

I've tried to write you a nice PM, but you cannot receive any... ?

If you could enable it, I would love to re-send it to you!

I'm so sorry for being off topic!!!!

I personally prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas....Football, Food and Family.  Like @Smoka90 said the commercialism has gotten way out of control and it really takes the joy out of the fellowship, kindness and charity we are supposed to be experiencing.  Christmas in Europe is much better than Christmas in America.  I grew up in Germany and I remember going to the various Kristkindlmarkts and smelling the food cooked on open flames, the snow falling from the grey sky, and all the vendors selling their homemade wares.  It was almost a time warp.....Wonderful Memories!!!    Fast forward 30 years later.....Smoking a little Kb and going to the SUPERGIANTEVERYTHING store and seeing all the plastic wares that will break on the 28th of Dec and end up in a landfill for the next 50k years.   Dont get high and shop at the EVILEMPIRE it will suck the life out of you!!!!

Oh yeah...I got an Atari 2600 one year.....It was the greatest gift ever!!!  Pitfall, Pac-Man, Asteroids, and Missile Command.....hard to believe that was the premier gaming system of the day!!!   Great thread...nice to see everyone sharing their thoughts and memories.....

The greatest thing about Christmas nowadays is giving gifts to my little 8 yo baby Aint.  I get a kick out of watching her eyes light up.   I would much rather give than to receive. socks and undies!!  Just what I wanted :)  

@Conceited I haven't actually played Outlast, but it does remind me of an incredible game (or series) called Project Zero (Fatal Frame in the US). Your only 'weapon' is a camera, and there's malicious spirits everywhere. My god, it's good!

But for me, the best horror game, the best game ever made is...Silent Hill 2! I never shut up about it to friends. The story is engrossing, it deals with taboo subjects, the atmosphere is sublime. It's incredible. Nothing will ever beat it. The first four games in the series are all good, but after the fourth the Japanese left it and it got 'westernised'. Such a shame...

I'd also like to play Amnesia at some point... but I avoid the horror games full of gore and guns. That's not horror. Horror is in the mind. That's what Silent Hill deals with incredibly.

@ElectroNymph REC was brilliant! =D The ending was very, very unnerving. A very good watch.

Silent Hill is even scary on phones...

Yes, not your typical slasher, very nihilistic.

I wasn't happy with how Silent Hill was sort of vandalised when it was turned into a film. It didn't work. The atmosphere was sort of reminiscent of the game, but then it went hyper-gore. The first four Silent Hills, they're not actually that gory really. And things like, Pyramid Head appeared in the film, and appeared in one or two of the American made games, but that doesn't make sense. Pyramid Head was a manifestation of James' guilt and desire to punish himself in Silent Hill 2.

Ah, I'll be quiet now. Sorry. I love Silent Hill so much, though. Since I just completed the second again recently, I'm going to go back and play the first next. I feel strangely chuffed when I see people dishing out lots of money on PS4s and all the new games, and I'm quite happy playing horror games that are around 15 years old. Might try the first couple of Resident Evils again soon too...although they were nothing compared to Silent Hill.

About REC, for some reason I've got it in my head that the Americans remade it so that lazy people didn't have to read subtitles (...sigh). It had a different name...completely gone, can't remember it. Just sad that there's a market for such needless remakes...

I wasn't happy with how Silent Hill was sort of vandalised when it was turned into a film. It didn't work. The atmosphere was sort of reminiscent of the game, but then it went hyper-gore. The first four Silent Hills, they're not actually that gory really. And things like, Pyramid Head appeared in the film, and appeared in one or two of the American made games, but that doesn't make sense. Pyramid Head was a manifestation of James' guilt and desire to punish himself in Silent Hill 2.

Ah, I'll be quiet now. Sorry. I love Silent Hill so much, though. Since I just completed the second again recently, I'm going to go back and play the first next. I feel strangely chuffed when I see people dishing out lots of money on PS4s and all the new games, and I'm quite happy playing horror games that are around 15 years old. Might try the first couple of Resident Evils again soon too...although they were nothing compared to Silent Hill.

About REC, for some reason I've got it in my head that the Americans remade it so that lazy people didn't have to read subtitles (...sigh). It had a different name...completely gone, can't remember it. Just sad that there's a market for such needless remakes...
Completely agree about remakes. Originality seems to be in short supply in many creative areas. As long as they don't remake Battle Royale, and their version of 'Tokyo Gore Police' would be pretty hilarious. No offence to American's, but you have made plenty of great films of your own - the 70's being my favourite era: Taxi Driver, Godfather Films, Marathon Man, Dog Day Afternoon, Halloween, The Omen films were American, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange etc etc...

^^^^ Bit of a horror bias.

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@Smoka90 There was going to be another Silent hill game coming out for this generation of consoles. I played the playable teaser when it was available, it had you walking around a house, basically going around in circles every time you go through the door something has changed. You hear a baby crying, people getting butchered but you couldn't see what happening. It kind of like the first two where its a psychological horror game. took ages to figure out what you needed to do to complete demo. Not heard anything since playing that last year.  Hope they release it one day.     

@ElectroNymph I've never watched this pathetic film, but I always thought 'The Hunger Games' was a family friendly rip off of the idea of Battle Royale. But my god, Battle Royale is as dark as it gets. Incredible watch. I always think what I would have done if I was in that position, because I have that sort of mind. Think I would have hid somewhere to be honest, although that wouldn't have got me anywhere.

@Conceited I played the playable teaser at my brother's place (he has a ps4 - I don't), and I found it very good too, like the older ones. One main reason for that: the Japanese made it. It's as simple as that, the Japanese do that sort of horror so, so well, and Western developers just can't, sadly.

Bad news though, it's been cancelled. Was going to be called Silent Hills, but it was cancelled last year at some point. The main developer quit and it fell apart. I was so gutted. I don't have a ps4, but it would be nice to see the spirit of the old games revived. So now...who knows what will happen with Silent Hill. Oh well, I'm going to play the first game now (after completed the second last week). Then I'll do the third again. Then maybe the fourth, which was a bit hit and miss. I've been obsessed with them for so long, hehe, people around me are sick of me talking about it.

I've also found the first three Resident Evils too! Still got them all, original ps1 games! So I'll do them too, but they're nowhere near as good as Silent Hill.

Have you played a game called Forbidden Siren (ps2) and its sequel, Siren Blood Curse for the ps3? They're Japanese psychological horrors, but I found the gameplay too hard because it was all about stealth. Give Project Zero/Fatal Frame a shot too, it's very good. =)

Happy New Year!!!! J/K..... Surprised this thread is still up, lol.

@Smoka90  Think i've played most of the Resident Evil games. The first was good on ps1 the graphics when you encounter the first zombie seemed impressive back in the day. The remake has a more polished look and feels the same. Nemisis is probably my favorite.

 Not played any of the othe titles you mentioned. Seen that Project Zero but never got  round to buying it.

 I prefer the mmo games where you can chat to random people all other the world, you meet some different characters. Only PvE not really PvP because PvE is more chilled, not as competitive which reduces the stat padders   

@ElectroNymph I've never watched this pathetic film, but I always thought 'The Hunger Games' was a family friendly rip off of the idea of Battle Royale. But my god, Battle Royale is as dark as it gets. Incredible watch. I always think what I would have done if I was in that position, because I have that sort of mind. Think I would have hid somewhere to be honest, although that wouldn't have got me anywhere.

@Conceited I played the playable teaser at my brother's place (he has a ps4 - I don't), and I found it very good too, like the older ones. One main reason for that: the Japanese made it. It's as simple as that, the Japanese do that sort of horror so, so well, and Western developers just can't, sadly.

Bad news though, it's been cancelled. Was going to be called Silent Hills, but it was cancelled last year at some point. The main developer quit and it fell apart. I was so gutted. I don't have a ps4, but it would be nice to see the spirit of the old games revived. So now...who knows what will happen with Silent Hill. Oh well, I'm going to play the first game now (after completed the second last week). Then I'll do the third again. Then maybe the fourth, which was a bit hit and miss. I've been obsessed with them for so long, hehe, people around me are sick of me talking about it.

I've also found the first three Resident Evils too! Still got them all, original ps1 games! So I'll do them too, but they're nowhere near as good as Silent Hill.

Have you played a game called Forbidden Siren (ps2) and its sequel, Siren Blood Curse for the ps3? They're Japanese psychological horrors, but I found the gameplay too hard because it was all about stealth. Give Project Zero/Fatal Frame a shot too, it's very good. =)
I haven't watched The Hunger Games either, don't really do mainstream any more. I find that it is creatively restrained, and rehashes too much. I have read before about HG being compared to BR.

Foreign cinema takes more risks, and I especially love Del Toro's Spanish trilogy, and lots of very unusual Asian cinema.

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@Conceited Nemesis is one of my favourites too, but I'm wanting to play the Resident Evil remake. I mean, they kept it as a true survival horror, just with better graphics etc. So that's a new thing for me to look forward to. =) The big sandbox games/mmo games put me off a bit, I's all just too biiiig! When I go into a hospital in Silent Hill, get a map of it, I just think, ooo, time to explore this whole place! That's sandbox to me, hehe, maybe I'm just a bit sad...

@ElectroNymph Asian horror films really are sublime. The Eye and the Eye 2 are two of my favourites (sadly they too could not escape the Hollywood ripoff brigade...) But the first 'The Eye' in particular is a masterpiece. One missed call is a bit But I really enjoyed that. Shutter, a Thai film, was effective and scary, but it covered a taboo subject and was quite graphic in it, so I can't really watch it now...

@Conceited Nemesis is one of my favourites too, but I'm wanting to play the Resident Evil remake. I mean, they kept it as a true survival horror, just with better graphics etc. So that's a new thing for me to look forward to. =) The big sandbox games/mmo games put me off a bit, I's all just too biiiig! When I go into a hospital in Silent Hill, get a map of it, I just think, ooo, time to explore this whole place! That's sandbox to me, hehe, maybe I'm just a bit sad...

@ElectroNymph Asian horror films really are sublime. The Eye and the Eye 2 are two of my favourites (sadly they too could not escape the Hollywood ripoff brigade...) But the first 'The Eye' in particular is a masterpiece. One missed call is a bit But I really enjoyed that. Shutter, a Thai film, was effective and scary, but it covered a taboo subject and was quite graphic in it, so I can't really watch it now...
The Eye is a good film. Also: *breathe* Versus (Fun, sci fi splatter), Uzumaki, Ichi the Killer, Dark Water, Audition, Korean Vengeance Trilogy, The original Ring, Suicide Circle, Tetsuo: The Iron Man and some amusing sounding films like RoboGeisha and Meatball Machine. 

Which you can all buy for Christmas! (Tenuous link).

However, even I couldn't watch the infamous Guinea Pig films *Shudder*

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Hehe, I like the subtle Christmas link. Yeah, they sell Pyramid Head figurines. That'd make me a shameless fanboy, though...

@ElectroNymph From what you mentioned, I've seen the original Ring series (that scene at the start with the hooded person staring out into the sea - intense), Dark Water and Versus (which I saw when I was really too young, but I liked it). One of my best friends has always raved about Ichi the Killer, but I've never seen it. I know it's gory, though. I've got a little rule with gore: I only watch films like that if it's comedy-horror. So, a lot of my favourite films are 80s comedy horror, proper cult classics. Brain Damage is one of my favourite films of all time. But when it's gory and it's 100% seriousness, I just don't like it... eugh, the disgustingly titled new genre of 'gore porn' makes me want to vomit. Everything that's wrong with cinema. I'm not saying Ichi the Killer is that, I was talking about the rubbish like Saw, Hostel etc... you know, when I was a kid, I'd watch films like Aliens and The Terminator, sometimes quite gory stuff, but the thought of kids watching Saw, horrible thought... Sorry, went on a ramble then...

Have you seen a film called Whispering Corridors? It's Japanese, I have it and have never got round to watching it. Some of the plots are too much for me...A Tale of Two Sisters was good, but I had no idea what it was about!

There's also a very good collection of four short films called... 4bia/phobia. It's very easy to watch and very good, from the makers of Shutter, so it's Thai.

So cool to get to talk about decent films! =)

@ElectroNymph yeah there are a few crimbo present ideas mentioned. This dude better be reading this  ?  lol
They'd better like messed up, foreign cinema. ?

Hehe, I like the subtle Christmas link. Yeah, they sell Pyramid Head figurines. That'd make me a shameless fanboy, though...

@ElectroNymph From what you mentioned, I've seen the original Ring series (that scene at the start with the hooded person staring out into the sea - intense), Dark Water and Versus (which I saw when I was really too young, but I liked it). One of my best friends has always raved about Ichi the Killer, but I've never seen it. I know it's gory, though. I've got a little rule with gore: I only watch films like that if it's comedy-horror. So, a lot of my favourite films are 80s comedy horror, proper cult classics. Brain Damage is one of my favourite films of all time. But when it's gory and it's 100% seriousness, I just don't like it... eugh, the disgustingly titled new genre of 'gore porn' makes me want to vomit. Everything that's wrong with cinema. I'm not saying Ichi the Killer is that, I was talking about the rubbish like Saw, Hostel etc... you know, when I was a kid, I'd watch films like Aliens and The Terminator, sometimes quite gory stuff, but the thought of kids watching Saw, horrible thought... Sorry, went on a ramble then...

Have you seen a film called Whispering Corridors? It's Japanese, I have it and have never got round to watching it. Some of the plots are too much for me...A Tale of Two Sisters was good, but I had no idea what it was about!

There's also a very good collection of four short films called... 4bia/phobia. It's very easy to watch and very good, from the makers of Shutter, so it's Thai.

So cool to get to talk about decent films! =)
I had a Tale of Two Sister's but never got around to watching it. Supposed to be good too. 

Ichi the Killer is more black comedy, even the more extreme gore is not done with the nastiness /seriousness of 'Torture Porn'. It's even kind of 'gore-slapstick' in parts. 

I haven't of Whispering Corridors. There's an odd film called "Dumplings" where a woman uses foetuses in dumplings to continue looking youthful - Happy Christmas! ??

@ElectroNymph That Dumplings film sounds a little weird to say the least.

Now, my memory's awful...I can't remember what films Cronenberg did...but...I might be wrong here, did he do 'Scanners'? I watched that with my mate last year, it was great!

Oh my god, a film's just come to mind, one of the most insane films ever and one of my favourites for the daft 'melt scenes': Street Trash! If you haven't seen it, I'd reccommend it!

I think Re-Animator is one of my top 5 films too. I love Jeffrey Combs, he's just the coolest! Basket Case has to get a mention too!

Edit: looking back, you can see how excited I am through all the exclamation marks, hehe.

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@ElectroNymph That Dumplings film sounds a little weird to say the least.

Now, my memory's awful...I can't remember what films Cronenberg did...but...I might be wrong here, did he do 'Scanners'? I watched that with my mate last year, it was great!

Oh my god, a film's just come to mind, one of the most insane films ever and one of my favourites for the daft 'melt scenes': Street Trash! If you haven't seen it, I'd reccommend it!

I think Re-Animator is one of my top 5 films too. I love Jeffrey Combs, he's just the coolest! Basket Case has to get a mention too!

Edit: looking back, you can see how excited I am through all the exclamation marks, hehe.
Lol. I have heard of Street Trash, not easy to find on the High Street, but Amazon probably have it. It does look very weird, though I'm aware that it's a massively cult film.

Cronenberg - Shivers (One of my favourite films, gory but sexy!), The Brood, Scanners, Videodrome, Rabid, The Fly, Dead Ringers. This was before he started putting the likes of Robert Pattinson in his films... :( History of Violence was good though. 

Yes, Re-Animator is a classic. I watched Cannibal Holocaust once, a few real animals were killed, almost puked. ? Thankfully that is strictly prohibited now, except for that scene in Old Boy where the guy eats a live octopus. ?

Street Trash doesn't really have a plot, be warned. It's just this drink that goes around amongst the vagrant population of a city, makes people melt...obviously. It only really exists for the melts! There's one or two scenes I don't like, but other than that it's very entertaining. Arrow released it not too long ago, it's the copy I have. I love Arrow's releases; they have the best artwork and they usually have the original artwork on the reverse of the cover, and really good booklets too. They finally released 'Beyond Re-animator' (the third release) a while ago, so I snapped that up quickly.

You know, that era of horror films will never be replicated. One film I do hate with a passion: Hobo with a Shotgun. It's bloody disgusting. That film said it was paying homage to 80s horror. Really, really hated that...

The Fly would be the other Cronenberg film I was thinking of, I enjoyed it. Jeff Goldblum! He's brilliant in most things he does.

About animals being killed in films, I hate it. I love animals, so I'm pretty sensitive to that sort of thing. A while ago, a friend at my old workplace kept telling me I should watch Apocalypse Now, since I really like war films. I watched the 'Redux' version. It had a buffalo being butchered in it. Hacked to death. I was bloody livid at this person at work, I was really, really annoyed that she didn't warn me. So I avoid Cannibal Holocaust for that reason. Plus, I only watch gore in comedy-horror, so I don't want to break that rule...

Saying all this, 80s horror is before my time, so growing up I always liked films that no-one else did. Plus I've never listened to the music that was popular either. So I've never liked my peers. Naturally.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  3. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  7. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  8. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  14. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  15. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now