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About this stuff:

I had some clonazolam a while ago - 0.25mg pressed tabs, dark blue so it stained your fingers and lips and tongue - took one to start with,only 20mins later thought fuck me, at the time it was too strong.
Had a well good night's sleep and felt not too bad the next day, you know, not too hungover. Bit clucky perhaps.

But, the next time I took it (next day:P), 0.25mg, it wasn't anywhere near as strong as I thought, so I took 0.5mg on top and it still didn't feel as strong as before (until after about an hour when i was on my arse and drooling on the pillow) .
I reckoned it was down to the press not being consistent, but it came from a pretty decent lab, so... on the other hand it mighta been that it never "cleared out" (even tho it's supposed to not last as long as, say, diclazepam) or I got a tolerance to it fast or something.

Felt like shit for about 3 days after waking up from the big dose.

Anyone know anything more about it or had an experience like that with this stuff?
The price has gone right, right up in the UK for it lately (guess cos of the upcoming PSA in 10 days, and cos it was one of the better rc benz, perhaps) and idk if this was just my batch or what - is it the same in the states or elsewhere in europe?

Just looking for some feedback on it, really, from someone with more knowledge than me...

Help us out if you can - wanna figure out a bit about it before it's locked up.



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I'm not sure if you mean flubromazolam 0.25mg as the clonazolam is usually only available in 0.5/1m/2mg content if I recall correctly?

Clonazolam is the rc version of clonazepam and the flubromazolam is more of a sleeping pill and is VERY strong!,tolerance is a real issue so I'd be very careful with flubomazolam if that's what you have.I have had experience of flubromazolam they were white small 0.25mg pills and I would only recommend them for occasional use when you REALLY need to Zzz.....



yeah, i noticed that you can only get it in .5mg's now too... (well, it looks sold out everywhere in the uk, except powder, which is 2g for £200 now)

Which is weird, cos the dose charts at psychonaut have changed a lot:












last september, to this today:


50 - 75 µg


75 - 200 µg


200 - 400 µg


500 - 1000 µg


1000 µg +

common dose (.25mg) has dropped by over 50%, yet the strength of the available tablets is now 100% more than it was ... which seems a bit dangerous to me... Basically I'm stuck with "strong" dose unless I wanna crush it up and measure it... in micrograms, not milligrams, which i can't do - only eyeball.

There's been reports of ppl having seizures after only 3 days' of consecutive use when they stop, the rate at which you get a tolerance is pretty damn quick:

" felt .25mg 5 days ago. get the same effect from 2mg now. "

Five days for 4x dose same effect - gonna be nasty w/d's off this stuff and fast.

Like diclazepam - i think it uses the same enzyme path as opiates like codeine turning to morphine ( CYP2D6 ), and gets there faster cos I reckon it's one of the newer class of prodrug - so that means if i'm on opiates - when I take it before - everything will be super-strong - plus the super sedation - sounds a pretty deadly combo to me, since it had me dribbling at such a low dose anyway.

Also explains why if i take some of these RC benzos while using opiates can feel opiate withdrawls faster or slower if i take it after something like that - wondered why i was waking up cold and shivery.

Dangerous fucking business, when u ain't got a clue what it does.
think I will be avoiding it like a bad ex. gf.

"you know where you stand with crack" :P

I'm a bit scared of RC's, tbh - takes too much research to figure out wtf is going on unless you want to say fuck it and be a human guinea pig.
Might just goto the dr and say i've had trouble sleeping again... watch an extra porno or three or something.

Found this while I was looking up about this one - some guy takes phenazepam, goes nuts, draws a gun on his wife, od's, dies... 3 years old but i aint heard of it til just now:

ty for the feedback, tho bliss - much appreciated, mate:)

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paid just over £20 for 100 0.25mgs clonazolam, from research-chemist uk about 2 months ago - got about 90 left - gonna burn 'em. fuck it... may as well have 90 bullets and a handgun during a major depressive episode :`(

Got 90x1mg diclaz and 80something 2mg diclaz too - they can fuck off an all. No wonder i've been feeling like total shit lately.

I'd flush em but i don't want to put them into the water table im that scared of them, after looking at how they work. Hope the ash is inert.

One of those RC benzos I've honestly been too scared to try. Firstly, there's the issue of tolerance. I've heard that this (and especially flubromazolam which can bog off to another dimension as far as I'm concerned) can shoot up tolerance massively, effecting dosing for weeks.

But also, if something is noticably that potent at 0.25mg...that's not good! I'm a risk taker and do really stupid things, but that just screams out to me. The stories of blackouts etc, just scared me away... the RC industry could have developed some actual useful benz, but no, they seem(ed) intent on making ultra potent ones.

And then they make 1mg pills. What could go wrong?

That is a good point, Smoka90 - it is something that I was discussing with some people lately.

It seems the trend is to make things as strong as possible, to the point where the tiniest grain can make the difference between "yay" and "ohhshheeettt".
Been reading a lot of negative things lately regarding people having some serious long term problems with research chems, especially as they become more "refined".

One thing that is particularly troubling is the occourance of substances such as 25i-nBOMe being mis-sold as "double-dipped" LSD.
A state in the USA even went so far as to charge five people with murder after doing so:

Another point to note about the super-potency/short-acting trend, other than the substances becoming harder to dose correctly, is that - due to the tiny quantities required to give an effect - testing in the case of medical emergency (eg, in order to provide correct treatment) proves more difficult:

"Because clonazolam and flubromazolam are triazolobenzodiazepines and the amounts of active ingredients in the marketed drug formulations are relatively low (e.g., 0.25 mg flubromazolam on blotters and 0.5 mg clonazolam capsules), we assume that these compounds show rather high pharmacological potencies. Consequently, this makes it difficult to accurately dose the drug when obtaining these compounds as research chemicals, thus bearing a high risk for potential consumers to overdose. Furthermore, the assumed blood concentrations of these potent and low-dosed drugs can be expected to be relatively low, making it particularly difficult to detect and identify these drugs in biological samples. This poses a challenge for toxicologists analyzing samples of suspected drug-facilitated crime victims or driving-under-the-influence offenders."

On a personal note, I found myself suffering typical withdrawal symptoms after only three doses of clonazolam, administered (I think...) 24 hours apart (0.5mg, 0.5mg, 0.25mg, requiring a 72 hour taper, 0.175mg, 0.1mg, 0.05mg plus a few days of feeling pretty crap). Also found the drug to both inhibit and potentiate the effects of opiates/opioids more than any other benzo I have encountered (with the exception of diclazepam, which is a pretty disgusting and useless benzo, imo). I really don't know if the press was consistent in dose. It's very hard to be accurate - even residue powder can make a difference, pellet to pellet, when it comes to this measure.

The amnesia was very pronounced. It was nice to find the fridge loaded with Tesco's strawberry milk and chocolate-chip brioche, but I have no idea how it got there. Heh.
More worrying, perhaps was the fact that I "lost" a dose. It was there, measured and waiting, and just vanished. No recollection of what happened in the hours between prep and return. No notes, no nothing, 0.175mg just vanished.

With clonazolam, I think it's possible to sleep longer than the drug remains active (slept after 3rd dose for 14+ hours. I usually get by on 6-8 hours a night) and waking up clucking after such short-term use isn't something I'd look forward to.
When it comes to chronic insomnia, if it's that drastic, I would not consider this over, eg. temazepam/zolpidem. It's definitely not something to use for "anti-anxiety" due to its potency.
Abuse/amnesia/sedation is my only option, but the fact it's hard to remember kind of negates the "nice" factor, and I'd not want to be responsible for a patient going through withdrawal and a blackout, because they were nervous before a local/topological anaesthetic (esp when there are already many safer alternatives).

Maybe it was the dye used (I am a little allergic to shellfish) or the chemist was hasty and didn't wash or rotovap chlorides, went heavy on the petroleum ether/used iron filings or something (more likely), but the "afterglow" was distinctly sick-feeling and a little toxic in the stomach.

Over a week, however, I did smoke around 90% less tobacco than usual. Mostly down to sedation and the uncomfortable feeling that the smoke gave me in my veins and msucles (like it was "reawakening" the clonazepam).

Either way - it's certainly super-strong and I'd consider it highly addictive. Like you said - it will wreck tolerance and that's not good for recreation. The rebound from this one is pretty harsh... and that's coming from a guy who ended a 5 year benzo habit with nearly 1g overdose of xanax, followed by A&E flumazenil IV, escape and recapture, then riding the rest out, gritted teeth, under a section in St. Ann's - at the weekend when no doctor's around (taught me a lot of patience that place...).

Anyway, I finished my investigation so I guess this one can goto bed now.

Filing under "S" for "Smoka says that's some stronnng shit".

Also, lol - I ain't heard "bog off" since Byker Grove days, mon :)

Looks like I've helped to 'scare' you away from it, and from what you've said, I'm definitely never going to go for it. Double result. =) I did have a few pellets knocking about, sort of incase of an emergency and I need to sleep. But amnesia. I hate it. I don't want that... So they're going.

I know of a website that sells Flubromazolam powder. I mean...for God's sake...even Et!zolam powder would be risky...(altough that's not strictly an RC, it's prescribed in some East Asian countries).

Ultimately, the way I see it, there's no need for RC benzzs. The amount of pharma benzzs out there is insane. 'Something for everyone'. No need to dip into RCs for this one.

There was a new one recently released... Flunitrazolam. Same sort of stuff. Ultra potent. Blackouts. ...*siiiiigh*.

Byker grove, haha. A friend told me about one episode where they go paintballing and ant's character (forgot his name) gets blinded. The episode ends with 'He's blind mon - he canna see!'. Love it.

Haha, I remember that episode @Smoka90 - PJ his name was, and Duncan was the short one from Ant and Dec. Christ I forgot about them two.

I guess it's cheap, @Benzo d - tbh that stuff I was researching was for a kind of report on some of the new designer benzos, which is why I had to find out about the pharmacology and testing spectrum stuff. The doctor gives me jellies (temazepam) sometimes along with my codeine prescription, which kinda does it for me and for everything else there's email vendors I guess.

Had some big problems with drug addiction and all the related dickheads, violence, crime, homelessness and institutions and stuff in past, so I try to steer clear of dabbling too much these days.

Once bitten twice shy, you know. I hated stuff like having to go to NA - more depressing than an eastenders xmas special.

What strength are you taking for the anxiety?
Either way, try to take it easy on it, I reckon mate:)

Blimey, you must have quite a tolerance, mate - 0.5mg knocks me out all night - that dose'd put me under for a few days I reckon :P

I get .7 mg tablets and have blacked out the first time I took them cause I took 2. Since then, I have taken as much as 8 in a day. I try to mix it up here and there with the diff selection I got but that cloz is some strong stuff that will have you slurring, bumping into stuff, and blacking out. regards

I get .7 mg tablets and have blacked out the first time I took them cause I took 2. Since then, I have taken as much as 8 in a day. I try to mix it up here and there with the diff selection I got but that cloz is some strong stuff that will have you slurring, bumping into stuff, and blacking out. regards
No doubt the stuff can mess you up good. I got a bunch in liquid suspension from daydreamformat and it will mos def put you out. Drinking on it is not a great idea. All 3 times that I've drank alcohol after taking it I ended up psssing right the eff out in the middle of eating dinner, waking up a couple hours later with half a plateful of food in front of me or in my lap thinking 'hey, wasn't I just eating this? :o '  The stuff is certainly most excellent for sleep, better than Xanax.

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No doubt the stuff can mess you up good. I got a bunch in liquid suspension from daydreamformat and it will mos def put you out. Drinking on it is not a great idea. All 3 times that I've drank alcohol after taking it I ended up psssing right the eff out in the middle of eating dinner, waking up a couple hours later with half a plateful of food in front of me or in my lap thinking 'hey, wasn't I just eating this? :o '  The stuff is certainly most excellent for sleep, better than Xanax.
HAHA, that's funny as hell. Good times

yeah, i noticed that you can only get it in .5mg's now too... (well, it looks sold out everywhere in the uk, except powder, which is 2g for £200 now)

Which is weird, cos the dose charts at psychonaut have changed a lot:












last september, to this today:


50 - 75 µg


75 - 200 µg


200 - 400 µg


500 - 1000 µg


1000 µg +

common dose (.25mg) has dropped by over 50%, yet the strength of the available tablets is now 100% more than it was ... which seems a bit dangerous to me... Basically I'm stuck with "strong" dose unless I wanna crush it up and measure it... in micrograms, not milligrams, which i can't do - only eyeball.

There's been reports of ppl having seizures after only 3 days' of consecutive use when they stop, the rate at which you get a tolerance is pretty damn quick:

" felt .25mg 5 days ago. get the same effect from 2mg now. "

Five days for 4x dose same effect - gonna be nasty w/d's off this stuff and fast.

Like diclazepam - i think it uses the same enzyme path as opiates like codeine turning to morphine ( CYP2D6 ), and gets there faster cos I reckon it's one of the newer class of prodrug - so that means if i'm on opiates - when I take it before - everything will be super-strong - plus the super sedation - sounds a pretty deadly combo to me, since it had me dribbling at such a low dose anyway.

Also explains why if i take some of these RC benzos while using opiates can feel opiate withdrawls faster or slower if i take it after something like that - wondered why i was waking up cold and shivery.

Dangerous fucking business, when u ain't got a clue what it does.
think I will be avoiding it like a bad ex. gf.

"you know where you stand with crack" :P

I'm a bit scared of RC's, tbh - takes too much research to figure out wtf is going on unless you want to say fuck it and be a human guinea pig.
Might just goto the dr and say i've had trouble sleeping again... watch an extra porno or three or something.

Found this while I was looking up about this one - some guy takes phenazepam, goes nuts, draws a gun on his wife, od's, dies... 3 years old but i aint heard of it til just now:

ty for the feedback, tho bliss - much appreciated, mate:)
So basically your saying Phenaz is GOOD!   


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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for