do you guys ever feel skeptical,...

I'm new around here and have to say that I absolutely love this forum already.

I made my first order after lurking for maybe a day or two and have to say I'm impressed.

The help, advice and honesty I have experienced has been awesome and I hope that I can pass on my own knowledge to other newbies in the future.

If it wasn't for this site I would have been stuck in a very bad position when I ran out of a specific vitamin.

I now don't have the constant worry of running out as I know that although vendor come and go, I'll always be able to turn to this site for advice!

I was the same as you snoop, looked around fir a day or two, made an order and just prayed it came, and it did!  Great staff  members, advice and information all around! 

well thanks for the input guys, it is much appreciated... I do read through every post relevant to what I need, but where I get kind of skeptical is that I see certain vendors getting all positive great reviews on here, but then when you google them, there will be negative reviews on topix and reddit. While I am more inclined to believe this site, its still something to think about. Either way, I am going to go with Jim, I am thinking. Medicaval is not currently shipping to the US, correct? Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to cause any kind of outrage. I just had to throw it out there becuase this is quite a confusing process especially to someone who has a hard time trusting people.

One last thing I wanted to point out, just to re affirm my initial statement.. On this site, people claim that voguerx is a scam and it is blacklisted, however on the "other site," there  is a post 157 pages long that says nothing but good things about them. After examining the content on both sites, as well as examining voguerx product list and website layout, I have determined that it is the other guys that should not be trusted... hope I'm correct in this assumption!

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watch out for the narcs

Sidmsuri - Rule of thumb: Don't ever trust a person who would use a skull for their icon thingy, trust me. Curiously, though... after reading this site for years why post here that you're leaning towards Pink? I don't recall Pink being in the vendor list on DBG, they are popular on the "other" site. If those are your only two considerations people here are going to say use Jim, if you don't know who Jim is then you haven't read enough, keep at it /default_smile.png (just giving you a hard time)

Don't take this the wrong way, I am not trying to be rude nor intend to be but if you've been reading for years it's not too hard to figure out who's who, who supports a particular forum etc. One forum has a vendor on blacklist yet a separate forum has that vendor listed as a A++++ sponsor. You also need to consider geography. Are you looking for a vendor south of the US border or perhaps something coming out of an area 5000 miles to my east. 

Really though... there isn't much of a "leap of faith" .. spend a few hours browsing the online sections and reading replies, you've been a member here for 3 years... it's pretty straight forward. 

Disclaimer: I am not a paid spokesperson and was not compensated for this post.... but damnit I should be.
so I have a skull , don't trust me? /default_tongue.png

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well thanks for the input guys, it is much appreciated... I do read through every post relevant to what I need, but where I get kind of skeptical is that I see certain vendors getting all positive great reviews on here, but then when you google them, there will be negative reviews on topix and reddit. While I am more inclined to believe this site, its still something to think about. Either way, I am going to go with Jim, I am thinking. Medicaval is not currently shipping to the US, correct? Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to cause any kind of outrage. I just had to throw it out there becuase this is quite a confusing process especially to someone who has a hard time trusting people.

One last thing I wanted to point out, just to re affirm my initial statement.. On this site, people claim that voguerx is a scam and it is blacklisted, however on the "other site," there  is a post 157 pages long that says nothing but good things about them. After examining the content on both sites, as well as examining voguerx product list and website layout, I have determined that it is the other guys that should not be trusted... hope I'm correct in this assumption!
well thanks for the input guys, it is much appreciated... I do read through every post relevant to what I need, but where I get kind of skeptical is that I see certain vendors getting all positive great reviews on here, but then when you google them, there will be negative reviews on topix and reddit. While I am more inclined to believe this site, its still something to think about. Either way, I am going to go with Jim, I am thinking. Medicaval is not currently shipping to the US, correct? Sorry if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to cause any kind of outrage. I just had to throw it out there becuase this is quite a confusing process especially to someone who has a hard time trusting people.

One last thing I wanted to point out, just to re affirm my initial statement.. On this site, people claim that voguerx is a scam and it is blacklisted, however on the "other site," there  is a post 157 pages long that says nothing but good things about them. After examining the content on both sites, as well as examining voguerx product list and website layout, I have determined that it is the other guys that should not be trusted... hope I'm correct in this assumption!
Why are you here if your constantly questioning this site no matter what we say?  to me it just feels like your trying to stir a pot...

Why are you talking about other sites here?  If you actually read this site you will see we are our own site...we are not build from other sites or there here are from members and staff, that are very careful to make sure each review is authentic....

All the info you will need to know about anything is here...and when it doubt go to the scamadvisor....and then listen to your gutt and what this site says...., the staff here makes sure that nobody will scam you and if someone tries they are quickly booted and taken care of....

yet your keep up with the been  heere for a bit now and even with EVERYONE telling you how it goes here you still really want to rely on what other forums feels like your here to shill for another forum and try and knock this one down.....

watch out for the narcs

Sidmsuri - Rule of thumb: Don't ever trust a person who would use a skull for their icon thingy, trust me. Curiously, though... after reading this site for years why post here that you're leaning towards Pink? I don't recall Pink being in the vendor list on DBG, they are popular on the "other" site. If those are your only two considerations people here are going to say use Jim, if you don't know who Jim is then you haven't read enough, keep at it /default_smile.png (just giving you a hard time)

Don't take this the wrong way, I am not trying to be rude nor intend to be but if you've been reading for years it's not too hard to figure out who's who, who supports a particular forum etc. One forum has a vendor on blacklist yet a separate forum has that vendor listed as a A++++ sponsor. You also need to consider geography. Are you looking for a vendor south of the US border or perhaps something coming out of an area 5000 miles to my east. 

Really though... there isn't much of a "leap of faith" .. spend a few hours browsing the online sections and reading replies, you've been a member here for 3 years... it's pretty straight forward. 

Disclaimer: I am not a paid spokesperson and was not compensated for this post.... but damnit I should be.
so I have a skull , don't trust me? /default_tongue.png
lmao, i wont! hehe

Sidmsuri - Rule of thumb: Don't ever trust a person who would use a skull for their icon thingy, trust me. Curiously, though... after reading this site for years why post here that you're leaning towards Pink? I don't recall Pink being in the vendor list on DBG, they are popular on the "other" site. If those are your only two considerations people here are going to say use Jim, if you don't know who Jim is then you haven't read enough, keep at it /default_smile.png (just giving you a hard time)

Don't take this the wrong way, I am not trying to be rude nor intend to be but if you've been reading for years it's not too hard to figure out who's who, who supports a particular forum etc. One forum has a vendor on blacklist yet a separate forum has that vendor listed as a A++++ sponsor. You also need to consider geography. Are you looking for a vendor south of the US border or perhaps something coming out of an area 5000 miles to my east. 

Really though... there isn't much of a "leap of faith" .. spend a few hours browsing the online sections and reading replies, you've been a member here for 3 years... it's pretty straight forward. 

Disclaimer: I am not a paid spokesperson and was not compensated for this post.... but damnit I should be.
I kind of have to agree with you here Cody... I don't know why someone would write such a thing.  Even if there is such a place..a forum or site, if he had years of experience he would be able to tell the real people from the shills...  A good vendor Always gets good reviews...for years..   a bad one gets both..from real customers...some that had a good experience and shills.. It isn't hard to tell the difference from any of these people.  My -02

well, after years of browsing this site, ****, ****, contacting a bunch of email sellers, and visiting just about every well known IOP, i think its about time to place my first order. I just have a few concerns. The largest of which is, I sometimes wonder if nearly everyone on these forums is being compensated financially by one of the scammers who in turn pay off the admins in order to keep the bad or "true" feedback out of the public eye and continue to rip more people off. For some reason I've always felt that way. But I guess ill just have to take a leap of faith. The other thing that I wanted some opinions on, is which IOP do YOU feel has the best quality meds? And also, which is the best value, in your opinion? Right now, Im leaning toward either starlite or pink... any imput is greatly appreciated! 
Wow you've been browsing this site for years and are about to place your first order? I guess there is nothing wrong with that but I've been here for almost a month and have been testing the waters already. But anyway I think I kind of know where you are coming from, although it's hard to believe that you've been reading this site for years and still have this skepticism. The reason I say I might know where you are coming from is because a few days ago I did an independent google search of DBG to find out if there was any feedback, and I came across this other forum  where almost everyone there was spelling out the very same theory that you just said and basically bad mouthing the DBG site. I actually considered that theory for a little while after a brief wave of paranoia passed through me, but then I did another google search of the main IOP that everyone there seemed to be promoting, and which had a banner ad on the front page of that particular forum site, and I found way more complaints and negative feedback for that rx site than the one which they claim is in cahoots with DBG and is a gigantic scam. So that kind of put me at ease because their forum was the only one I found that was saying anything bad about DBG on the Internet, and at the same time the IOP they were promoting had a pretty large number of negative reviews across the Net. But another thing to consider, which someone also pointed out in a reply, is that there are way too many unique members here to suggest that everyone's reviews are fake and that this site is nothing more than a huge conspiracy. I guess anyone can make the argument that their site is legit but the other one is a scam, but if you do some due diligence it's pretty easy to find out who is telling the truth. Also I'm not naming any names here but that IOP they were promoting is on the blacklist on DBG.. I'm pretty new here so I guess my opinion is not exactly the most credible, but that is the conclusion I reached so far. Hope that helps.     

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It's important to note that you will find both positive and negative reviews here at some point for every vendor and the fact that the negative ones are not removed or that people don't jump all over that person says a lot to me.  This is not the case at the "other" site.

I also have been a member of other sites and am glad to say at the least that I have found this one here!..

The top trusted iop and international threads are a godsend and I have found unlike other forums shills and scams are not tolerated here!, any are soon either banned or placed on the blacklist,if you read,read and read some more it will pay off, most members here are more than happy to help as most of the members have all been newbies at one point.Most  are trustworthy people that have become real friends.In other words we ALL look out for one another here . Nothing more to say really!!!



I take offense to saying you can't trust this board, I have been on here for 16 years, and I've gotten plenty of love letters, but have only been ripped off once when my Mexican sy vendor went south on me. We can't do all the work for you, you are here to read the threads and see the feedback that members with good long standing reputations say about a place to order from. I guarantee you, if 2 earls, cat, sad minion, mrcoolguy, Fargo, the list goes on and on, but if they validate a place, I know for 100% positive they are telling me the truth. You don't go by a few newbie comments who probably are shills. You have to do some work, it's jus not going to be given to on a silver platter, we have a great tight community here, and I trust these people, they are my friends, I have gotten so close to a few off them that I can tell them anything. I would suggest donating 5 dollars to get into the VIP section, where I have known people for literally years, I know it says I've been a member for two years, but I was n here the first 14 years before it was shutdown, and this site now is ran the best I have ever seen it run before. When Heisenberg and Jewy left, the meanest and the cool clique was over, no more intimidation. It has honestly changed this board better than ever thanks to our mods, 2 earls and cat and admin. I'm sorry to be upset but this board has literally saved me thousands of dollars if I didn't have people I know and trust validate a place for me and give me the heads up! But you have to go threw the threads and read them entirely, because things do change on them, ones that were great at first went bad, so you have do some homework like the rest of us do. If a member that is a newbie says to order, heck no I won't go order because someone I don't know says it's cool. Yeh, there are shills on every board, we try to keep them out, but go look at that persons reputation and standing in our community, if they are high standing members or the mods I trust them with sending a $1000.00! Please look around before you speak of shilling, donate and go to vip section, I know these people when they say they ordered and received, I believe them. I know for a fact, the last three orders I made were all from threads from trusted members, two of my orders I received in less than 24 hours, and three more I received in two days! Do some research or donate! Don't pu down my board because these people are me friends and do not lie, I'm not trying to be mean, I am not a mean person, but I will defend this forum till the end!
If you've only been ripped off once, bother that is pretty good!  I have had a few vendors who were good..  then went radio silence on me.   Forums like this help protect us.  Thank you all mods and admin for doing a great job! 

back in  the day and now as well there were/are fake forums vougrx cough cough. but this is one of the old ones with real reviews good and bad. ei the black list. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. E @ EldritchMusic: theresearchchemslab
  2. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  3. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  4. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  5. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  7. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  10. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  11. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected
  12. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Hey Dolor! Hope you're having a good week friend, and everyone too! And hopefully everyone getting hit by this latest snowstorm is staying safe and warm and off the roads if ya can!
  13. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  14. D @ DolorCero: @bigblueallda - i replied to your inquiry
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @crimp half the website is flat out broken, i wouldn't touch this
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE first come first serve you might be able to get a sample from new vendors but if you're contacting an established vendor as a new *customer*, it's not very likely
  18. P @ PennyE: So I'm back after about a year, quick question. And y'all's opinion, How often do vendors offer new customers discounts? I've been doing a little shopping and it doesn't seem to be as normal as it year to be
  19. P @ PennyE: Sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️
  20. D @ DolorCero: @PennyE yes i replied to your email