** DNP; The facts and dangers what you need to know**


Mar 9, 2016
S0 to start off I seen a lot of people as of late talk about DNP and wanting to use it. In fact it will be introduced into my own cycle as a very controlled experiment as part of my contest prep. (I have years of experience and extremely knowledgable and trustworthy masters of the game such as @trinity for guidance and quality control. Ideally everyone should always have that)  However, all I ever heard was bad things  I thought I would pull up some info so maybe I could change the minds of some of the people that are gun ho about using before consulting and researching.

DNP stands for 2,4-dinitrophenol. This is a chemical that was once used in the early 20th century to ignite dynamite and cast a yellow dye on wood and other handcrafts. it is a bad word between body builders. Bodybuilders are using this chemical to increase their metabolism by 50% and raise physical body temperature by several degrees . When someone looks at the hot flashes that come with ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack) use, and the boost of the metabolic process is only 3%, the real power of DNP starts to be realized.


DNP exerts its effects within the cell, more specifically within the membrane of the mitochondria. The advantage of intracellular mechanisms of action such as this is that a tolerance to DNP cannot develop. To make a long story short, DNP makes the process of ATP formation very inefficient. Why is this important? Because ATP is the energy unit needed to drive all our biochemical reactions in our body that is necessary to keep us alive. The cells in our body constantly need energy (ATP) to stay alive. The amount of ATP needed to keep a person alive depends on his/her basal metabolic rate. By making ATP formation inefficient, a person’s basal metabolic rate can increase indefinitely, but for practical uses, basal metabolic rate can safely increase by 30-50% without putting one’s life in danger. It is not unheard of for people to lose up to one pound of pure fat per day while on DNP.

If you’re not familiar with ATP, it’s what the Calories that are stored in carbs, fats, and proteins are eventually turned into. In other words, the energy that is stored in the macromolecules are transferred to the ATP molecule, but DNP disrupts this process. Instead of making ATP from macromolecules in the presence of DNP, the potential energy is just turned into heat. This is very significant because ATP levels in the body will quickly diminish and cells want to replenish that storage by breaking down more fats, carbs, etc. As you can see, a patter quickly develops where ATP levels will constantly be below normal and the body will always be trying to burn more fats, carbs, and proteins to help replenish the ATP levels. This is no different than doing aerobic exercises such as jogging, biking, etc, except while on DNP, the body is doing the aerobic exercise non stop 24 hours a day.

Heat- you will feel very hot while taking this. It is very similar to jogging a slow pace all day long, so be prepared to sweat a little. In some people a lot of sweat is not too uncommon. Body temperature will rise to about 101 degrees and sustain there. This is not too out of the ordinary. This increase in core body temperature causes a vasodilation effect throughout the body to help cool you off. However, evaporative cooling with the aid of vasodilation will not be effective when the surrounding environment does not allow for proper cooling. For example, being out in the summer sun when it’s 90 degrees and high humidity can cause you to rapidly overheat to dangerous levels. Avoid hot environments at all costs. Stay indoors if you choose to use it in the summer and only go outside briefly when it’s absolutely necessary. Dehydration can cause the body to not regulate temperature properly and rapidly overheat as well. Drink 1-3 gallons of water daily depending on DNP dose.

Water retention- this is very closely associated with heat. When the vasodilation occurs due to the rise in body temperature, blood vessels expand, causing an increase in blood volume and subsequent water retention. Also, an increased blood volume leads to decreased pressure, which would lead the body to try to store more sodium and cause even more water retention. All the water retention will subside within a week after stopping the DNP dosage, but often sooner than that. Popular diuretics are not very effective against DNP induced water retention because these diuretics mainly focus on one aspect of diuresis and that is suppression of the anti diuretic hormone (ADH), but the cause of water retention from DNP is independent of ADH. While diuretics will get rid of some naturally stored water, it isn’t getting rid of enough water that would make a competitor presentable on stage and would put the user in jeopardy of death or serious health complications due to potassium depletion.

Lethargy- This is the biggest problem associated with DNP and is somewhat associated with the insomnia that I will cover later. As you have learned DNP depletes the body of ATP and without ATP you have no energy. It literally feels like you’re jogging a marathon all day long without a break. Of course the extent of the lethargy will depend on the dose, but it is not uncommon for people to be almost bed ridden. Walking to the kitchen to get food will be a chore. Even eating the food can become very laborious. This will subside within 24-36 hours of stopping the doses.

Insomnia- sleeping will be very difficult for some people, not because of the familiar central nervous stimulation experienced with ephedrine and caffeine supplementation, but because it gets so damned hot. Many people including myself find it very difficult to sleep when we’re sweating in our beds. The best way to combat this is to sleep with 2 fans from both sides of the bed and the windows wide to the world. Obviously if you have a significant other that you sleep with then it would be wise to sleep in separate beds for parts of the cycle.

Shortness of breath/ rapid breathing- this is common when the dose is at the upper limits. The breathing will seem like you’re jogging even while you’re sitting down and doing nothing. It will seem like you can never catch your breath. Doing anything active will make you even more out of breath and this can become dangerous. When breathing becomes irregular, you should avoid doing any aerobic or strenuous activities. This means no working out (not like you’ll have any energy to do so anyway).

Dehydration- a very serious side effect. If hydration levels are not adequate it can predispose the body to severe overheating and possibly death. Water needs to be replenished on the order of 1-3 gallons per day.

Electrolyte depletion- this is caused by excessive water and salt loss through sweating. Drinking water will replace fluids, but not electrolytes. Best way to replenish salts is to drink v8 juice. This can lead to a host of other problems if not remedied including excessive lethargy, low blood pressure, poor cardiac function, nausea, diarrhea…

Nausea- This is a common side effect that afflicts roughly around 30% of the users. There could be several causes to this: dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, low blood pH, and other unknown (by me) mechanisms.

Diarrhea- possibly due to electrolyte imbalance and undissolved DNP that passes onto the large intestine causing osmotic imbalances. If this becomes too problematic the only thing to do is just to decrease the dosage or stop completely.

Headache- largely due to dehydration. In most people, forcing down a liter of fluids will alleviate the headaches.

Dry/ sore throat- I don’t know the cause of this one, but it is pretty common among users and seems to manifest itself the most during sleep and may contribute to the insomnia.

Allergies/ dermatitis- this is relatively rare. I’ve been in contact with nearly 500(ish) people who have used DNP and I would estimate about 30-40 of them have experienced allergic reactions to DNP. The allergies manifest themselves first as phantom itches (itching without any rashes or redness) around the torso in some people. It will later develop into rashes and or hives around the body and possibly spread to the face, neck, lips, and scalp area in severe cases. Any over the counter or prescription allergy medication (anti histamine) will cure the allergies. Also if you’re allergic to DNP it doesn’t mean you can’t use it in the future. Allergies to DNP seem to have a tolerance factor. It first gets worse, then better with successive cycles. So if you are allergic, stop immediately and start again 7-10 days later and repeat until you are no longer allergic to DNP anymore. Allergies are also dose and length dependent.

Yellow vision- This is even more rare than allergies. I’ve only known about 15 people who have experienced this out of all the people I have come in contact with who have used DNP in the past. It seems to be most apparent when you look at a white surface and yellow spots will appear on the white that you see. I’m not sure what exactly causes this, but it doesn’t seem to harm anything and goes away within 1-2 days of stopping the doses.
Too much DNP, and you will die. It is so simple….

hope that helps, if anyone has anything to add personal experience or counter views please feel free to contribute. We are all on the same journey folks.


Going to be trying this for the first time myself when 7 days can be put to one side.
Would you bother with the gym during this period Hammerblow?

Many ppl who I have spoken to have said its nigh on impossible to train when using 400mg+

I only intend to use 200mg a day for 7 days.

@trinity given the feedback from those around me and the available data, I think training on it personally at 200mg for seven days is safe unless there's a negative response. Alot can be subsided with proper hydration (the old still under grasped concept) so I'm religiously going to be hitting that 3+ gallon a day marker.

I'm going to do similar run it for 7 days at 200mg along with T3 to avoid depletion. If I'm feeling good 5 days in i'll extend it to 10 bumping the dose to 300mg for the last 5. But for those 7-10 days I'll drop my intensity, working weight etc to 70-80% 

Thats the plan anyway....

Be interesting to hear your feedback.

I am looking forward to it but its hard to negate 7 days specifically when you are doing other activities as well.

@Hammerblow  in my pre injury days I used to hit the gym 5 days a week and sometimes, when I felt I wasn't achieving the gains I expected, I would do 6 days and split routines. I never took anything and it was difficult at times especially when I saw the guys who were on the beans and who didn't do the work that I did, get huge gains. I have always been a fan of Dorian Yates and followed his now famous blood n guts work outs. At my best I was close to 19 stones and had a 52 inch chest ( expanded) 17.5 inch biceps and my forearms were huge. I am 5 ft 11 inches and I looked and felt great. 

I follow the steroid threads with great interest and having just read your write up on DNP I truly cannot believe that anything is worth going through that and always have the worry that just maybe this one occasion was the one that ended me. I still hang out with many of the guys I trained with and the few who have made it to my age ( 53) are suffering from various organs problems and 2 have died, one from a hepatic condition that was not fixable & he just didn't make it to have a transplant because he just ran out of time. The other just had a massive MI and died very suddenly, behind the wheel of a minibus full of a young football ( soccer) team. 

Just the one question. Apart from body dismorphia disorder, what pushes you to take such risks with your body please ? I am not sat here judging you or others who go through the cycles of Roids but I genuinely would like to know why and what drives you and other like you, to take the risks you do. I know the obvious reply is to be huge and also look as good as possible come the competitions but when I read the many and varied side effects, it really freaks me out. For example, I know the media have made a big deal of the MDMA deaths from drinking too much water.   Are you not taking risks by drinking that much water in one day also ? 

I remember meeting Dorian Yates in Christchurch and when I stood next to him it was like walking next to a huge leather sofa. His showcasing of his back routine was something I will never forget. 

Mods, please fell free to remove/edit this if you feel it's unacceptable ok. No hard feelings at all. I am just kind of stunned that anyone would willingly go through all or even some of those side effects. 

Kind regards

Good luck and be safe.

DNP is not for me but I don't think negative about folks who uses it AS LONG AS THEY ARE DNP-EDUCATED, not BRO-SCIENCE DNP-EDUCATED.  DNP can be safely used with great success .   What I mean by safely is go see what DNP is used for and imagine a scenario that you consumed it safely aka you didn't die or have complications that creates problems that is only related to the side effects of human DNP consumption.

Have you tried Ultra HELIOs?  If not, then I'd suggest you try that first.  I saw my 1st ab veins after 1 week of use. 

@Jools Thank you for your question. One I'm more than happy to oblige with. Huge fan of Dorian Yates too although I never aspired to be him, or serge, Cultler, Coleman or more recently Heath or Kia. My genetics were predetermined and not predisposed for such size. On a side note you should watch Dorians interview with London Reel. It's very insightful. He also had a friend who at the time had just under gone a kidney transplant, not through steroids but from years of otc ibuprofen. And this I suppose is where I'll start.

There are risks with every drug you put into your body but my underlining message will be steroids are safe. When you look at the statistics and it falls somewhere in the region between 150-200 (below vitamin c) for visits to a & e in any given year. And I know of very little steroid related deaths, in fact zero. Any recorded have in fact missed out the large number of class A drugs, painkillers, alcohol or psychotics found in their system post mortem. Now when I say they are safe it's not a blank one size fits all statement. Knowledge and protocol is everything.

When you look at those who are suffering from organ problems and probe you'll 100% get the same result. Massive prolonged over use and lack of understanding of using oral steroids which are extremely heptoxic and require you too implement an extremely rigid well planned out liver support programme. I rarely include these in my cycles mostly because my body does not respond well and their side effects to them, a point that should be used, judged and evaluated when you take any steroid oral or injectable. There are those who simply don't discontinue that particular compound and that's a huge mistake. They want to get from A to Z skipping the 24 vital parts in between. If I include them it's the ones I know my body reacts beautifully to but for only short periods at a time. 

My motivation and what pushes me is ultimately the question so apart from the obvious which we have established, I'm a competitive bodybuilder. I have an intimate knowledge down to the chemical make up of every single compound I use. There are no risks when I embark on a "heavy cycle" because I understand which drugs I respond well too and I embrace those, leaving aside those I know are a danger. And when I say danger I mean in terms to my prep or short term health eg. Oral Dianabol, I simply cannot run it period without feeling like hell. Every single aas I inject is to enhance what I already have obtained and the drive to improve on stage given my age where I'm reaching into my years of peak muscle maturity. I also enjoy the benefits of taking steroids, I write many articles with the side effects and about proper injection protocol, on cycle support and post cycle therapy. These are to engage and instill knowledge into those who have yet to start their journey to avoid mistakes. The biggest of which impacts their wallet not their health as the steroids are magic beans myth is still prevelant. If there are some who will inject a needle into themselves without researching proper protocol then the responsibility falls at their door. The benefits I brought up are simple, I have a far greater capacity to recover from workouts, enhanced red blood cell count, protein synthesis and general overall 'well being' state. Remember testosterone is naturally produced in your body and most steroids or peds are a derivative. There's no short answer but with regular blood work, consistent healthy diet, training smart, listening to my body and powerful knowledge of what I'm cycling I'm healthier than 90% of the population.

In regards to DNP, yes it is an unknown and has huge risks but statistically you will not suffer from every single side but it's simple also. If at any point I feel the effects are outweighing the reward I discountiue immediately and recover appropriately. The water levels mentioned are not dangerous when taking this drug due to the water you are losing its vital to be that hydrated and verging on neglectful not to be if you understand the dna of the drug. I'd also look at the weight cutting in MMA to be far more dangerous than over hydration. Which is only come into force because of the ban on IV fluids post weigh in. Which is a safer quicker way to rehydrate and replenish vital electrolytes. But USADA are idiots. Weight cutting is MMA's biggest problem and results in fighters having to be admitted to hospital and pull out of fights. Eg. Kabib V Ferguson a fortnight ago, Kabib was so depleted he never made it to the weigh in but to hospital instead.

If you feel I've skipped or glossed over anything please feel free to pull me up. I am accountable for a large majority of the steroid related posts and I want there to be no ambiguity. 

Cheers fella.

Be interesting to hear your feedback.

I am looking forward to it but its hard to negate 7 days specifically when you are doing other activities as well.
That's my concern also. Stripping cardio completely for those 7-10 days and a massive emphasis on time management and recovery.

Just one topic I never quite covered, although body dysmorphia is prevelant in the sport it's too much of a generalisation. Yes we are obsessed with obtaining peak physical condition to climb the ladder. This is no different to other sports where athletes (and I consider myself an athlete first before a bodybuilder) follow stringent diets, exercise routines (probably far more intense than ours in some sports) and where they can get away with it take peds to gain that competitive edge. I've always maintained a healthy relationship with food and never deny myself anything, so if I want to get away for the weekend and a good meal or have a night in with a takeaway I'm there with my knife and fork not prepped meals in containers. Obviously 2-3 weeks out from a show that mentality changes but that's a very short period of time. That's helps keep me motivated also. If I'm not in the right frame I'll happily miss a show and focus on maintaining that balance. I do use the mirror a lot but that's to track my progress and see where I'm at. I don't track macros anymore or weigh myself religiously I know by sight. The most important part is being comfortable with your body but seeking self improvement which most should for at least the sake of personal health benefits. It doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with body dysmorphia. But as I said it is a condition that appears more so in our sport so you aren't off the mark.


Just to add very briefly....there is use and abuse. One has to make an informative and intellectual decision on what path they wish to walk.

A little late to this thread but ....i was thinking about dnp for like 10 pounds of "quick weight loss..." but ...um. ....    no.

Thanks for the informative descriptions. Sometimes i dont want to go to the gym or eat better and find myself thinking i'll just get my hands on  some DNP or clenbuterol...but then I look at this thread.

very intense product, it seems...and it just also seems like it taxes the body so much, and i dont know if it would be worse for a female. But also the side effects seem like they could turn deadly in a very short period of time. Thanks again. Like i said im really glad to have the info. 

I wouldn't ever take or recommend taking it to anyone.  It's poison. People go with "more is better" generally and dnp is not a good candidate for that 

this explains why musclepharm arnold iron dream was discontinued , it had dnp and i just found out about it, last time i used this product was last summer , and i used it prev times.... AHHHHHHHHH 

If any of you all have questions regarding DNP feel free to PM me. I've ran DNP 8 times over the last 10yrs I believe that qualifies me to give advice and cycle planning. DNP is unlike any other drug. ECA, clen, t3, albuterol are the mainstream ways to lose fat. DNP is a whole different type of monster. 

Currently running 2,4 Dino under supervision from an experienced user. Using 250mg ED with the plan to be 250mg EOD.

Heavily experienced user of PEDs for about 15yrs with a working knowledge of pharmacology and pharmakinetics.

At the moment there is the underlying heat issue which is causing day to day activities to be more arduous. Under the right supplementation and precautions I believe that this can be ran more safely than a cardiac micro tearing drug such as clenbuterol with its own set of horrendous side effects. Not a drug I would use ever again.

Stimulants full stop , I do not get on with and would urge anyone with pre-existing cardiac defects to stay clear from or anxiety issues.

How long of a cycle do you recommend using DNP for? I’ve read of others doing three week cycles ranging from 250-500mg. I was thinking of trying a 2- 3 week cycle of 250mg daily, and then possibly switching to phentermine for a month or so. I have a solid 40 pounds I’d like to lose before I start trying to get into shape again. 6’2 - 220lbs. Any advice would be appreciated! 

Hey @Contressa I wouldn’t recommend using DNP at all. I think the risk v reward is too high and it’s a really dangerous drug. There’s better alternatives that won’t potentially put your life at risk. That’s my personal opinion however if you are set on using it start with a dose of 200mg per day [100 mg every morning / 100 mgevery evening]. Run it for two or three weeks. Day 1 – 14: 200 mg EDDay 15 – 21: 200 mg ED

Remember DNP can lower T3 to below optimal levels, so in some cases it may be necessary to start taking small doses of T3.

i wouldn’t switch immediately to phen. Give your body a break. One of the only good side effects of DNP is the Anabolic rebound – After a DNP cycle the body is in a highly anabolic state. I would look to start a testosterone  cycle with a diet plan and gym routine. You’ll get amazing results for it and feel 1000% better. 

If you need any any help on the latter just give me a shout ok? PM me I’m always here to help and I’ll give you everything you need (apart from the drugs of course, but I’ll point you in the right direction) for where you’re at on your journey. 

Hope that helps bro.

Peace ✌️


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  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!