yes and no, i am facing my biggest battle the past 2yrs trying to kick xanax
sometimes i alternate with klonopin, but i need to take it for a couple days before the med kicks in for me to i notice it, which at that time leads to me reducing my xanax dose, but not to a complete halt but just enough to take less than needed.
I also tried to take ativan over xanax, ATIVAN is strong , i didn't feel anything at 1 tab but once i took 2 or 3 2mg to equal the mg conversion of xanax would be , it knocks me out... ATIVAN is a strong quick acting benzo also
i try to stay active as much as possible, sweat and engage in alot of outdoor activities where i get alot of SUN and Sweat going on. I notice that this helps more on opiate w/d's but for benzo w/d not so easy....
i dont think i see myself kicking this habit anytime soon, and afraid i will grow old with this med..... but is it really that bad?
theres good anxiety and bad anxiety. I just need to focus on timing the med right, and get back on DIET/NUTRITION .... i notice my xanax increases if i am on alot of caffine and redbulls and mountain dew, than i get more antsy than i start to over think, than i need xanax....
i try to alternate now one month klonopin with low dose xnx to see how low i can go on the xnx if i can kick it, or i skipp days on xanax on the weekends and take the klonopin on the offdays that xanax was suppose to be taken...its hard
rehab is not an option, if i goto rehab i got to inform my employer, feel paper work for medical leave, and than my employer will know i have an issue, and say rehab doesn't work out and i return to work and relapse and say get a drug tested for a med that i was going to rehab for ,i got alot of explaining to do or risk loosing my job....
the employer doesn't care
current xanax intake is 2mg-4mg depending on the day
when i alternate to cut dose down than i do
2mg klonopin
1mg xanax
its hard! you can spend $$$$$$$$$$$$ on all the doc's ,its all about ur will power ! that will prevail! and activities, sports, and good ppl around you.