Coming off Benzo's

The only ones I know of are D1cl@z3p@m that has a known mean half-life of like 40 hours. Flubr0m@z3p@m is another one that I can't find anyone who has it. The only places I have found Flubr0m@z3p@m are way overpriced. The problem though with Flubr0m@z3p@m is nobody knows how long the Half-life is just that it is very long. The biggest problem though is it's a very strong hypn0tic B3nz0 which bind to the receptors that cause the physical dependence to be far stronger than the ones that hit the Anti-Anxiety Sub-Units more stronger than the hypnotic ones.

The thing that is concerning now more than ever is just how easy they are to get.   For purists who want xanax and klonopin there may be a very tiny barrier to hop, but if you're okay with etiz or a hundred other CHEAP  RC variants of the zanax, kpins, diazepam, etc.  it'll be on your door in 3 days max.    Not knocking anybody's drug of choice, but they're just something best avoided all together, a very slippery slope that comfy wrapped in wool feel of a benzo high when there is nothing but a multi-week / month howling cold wind just around the corner.   Unfortunately, they go together with narcotics like peanut butter and chocolate -- HELL, they go together with anything.   They're definitely always the second most valuable player on the team.    Not sure ... I think they're one lesson I really learned to do again -- like pressing your face against a red hot grill, you'll probably not do it again.   God, the intrusive thoughts during withdrawal .... shuddering.   The weird thing is, some people do actually skate this hell, but I'm pretty sure if you keep at it, it will get bad.  

I went cold turkey through benzo addiction. I had no choice. It was a long deep addiction where I was taking handfuls mixed with codeine. I was actually married and somehow kept it a secret until I was admitted into hospital for an unrelated problem. That’s when everything unfurled and my now ex-wife found all the tablets I had stashed and I admitted everything. When I was discharged 3 days later the home had been completely cleared out and our joint bank accounts frozen. I was in too much of a state and disowned. I couldn’t walk due to the op I was in for. Thinking back I don’t know how I managed to survive (when I say I was in deep I was in DEEP) I don’t have much memory of the first couple of weeks other than it was hell and I wasn’t lucid. I managed to lock myself out in my attempts to get out and shoplift some cat food. I never suffered any seizures etc. When I eventually did make it to the dr they refused to help due to lying to obtain meds. Eventually I started to regain the fight instead of the other option which was homeless and probably eventually death. I got a job once I had healed up, started working out and slowly rebuilt my life to where I am know. Drug free and in relatively good health. It’s not the codeine that will kill you it’s the paracetamol and my kidneys are ok. This was about 4 years ago, I lost my wife, family and friends through lies and addiction. It’s so easy to fall into it and every day I have to remind myself it’s better to be alive and living life instead of a drug coma. Some bridges were burnt that with never be repaired but you do the best with what you have. So there’s my story I’ve probably missed parts but cold turkey can be done and you can regain control of your life again.

Hi friends! 
ive been trying to taper off several months of using 3-6 mg/day of etiz but it’s  difficult trying to use etiz to do so (I am grateful I have at least this).  
Since diclaz has been scarce I’ve been wondering what other options people have had success with. 
i know Ashton recommends v@l1um but that’s generally out of my price range. 
I’m open to non rc and non benzo options but ideally cheaper than Pharma.

would appreciate any help  love to you!! 

P.s. there’s no time crunch on this taper and I do have plenty of et1z if that’s all I can get my hands on. 
Would a less recreational benzo theoreticAlly be helpful even if the half life wasn’t much longer? 
I know I should’ve known better, but just hoping to taper with minimal dmanage 

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@veggieragz Pyr@z has a much longer half life than et1z (roughly 3x) and is much less recreational so that might be an option, though it doesn't come anywhere close to the half life of d1cl@z.  You can see some various b3nz0 half lifes here: Halfsies.  I do know that Big Jack just announced Dicl@z is back in stock so you could def get it from him or wait until domestics restock it which will most def happen as tons of people are also wanting it for same reasons.  Take the best care you can and stay safe!

Hi friends! 
ive been trying to taper off several months of using 3-6 mg/day of etiz but it’s  difficult trying to use etiz to do so (I am grateful I have at least this).  
Since diclaz has been scarce I’ve been wondering what other options people have had success with. 
i know Ashton recommends v@l1um but that’s generally out of my price range. 
I’m open to non rc and non benzo options but ideally cheaper than Pharma.

would appreciate any help  love to you!! 

P.s. there’s no time crunch on this taper and I do have plenty of et1z if that’s all I can get my hands on. 
Would a less recreational benzo theoreticAlly be helpful even if the half life wasn’t much longer? 
I know I should’ve known better, but just hoping to taper with minimal dmanage 
You can definitely get off this ... keep up your intention to do it,  there'll be bumps along the way, but you'll make it.  Take it slow, be patient -- read others experiences.  All the best.

My friend stopped benzos cold turkey after doing them non stop for like 5 years.  He wasn't an insane drug addict or anything he just had bad anxiety and needed benzos for work.  He took maybe at most 3 1mg xanax daily.  He went to a detox place and ended up going mentally insane and delusional.  He used a sheet on his bed to hang himself.  The staff found him before he died thank god.  There was a uniformed cop there.  My friend ended up punching the cop in the face and having an all out brawl with him.  I guess this place didn't really know how to handle benzo withdrawl.  He ended up getting probation and now gets drug tested every month.  He told me he hardly even remembers any of it.  Its been a year since he last took any kind of benzo and hes still having withdrawals.  He's not getting seizures or anything just depression lack of motivation and insane anxiety.  He also said he felt mentally retarded and had the mental capacity of a child for months.  I read an article about some benzo addicts who were thrown in jail for things like drunk driving and parking tickets.  Long story short they either committed suicide or died from withdrawals like seizures etc.  The families were rewarded huge settlements because the prison doctors and guards knew they were benzo addicts and refused to help them.  That's only one of many articles you can find on Google about the subject.

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@DoomKitty Thank you so much for your advice! Love you! Have been looking into pyr@z01and will extend that report research to n0rf1u@z3p@m ❤️  

@Mohawkthank you for your kind support and encouragement.

this is a great example of what partly makes this community so special compared to similar forums: I received useful info and support and didn't even have to wade through dozens of redundant insults. Love you all! You're the best DBG

My friend stopped benzos cold turkey after doing them non stop for like 5 years.  He wasn't an insane drug addict or anything he just had bad anxiety and needed benzos for work.  He took maybe at most 3 1mg xanax daily.  He went to a detox place and ended up going mentally insane and delusional.  He used a sheet on his bed to hang himself.  The staff found him before he died thank god.  There was a uniformed cop there.  My friend ended up punching the cop in the face and having an all out brawl with him.  I guess this place didn't really know how to handle benzo withdrawl.  He ended up getting probation and now gets drug tested every month.  He told me he hardly even remembers any of it.  Its been a year since he last took any kind of benzo and hes still having withdrawals.  He's not getting seizures or anything just depression lack of motivation and insane anxiety.  He also said he felt mentally retarded and had the mental capacity of a child for months.  I read an article about some benzo addicts who were thrown in jail for things like drunk driving and parking tickets.  Long story short they either committed suicide or died from withdrawals like seizures etc.  The families were rewarded huge settlements because the prison doctors and guards knew they were benzo addicts and refused to help them.  That's only one of many articles you can find on Google about the subject.
" He's not getting seizures or anything just depression lack of motivation and insane anxiety.  He also said he felt mentally retarded and had the mental capacity of a child for months."

Perfect description. 

I have much experience with using Soma to lower my benzo tolerance. Since I’ve been addicted to benzos I’ve never gotten off of them, but when I take soma I swear I really don’t have any withdrawals besides maybe a headache/migraine, but I’m extremely prone to those anyway. So not sure if it’s not having the benzos or my general condition, but either way if that’s all you have to deal with. It’s great. Benzos and soma don’t have a cross tolerance even though they’re both GABA(A) receptors, and while my benzo tolerance is like a minimum of 6mg Xanax per dose, 16-24 a day, my tolerance to Soma is completely non-existent after I’ve been waiting on another supply of soma to come.. it’s also much much cheaper than other street benzos (even RC’s) if purchased overseas, and I can buy 200 500mg soma for about 170 through I know there’s plenty of reviews on the international list in case you’re curious. I know there’s more out there but that’s the only one I really use. it’ll last me a good month.

I always end up caving in and taking some benzos throughout this time, as sometimes the migraines are too much for me, but they really do help immensely with at least lowering your tolerance and not going through horrid withdrawals. One day I’ll try to completely get off benzos with soma, as I know soma withdrawals are not nearly as terrible|life threatening as benzo withdrawal., but for right now this is my routine. 

Just curious, when taking a strong benzo, what are the best tapering off methods to avoid serious withdrawal symptoms, is it to just gradually reduce the dosage?
I know this has been answered many times and lots of opinions but since this is probably read a lot and a lot of people having to taper off them I will throw my 2 cents in hopes it helps someone else taper easier bc I hear benzo taper is horrible worst thing ever but I disagree it’s not pleasant but don’t properly and safe it’s really pretty easy. I have been using benzos on snd off ( 90% time on) for Jeez almost 15 years now and I have taken breaks and tapered off more times than I can remember. Obviously never cold turkey off a high dose. If your on multiple bars a day be aware of what your doing and keep track of your stash never rely on something not in your hand to make it when your on high doses get down to a low level and if you can switch to a long acting. Let your dose wear completely off during taper until you feel withdrawal then take a bit less. Regardless get ready for a few sleepless nights and a lot more contemplative thought than normal. But it’s pretty mild compared to what is out there. If you do get in the situation that you are taking 3 bars a day and suddenly you are down to your last 3 and can’t re-up take the safest way which will be a bit more uncomfortable for a bit longer but you won’t die again wait between every dose til you feel like you are withdrawing but once you feel that dose break your bars into quarters maybe do one mg the first two doses as it’s a big drop but then quarters and expect light sleep if any but advice if you get on high benzo doses be responsible and keep your stash a month ahead of your use. Use the little things to comfort you if your going off a large dose and remember Xanax wds don’t last long. For me and I have been in some bad spots not doing the exact advice I’m giving but never go cold turkey . If you can tell you won’t sleep don’t even try watch tv or do something relaxing but something that stimulates your mind to keep it off the overactive thoughts and the more you focus and dwell on the wd the worse it seems. Even on a quick taper 3 nights max of no/little sleep and then I pop back in my normal mode quickly . Be safe with these folks 

Well I have some insight.

Went to college, D1 athlete. Joined the military for 8 years, my final 3 were under the Joint Special 0perations command. Did 5 deployments and when I was done, I could not sleep , my body was SO amped up on the fight or flight response from adrenaline dumps. The VA gave me X@n, SSRI, and Kl0n to deal with ptsd. It turned into major all day anxiety.

Now I am starting to taper off a high dose. What I found helpful- Lyr1ca. Whenever i cut at .25 mg for 2 weeks, hold, and then drop again. It will take me a good 6 months to get off. BPC 157 a peptide has also helped a ton, but you must put it into your body via a syr!nge. 
Just take it slow, and hold as long as it takes until your next drop. 
I believe exercise helps a great amount as well. Stay safe, you can get off them. You will read 1000000 horror stories, the good stories never show. 
Be militant about your taper… BE SMART.

My buddy had to drop off 5MG x@n ct and p3rks due to a deployment. He had no sleep for 15 days but after that he was fine. I do not recommend doing what he did, he had no choice.

Look into ketamine treatment. There's some early research out there that seems to indicate that the same way low dose ketamine rewires your brain for TRD and anxiety also carries over to treatment of alcohol, benzos, and other drugs. I've used it and it worked wonders for me.
I've been struggling for over a year to taper. really really want to get some flumazenil, but it has a short half life and is adminned subcut. every doc i plead my case to looks at me like i'm a circus freak as i think of them as a joke of an authority for almost never even knowing there is an antagonist for benzo gaba sites, which can reverse WD.

evidence shows it also really helps with the longterm mental health problems for ~1 year after jumping off.

If i could get enough of this i could totally wean myself off in 10 days. makes me so sad bc it's so promising but anything involving addiction puts doctors into "goalie" mode to make sure someone never actually gets the treatment they are asking for.

was really excited to try bretazenil. seems like a benzo bupenorphine. ordered bunch from Serenity right before they dissapeared and the chem i got was NOT that. curious to send off for it to be tested but afraid whatever lab just wouldn't know all the diff things to identify it as.
I've been struggling for over a year to taper. really really want to get some flumazenil, but it has a short half life and is adminned subcut. every doc i plead my case to looks at me like i'm a circus freak as i think of them as a joke of an authority for almost never even knowing there is an antagonist for benzo gaba sites, which can reverse WD.

evidence shows it also really helps with the longterm mental health problems for ~1 year after jumping off.

If i could get enough of this i could totally wean myself off in 10 days. makes me so sad bc it's so promising but anything involving addiction puts doctors into "goalie" mode to make sure someone never actually gets the treatment they are asking for.

was really excited to try bretazenil. seems like a benzo bupenorphine. ordered bunch from Serenity right before they dissapeared and the chem i got was NOT that. curious to send off for it to be tested but afraid whatever lab just wouldn't know all the diff things to identify it as.
when it comes to anything w/d or addiction related doctors are totally useless, unless they specialize in addiction treatment.

when i got off benzos last year I tapered off the RC's with xanax and then clonazepam which has a decent half life, and then I got into inpatient. Everyones different but make sure youre very careful, when i was tapering off, I had several seizures, one of which was when I was on my motorcycle.

wishing you the best of luck man
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!