i first tried this chem last year at unknown (pressed pill) doses, but have tested this current yellow powder at 0.25mg too. It seemed to last at least 8hrs for me but i dont want to comment too much on its effects as it was a small dose for me (highly tolerant to bzd's).
do you take other CNS depressants? benzodiazepines do not cause respiratory depression themselves, but the psychomotor impairment, (safe) drop in blood pressure and sedation could easily feel like it. paranoia about such effects being a novel chem, plus overshooting the dose to the point of paradoxical delusions of sobriety could have played a part in not feeling anxiolytic. you also mention no hypnotic effects, simply sedation, but they are synonyms when referring to standard bzd effects of the 5 different binding sites.
have you done any more trials??
Very good point.
I am 6'1" and weigh 166 pounds.
.5mg of clonazepam (pharma) daily with 30mg of Adderal and 20mg propranolol in the morning. The day I trialed the clobro I abstained only from clonazepam. The clobro was taken ~6-7 hours after my morning meds. I drink a lot of caffeine throughout the day as well. Further, I was calorie starved that day. (I'm in the summer cut phase, at 1 digit body fat) All of these factors surely played a part in the experience.
With that being said I stand by the effects which it caused on me that particular day; that when 1mg was taken it was a labor to breathe and unenjoyable due to the heavy sedation, and that at 1mg or above the overwhelming sedation left little room for euphoria or hypnotic effects. When I use hypnotic, I am using the word colloquially not clinically. To me a hypnotic effect is similiar to a low dose of ketamine, or a high dose of zopiclone.
On the mention of further trials, yes.
Initially I used .25mg clobro and 1.7mg bromazolam for sleep. This worked very well for a few months until tolerance claimed its usefulness.
Dropped everything for a week or two, except .5mg clonazepam daily.
Now I have succesfully replaced .5mg clonazepam for .25mg clobro once daily.
It is very effective at this dose, and it excells at social interaction. Very small illusion of sobriety when driving. Completely manageable, but just a warning for bad drivers. At this dose there is slight euphoria and slight sedation.
It is a very powerful drug I will say. From my experience swapping the clonazepam for the clobro I would extrapolate that .25mg bromo is equal to ~1.5mg clonazepam give or take, maybe as far as 2mg.
There is one question which I would love answered, which is the smell of the powder. It's very unpleasent and hard to describe. Burned rotting chicken is the best I can do. Does yours have this same pungent odor? Is this specific to clobro? I do not recall other benzo powdered compunds having any smell whatsoever. Is it an impurity?