Yea, abstain. Or try an RC benzo that isn't an analogue of marketed benzos, like et1z0l@m, since tests may not pick them up.Anyone know of a detox product that will flush and/or mask x@n@x from a drug screen?
Yea, abstain. Or try an RC benzo that isn't an analogue of marketed benzos, like et1z0l@m, since tests may not pick them up.
This is for a home/POC test in the US? That is news indeed. I've known people to not even test positive for flualp even though one would expect crosslinking with tests for alp, though advice is still to avoid analogs of marketed benzos (which for the US excludes etiz). But if test makers are now testing for thienodiazepines as well, then yikes.caution: eti z l@am showed up as a bEnz on a multiple choice test for me personally. I'm in medical field and had access to my own test and did it at home for research purposes. YMMV. 7 TO 10 DAYS for Zanzibar's,,, 21 for V@lley girls