if you’re expecting 50% off your order, don’t hold your breath. My gut pulled out faster than Dennis Rodman once he came to fvggin Madonna and was like “nah you pay full price first order THEN on your second order you get 50% off”
So what’s good my boy? You finally going to keep your word or what? No wonder like you told me you haven’t taken off yet. You’re inconsistent and this is 100% honest.. The RC’s are VERY Weak. Maybe he just sold me the bottom of the bag, but with 4FMPH I just get slow and attentive yet also easily distracted. I thought that was a stim? Then you send deschloretizolam which I’m almost positive is just water and alxgohol.
I’d ask for a refund but I’ll never get it from someone like you who just wants to trick ppl into giving him live reviews.

Will not be Fromm this joke for my “50% off” aka his exit scam on me.
F from me and I have no bias first neg comment I’ve left and only cuz I feel like you wasted my money and absolutely changed thx terms of the deal at the last minute.
He took a little too much mephodrone to the head? Idk
Now who the fuck can send me some real stimulants shipped out by tmrw AM US 2 US prefer. None of that 4FMPH shit either. West coast gets priority. It’s gotta snow any day now or at least get some more orange skittles pressed or not idgaf as long as they’re not over 12 each and if they’re 12 each they better slap cuz I can get away better than that shit for 6 in south crntral on grape street