake, but for your own. Grudges can fester and eat at you from the inside. They say when you forgive someone you don't do it for them, you do it for yourself. And I think there's some truth in that. It will only bring you misery, not anyone else.

my brothers