If not, that's an odd side-effect and kinda worrisome. It's one of the few SSRI's that are sort of agreeable with everyone. Can you try taking half your dose for 4 days and see if it goes away?
I had muscle jerks when i was on lexapro. It is an ssri like zoloft. When i would sit still calf or shoulder would jerk. Almost like what happens when u are about to fall asleep and are jerked awake.
My doc had no idea why
I know this post is old but i thought you might b still be around to say what ended up happening. Did you ever get any explanation?
I take just 50mg of Setriline a day and it causes me to have awful RLS, im constanstly either jerking my leg or hands or arms. When i lay down i get a lot of leg spasm. Better than my previous depressive thoughts though.
I take just 50mg of Setriline a day and it causes me to have awful RLS, im constanstly either jerking my leg or hands or arms. When i lay down i get a lot of leg spasm. Better than my previous depressive thoughts though
Yesterday my wife was prescribed Requip it's generic name is Ropinirole. She took the first one last night when her legs started driving her crazy and forgot she'd taken it but realized her legs had completely stopped the jerking. She doesn't take an SSRI though but the med worked.