Does anyone have any tips for dealing with Oh-p-8 withdrawal?

Kurt Codean

Aug 15, 2015
Hi, I think I might be developing a dependency with oh-p-8s. More specifically I went on a binge with Rocksea 30's last weekend. I kind of foolishly started taking more when it wasn't really adding to my buzz. I wasted 4 of these r-30s that way. I'm kind of mad at myself for wasting them like that, but also, I'm kind of worried that I might be becoming dependent on them. Before I was mostly messing with Kode@ns but that is nothing really compared to R-30's. I was up all night Saturday and fell asleep Sunday night around 8pm and then woke up today at 4pm. I really didn't feel like getting out of bed. Finally I got up and took 4 kode@ns and that sort of made me feel a little better. After that I took 2 more r-30's and got quite a buzz but it's starting to fade. I was wondering if anybody has any advice for dealing with potential dependency on this or any other oh-p-8. Since I'm all out now I'm kind of worried how I'm going to feel tomorrow when I have to run some errands. Fortunately I had today off from work and have another day off tomorrow. So I'm hoping that I will not have any trouble going back to work. The only thing I can think of right now for dealing with any potential withdrawal issues is using some Kode@ns if I have any problems. I have enough of those to last me a week if I take 4 a day. I will get my usual scripts for t4 and tr@madol this week from my doctor, so hopefully that too will be helpful in dealing with withdrawal from r-30's. But I think I might get a few more r-30's this week to beat the holiday rush. Does anyone think taking 4 kode@ns will help with withdrawal from r-30's until I can get some more? Also when I do get more does anyone know what the best way is to minimize the chances of becoming a full blown addict? I never thought this would be a problem for me but today might have proved otherwise. Should I start looking into getting buprenorphine with nalaxone? Thanks to anyone who can give me some advice with dealing with withdrawal symptoms. 



In my experience if you are using/dependent on an opy8 use a small amount of a opyoid for 2-3 days only until the opy8 is out of your system but not long enough to get dependant on the oid.On the 3rd to 7th day use Lyrica gablins 1 morning, 1 night and you hardly feel a thing.This is my experience not a recommendation.But it worked for me.

hmm okay thanks for the tips. I'm not sure where to get the Oids, but I'll look around. That's probably in the RC section right? So the op8s only stay in your system for about 3 days? Also I've never heard of Lyrica gablins but I'll look it up. Thanks for your tips. 


For me personally I try to keep a couple of different things in stock.  I just ran out of my Pk of choice but I have some Tr@ms and some of the Morpheends leftover and they help me get through those couple of down days until I re-up.  I have figured out that my body will respond better if I can mix up what I put in it.  I sort of felt a little crappy yesterday as Sun was my last day of the my K-9s.   I probably take less than most as I tend to use them while working.  I like to whistle while I work and the pks help me do so.   I also mix up some of my favorite oyster shell stim so I kinda float through the day, yet get a lot done!   Variety is the spice of life and moderation is the key.  Don't start worrying about getting dependent as it will add to your stress.....Just try to be mindful of your usage.   

The trAmPs you are getting this week will definitely help as they will pick your spirits up......The buzz effect for me on those is short lived but they definitely help me with anxiety and tapering.   They also allow me to smoke my favorite Kb and keep the smoke induced anxiety to a minimum.   It sounds like you are aware of whats going on inside you and that is a good thing!   

Stay positive and don't overthink it. If I overthink it, I tend to beat myself up. 

For me personally I try to keep a couple of different things in stock.  I just ran out of my Pk of choice but I have some Tr@ms and some of the Morpheends leftover and they help me get through those couple of down days until I re-up.  I have figured out that my body will respond better if I can mix up what I put in it.  I sort of felt a little crappy yesterday as Sun was my last day of the my K-9s.   I probably take less than most as I tend to use them while working.  I like to whistle while I work and the pks help me do so.   I also mix up some of my favorite oyster shell stim so I kinda float through the day, yet get a lot done!   Variety is the spice of life and moderation is the key.  Don't start worrying about getting dependent as it will add to your stress.....Just try to be mindful of your usage.   

The trAmPs you are getting this week will definitely help as they will pick your spirits up......The buzz effect for me on those is short lived but they definitely help me with anxiety and tapering.   They also allow me to smoke my favorite Kb and keep the smoke induced anxiety to a minimum.   It sounds like you are aware of whats going on inside you and that is a good thing!   

Stay positive and don't overthink it. If I overthink it, I tend to beat myself up. 
Sub0x0ne is a life saver TBH, m/done 10mg bars use to help. I always tried to stay away from m/done though. 1 Sub film usually does the trick no matter what your tolerance is if your in WD. Kr@tom will work if your tolerance is low but I'd recommend keeping some Sub0x0ne for emergencies. Lately with 30s being prescribed less and prices up sky high has turned everyone turned to cheap H which you def don't want to become a slave to. I totally know that feeling at work, makes the day go by fast and everything's just fantastic. Only problem is when you have to go work when you run out and believe me everyone notices. 

hmm okay thanks for the tips. I'm not sure where to get the Oids, but I'll look around. That's probably in the RC section right? So the op8s only stay in your system for about 3 days? Also I've never heard of Lyrica gablins but I'll look it up. Thanks for your tips. 

Yes opi3s only stay in your system for up to 72 hrs (48 hrs or less with plenty of water drinking and a smaller amount of opi3 used) and they leave the bloodstream in 6 hrs. (They test for 2 kinds of opi3s which are m0rphin3 which H is metabolized into into and 0xee) I've taken lab screens for work so I know this is all defiantly true, sub0x0ne doesn't show up in drug screens and for some reason I also noticed kl0n0pin doesn't show up even after daily use. I know the scientific answer to this but if interested you can g00gle about that kl0nz. <only way subs will show in a drug screen is if they intentionally test for it. Doesn't show in the 16 panel tests you get at Labcorp ect used by jobs or the ones government use. Some sub Drs will test for bupe to make sure your using it>

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@ainthouse thanks for the advice. Yeah I think most of the anxiety from withdrawal is in the mind. I though I would be feeling really bad today but I feel okay. I have some Kode@ns on hand to give me a little pep if I need it. Thanks for the advice my friend!

@Kal that's interesting, so If My doctor did a random drug test the r-30 that I did last night would come up as oxee? I think that would get me in trouble. I was going to see him today but maybe I should put it off till Saturday. I guess Kode@n metabolizes into Morph right? Thanks for the fun facts. I didn't know kl0n0pins didn't show up as benz0s in drug tests. That's good to know. I get them prescribed but in the event I didn't have a script to back it up I guess I wouldn't have to worry if I was using iop kl0n0pin. Have a great day and thank you.

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@Kurt Codean anytime.....One thing I did notice when I was feeling rough a while back is that when I took a few benzos during that time, I only felt worse.  I remember reading somewhere in the forum that benzos may make the WD feelings worse.   I think it was in the Tr@mPZ thread but I could be mistaken.   I doubt that you are going to experience much withdrawal from a weekend binge other than a 24-48 hour period of feeling kinda shitty.   Sorta like going on a powder only feel bad mentally for about 2 days.....then you notice the improvement once the chemicals in your brain return to normal.   My first Tr@mPZ wd experience was really weird.  I felt shitty for about 3 days....couldnt wake up, really depressed and just felt crappy overall.  Then day 4 arrived and I felt freaking a whole new person!  Try not to think about it and go about your day as you normally would....The crappy feeling will pass and things will be cool.   Next time you get the ROXcees, pace yourself so you can enjoy them longer....thats what I did.  I was splitting them up and trying to stretch em out.  Hell they are not cheap!    Take care Friend!

@aintnouse I got a little bit of a helping hand today, I went to see my doctor and I was able to get him to prescribe me 90 10-325 hidr0c0d0nes in place of my normal scripts for t4s and tr@mpz. So I can take 3 of those per day now. That should definitely take the edge off of Rocksea withdrawal. You're right buddy, the Rockseas are not cheap, but they sure are good though. I don't think any amount of hydr0c0d0ne can compare to the buzz I got off taking 2 r-30's. that was a pretty intense buzz for me. I will probably still get more Rockseas when I have some spare change lying around. I don't know if I can stretch them out too much though by splitting them up. I tried that the first day I got them and I didn't feel much from taking 1/2 every hour. It seems like I need to take one or 2 at a time to get a really strong buzz. Hmm I never really experienced much pain from tramp withdrawal. I guess it effects people differently. I also never really got any sort of buzz off tr@mps like some people claim they do. I'm aware that some people feel it more than others. I'm in the group that doesn't feel them much. I was pretty happy when I go the new script for the hidr0s though. They're a lot more mild in my opinion than Rockseas, but overall I think they are better than a t4 and Tr@mp combo. But I think I will still order some Kode@ns from Starlite when I get the chance. Those are pretty good. 

You definitely got a helping hand and they will totally help with the wd.  I am still on the fence with the Roksees.  I liked them but thought the peak was a little to short for my liking.  I was getting OckseeKoDones from the kidiot in my neighborhood and I really dug those and he gave a great deal...til he ripped me off.   They just lasted the perfect amount of time and were quite pleasant all the way around. The tr@Mps don't really buzz me that hard...but they give me an all around good feeling....and the wd was more of a depression/lethargy than pain.  The only problem I have with them is they don't mix well with my favorite stim.....The combo lowers the seizure threshold and that is is a drag!   I am hoping everything comes together for me at the end of the week and I will be talking to my favorite Us guy.   His reliability and shipping is second to none so far.  

Glad things worked out for you my friend!!!  Enjoy the rest of your night.   I am calling it quits...just worked a 13 hour day so I am going to chill.  Take it easy!

@aintnouse Yeah man I kind of agree with you about the rocksea buzz being a little short lived. For me it seems to last only about an hour or 2 hours at max. arent's ockseecod0nes the same as Rockseas? it thought the r's where just a brand name of ockseac0done. Yeah the thing about tr@mps lowering the seizure threshold is another reason I asked my doctor to take me off them. I also take an ssri (lex@pro) and I heard it wasn't good to mix tr@mps with ssris. Good luck with your Us guy, I was thinking of giving him a try but have all my dough tied up in other vendors! Enjoy the rest of your night too!

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I'm not encouraging alcohol if you don't normally drink but I used to drink on occasion ,lots of showers ,sugar, Tylenol

as lost its patent niy

hmm okay thanks for the tips. I'm not sure where to get the Oids, but I'll look around. That's probably in the RC section right? So the op8s only stay in your system for about 3 days? Also I've never heard of Lyrica gablins but I'll look it up. Thanks for your tips. 

I was under the impression you were dependent on opi*tes,would need a full 7 day withdrawal plan to which I have done off of heavy opi*tes.

Pregablin is a capsule by Lyrica which has lost its patent now.But if you used for eg.Tramad*l or a small amount of methad*ne for 2-3 days only!!

And then on the 3rd day (whether you reduce the opoi*d dose for the 2-3 days is up to you and would determine if you start the Pregabl*n on

the 2nd or 3rd day). Use 225mg Gablins twice a day for the remainding days making up 7. I think you'll find by the 5th day you will feel full of

energy & surprisingly well. I read above you are not totally dependant as in not been using opi*tes for months/years etc. If so a tramad*l taper

for 3 days reducing would suffice & a couple of days of Pregab$ should be fine. Honestly this is tried & tested.If you are only on Cod*ine the withdrawal is only around 4 days so you can use the method I have put forth for 2 days&2days Gablin or a str8 4 day Opi*d (Tram/Meth)reduction

This is only if you are not dependant on opi*ds that you can do this method so keep this in mind before undertaking such a proven remedy. Opi*tes

only stay in your system for 3 days max unless you have been using high end stuff for a long time(6mths+)dailly & rising in amount,then it can linger for an extra day or 2 if you do not hydrate enough. But this is not likely with code*ne as it is a weak opi*te compared to others,even DHC has  2-4 day w/d. So if you are serious try my advice as it works & has for others after I found out by working out the method & trying it. This will help if you decide to do this.


I say just take it on the chin and ride it out, even for long term IV use the really bad part only lasts for a week or two and then it is much better.  Substituting another PK or becoming a suboxone or methadone addict is not a whole lot better.  I've heard of rehabs putting addicts on multi year suboxone tapers, and to me that is ridiculous.  I've used gabapentin but it didn't seem to do much, lyrica can be abused so I never got that in rehab (for heroin and benzos), nor did I use suboxone or methadone.  Its a rough couple of weeks, get a space heater and sweat it out.  You had your op8 good times, now its time to pay for them.  And clonazepam does not show up on SOME drug tests, it is detectable.

PS. You are nowhere near opiate dependent after a weekend of oral/snorting 30s.  You are just coming off, if you were dependent you would be physically ill.  If a weekender makes you feel like shit think long and hard about what really coming off a dependency is like, it is very unpleasant.  I suggest you curb your abuse or it won't be long before you need a blast to get up in the morning.  Every heroin user I know started where you are.

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Listen to jimbobones please people I'm a walking example of everything he said and am now on my 4th m/done script spread over the last 20yrs or so!.I wish I had just done my turkey on my first time adoption problem but the doc "HELPED" me and put me on m/done BAD BAD CHOICE!!!.If you look in the other opiate wds thread I've posted some more of my story there.Please don't mess with opis as they ALWAYS just Ness you up.Remember H is a hungry maiden who consumes you in every way imaginable.Again guys take the uncomfortable feelings now as it's all they are untill you become chronically addicted to hard opiates Iv,ing ect a little bit of flu like symptoms for a week at most is so much better than MONTHS of aching and no sleep from m/done wds!!

I should have learned by now 4 times over opi will get in your head and she's a BIATCH to kick out....

Peace best wishes 


Long term meth or sub wd the worst is over max 14 days. You get random sweating when its cold (more so on meth then subys)  and sleep improves over time from 1-3  hours a night to half a dozen on a good night. It nothing like hell you experience during those 2 weeks    

Going cold Turkey on any opiate is the best advice. Especially something like cod3in3    

When I got off meth I just drank and popped benzs so the whole thing passed by in pretty much a haze. Of course I started drinking a qt of vodka a day, but that's another story. I've never had to kick op8s but I did helpwrite this thing & it's probably worth looking at it (It's got a pdf version there). It's not hard to understand. 

My understanding is meth@done wks for a lot of people but you need to find someone who will give a large enough dose & you may have to stay on it for years. I didn't see anyone mention bupren0rph1ne, which in the US at at least doctors can prescribe & a lot of people have found that a better option

I have tried subs but the naloxone gives me headaches. Bups without naloxone work well. Methad0ne  works well for me also. Both these treatments require advanced planning/ orders. Does anyone know of  OTC  treatment that can be used to help with withdrawl while awaiting a delivery. Thank you in advance.

I have tried subs but the naloxone gives me headaches. Bups without naloxone work well. Methad0ne  works well for me also. Both these treatments require advanced planning/ orders. Does anyone know of  OTC  treatment that can be used to help with withdrawl while awaiting a delivery. Thank you in advance.
You might want to try Kratom. Many have used it successfully to lessen W/D symptoms. I use it for pain management occasionally and learned about it from my DR who recommended it for me to use after my triathlons to ease the significant body aches and pains.

M/done w/d lasts months if your on large doses.  Clonidine & may be doxepin might help. If your not too deep in, don't opt for the M/done. It might be a life time marriage w/ no divorce.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!