@theview Yeah, but people can be deceptive Dude, I mean, you think "oh,no. I shouldn't trust a Tory Mp" when what you should really be thinking is "Should I be trusting the Tories at all" or better still, politics in general. I mean, it's hard to imagine when you're chatting in a forum like this, because it's impartial and even if one key's bent, well, it's not gonna happen, is it?? But in real life?? I hate these cnuts that lie, especially if 'like the government' it involves peoples' money and perhaps even their wellbeing. and I read so much that these sub-humans in government believe that they're only hurting the scum, whoever they are, probs just peeps like you and me who only want to live peacefully. And, the 'government' justifies this, but how can you really?
As my friends say that this happens all the time, that certain clever peeps find out addresses etc, even in different countries and then consider it their Duty to have these politicians fucked up. I mean fucked up really bad, if not sometimes, actually fucked. Obvs, peeps leave a bit of a trail, Im far too stupid to know how it works, but these Dudes, apparently they can pull addresses. But hey, these politicians and herm, scammers... look upon us not only as losers, but prey too, I couldn't tell you what will happen to this scum, but I know that you have a better chance of finding them if you've done your homework, most of these bureaucracy guys (and gals, let's not be Sexist) are at their most vulnerable when they are thinking about their own loved ones for a change instead of how to rip off people outside whitehall (although it could be anywhere TBH). When their kids get fucked up, This horrifies me and I obviously don't agree with this myself, but Ive known some people nationally (not personally) to take action. Then again, can you imagine if you found out some Dude that had some sort of perceived authority or legitimacy was ripping you off big time?? Just anyone that you had trusted. I hate it that it happens, but these guys vendettas, they do become personal, I had a couple of addy's from a year or so ago, a real scum bag marketing scheme, they were burnt by the guy who had hold of them. I would feel like I was involved personally but they were just lying there to find tho according to this guy. I'm talking con artists, there was a guy and a girl that ran a sham cult, it didn't go too well for them in the end!! I guess all Dudes that want to rip you off end up forgetting that they leave trails too. I feel sorry for these poor sods because these violent Dudes that catch up with them, yeah. They mean fucking Business.