Please try and refrain from hard items such as you listed, and they are only going to be found on the DarkNet anyways via the T** browser under hidden marketplaces using BTC. I also take similar meds, however i choose to combine my high dosage IR Addy's with Bennyz, hence my Screen name. No interactions except avoiding the nightly crash, however, there is also deflections from crashing, read up on sugar in the body, as well as other factor's. Why do you switch from dex/mod? What do you prefer? If it is because you run out of dex, there are very pertinent ways to potentiate it's affects, therefore having to consumer less, and save you days on a month's RX. I also am prescribed anti-depressants, but i don't take them. I was started on Lexapro, and it was all positive, unless my college self went from banging broads everynight to not being able to get it up without a 1/2 100mg Viagra. Not happening. Told my doc, he switched me to Well Butrin. Parents didn't agree, as the drug had severely adverse affects on them, both of them, so i decided to back off and never took it.
I'm also a H addict, well,recovered..and trust me when i say ive done them ALL. Anyhow, 20x trams couldn't knock off a WD for me, so it's probably the least i have personal experience with. That being said, I have countless times had countless bottles and know this much, as im sure you do.... Due to them being correlated with seizures at high dosages, it could be suggested that there may find that the interactions between dex + KatiPery + trams could find yourself in a high blood pressure state with a high heart rate that could lead to potential risk, and i highly suggest avoiding. Without a relaxant on hand such as a quick acting benzodiazapine i would not suggest following the above ideas. At the very least, Lora/Alp/Clon/Vals on hand...Being the easiest to source, and assuming you have NO tolerance, i would suggest these. Personally, I take K@sal, Roche Cl@n, Aups/Bens V@l. I know this is irrelevant in your nature of this thread, but i find that to be as safe as possible with the unknowing amounts of these products and pur*** levels being ingested, as it sounds like its a VERY occasional basis at that, i would tread with caution and keep a back-up, or even at the least something as small as S@maz.
Just giving you my heart to heart, I hope you get something out of this and i hope my own suggestions didn't fall far too off-topic to your original post. I was just trying to give clarification to the best of my ability, as I have lived the dream life of a nightmare using the substances you have suggested, especially the DN product we don't speak about. That is my main caution, especially combined with dex without an out in case BP/HR get's too high and you have no measures of rectifying possible dangers.
Much love.