Does anyone have any tips for dealing with Oh-p-8 withdrawal?

Thank you for advice. I use methadone for 3 days only then meds refilled. I am rx a fairly generous amt of vics and ms by dr. Due to new laws I can,t tell them it is not working for entire month anymore or  I will be looked at as drug seeker ect. I have been on these for years and find myself taking 2 at a time vs 1 that is ordered. That is why I run out. Anyway kratom  powder tastes so vile it works as an emetic for me. Also I live in rural area and only way to get this is thru delivery. I saw somewhere that you can use a 4 part treatment one of the items was immodium of course and I think a decongestant, I can't remember or find what other things you can take. Lack of energy is the worst after the body aches.

Imodium can help with opiate wds,check u tube vids on the help that imodium used with other otc meds  seem to help...

Good luck as ive been through wds more times than I wish to recall.......



Can't say enough about how getting back on my antidepressants helped me.  It took away 90-95% of the psychological cravings, some physical and almost no paws at all.

Convinced the regulation of serotonin is a key to getting and staying sober.


Been thru this a few times. Not sure how long you've been on oxy or Vic's but generally 3-4 weeks will start to form a dependency problem. My two main symptoms were the nausea and overwhelming anxiety, google Thomas Recope for some good at home solutions. A long acting benzo is essential to keep your mental state, insomnia, etc under control. Valium or Klonipin work well. It's gonna be a little rocky but using these tools you can manage through the 2-3 weeks of discomfort 

Just wanted to throw an idea out for everyone..

I find that forcing myself to exercise helps more than you may think when you're w/ding from opes.

Go for a fast pace walk with some small weights. Helped me a lot for two days. I have come down from taking 400 mg (no apap) oxi a week and being out three weeks after many times it seems the shitty, upset stomach feeling lasts only 2-3 days now.

Invest in immodium tablets on Amazon got 200# for like $8

Just wanted to throw an idea out for everyone..

I find that forcing myself to exercise helps more than you may think when you're w/ding from opes.

Go for a fast pace walk with some small weights. Helped me a lot for two days. I have come down from taking 400 mg (no apap) oxi a week and being out three weeks after many times it seems the shitty, upset stomach feeling lasts only 2-3 days now.

Invest in immodium tablets on Amazon got 200# for like $8
Spot on, however difficult it seems, a bit of exercise really does help, especially with the lower leg spasms. But anything to release natural endorphins of any kind is ideal.

Cold turkey feel the dreadful  pain. Then goo through it hlf  dozn time and stilll do it haha ha know joke

I've found myself without t-dol (small dose, 50-100mg daily) occasionally. Not fun. Sleeplessness, agitation (legs especially). Hot shower helps. From what I've read, my wd's are mild in comparison to others, still not fun. I started taking a lot of magnesium daily years ago to head off any damage from alcohol. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and will make you a regular person (too much and you'll need to be close to a bathroom at all times, avoid the oxide form.) In any case, it's good for you. Mostly everyone is deficient.

Magnesium Reduces Opiate Dependency and Cocaine Cravings

Healthnotes Newswire (August 14, 2003)

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Get netflix and some food like fruit or canned stuff. And ride out the withdraw before it becomes an even bigger problem. Thats what i'd do if in same situation. Else you be looking at getting a script of mdon or subs. Which is like dancing with the devil.

   To chime in on an old thread (and to keep myself occupied 😣) If you have access to a jetted/ jacuzzi tub get in that thing as much as you can stand. Dump in some Epsom salts for good measure and a magnesium boost - at least that is touted as a benefit.
   A jacuzzi soak does temporarily seem to help with the major kicking legs I have when I am out of meds. Those really can keep someone up all night, and keep the misery going.
   It doesn't necessarily bring long lasting relief, but it does help take your nerves and pain down a notch temporarily.
   I would also recommend having a decent c0de@n c@ugh syrup on hand if you don't have anything stronger around to help you sleep. Recently, I had the unpleasant experience of having a several restless nights of misery that even x@n@x wouldn't help. That sucked.
  I had a tiny swill left of c0dean syrup and I chased that with regular dxm syrup and finally could sleep at 4am.
  If you read this and are planning to be in with withdr@wal- do yourself a huge favor and don't skip the step of tapering down. It is a big mistake and one I would have expected myself to learn to avoid by now as I am not a newbie. I am learning my lesson for sure!! 😓
  Best wishes to anyone going though a super rough spot. It will pass. Better days ahead, always.

Old threat but im relating hard right now ive been on methadone at 60ml a day for the last year and after being an IV H user for a couple of years, and im coming off now but its like when i was withdrawing from H before bringing back memories. Im reducing by 1ml per day so ive dropped 35ml my dose today was 25ml and tgat means i have 24 days until im off it altogether. Heres a few things im feeling atm


-hot/cold sweats

-no appetite

-being sick to the point its wrote a few days off altogether lately

-my skin is crawling and goosebumps extremely sensitive to touch and cold

-Pain all over feels like itscoming from my bones

-bowels dont know what way they are going they can change in minutes

The list goes on. Im reducing faster than recommended but i want this over and done with. Im finding MM is really helping me out and codiene if im ina really bad way i will take 60mg code but im not doing it very often, just on the worst days ive maybe done it 3 days now, not in a row. 

I think from my experience if i ever found myself back in the position again i would ride out the 2 weeks of hell rather than this last year of inconveniences that comes along with methadone prescriptions and collection etc. 

As far as drug testing my previous employer did swabs inside mouth test and it came back clean whilst taking 60ml methadone daily, showed nothing and thankfully at the time i hadnt been smoking for a month or so. 

I tried subs and i just found myself with the needle twice round i tried but meth got me off H, but it came with its own drawbacks and im still not fully off it yet. 

Anybody struggling with opiate addiction please dont ignore the signs and be honest with yourself, im not against drug use in any way but please be safe i lost my brother to H overdose and thats why i had to make the change for my family if not myself. Stay strong x

@Lliwmc I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I’ve had a few friends die in my life(not all directly from drugs but I supposed related), and I still get a tear once in a while, like this morning, before I even read your post.

i have shitty chronic pain and I have been clear of the orange devil(suboxone, didn’t fix my pain, just made life harder), for a little bit now.  Was using odsmt to get off it cus I just couldn’t taper suboxone, I was already in loads of pain taking 12mg, and there is a ceiling limit after about 4mg where it doesn’t help much more.

So, taking odsmt instead, ran out, asshole I ordered from hasn’t responded so I think I’m out $150, an the other guy I ordered from, it hasn’t arrived yet and he hasn’t responded to me asking for a tracking number.  I’m tired of being in pain.  I can’t take enough kratom to get rid of it and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Honestly wish I could find real dope(or anything cheap), but all I can get is expensive oxycodone.

Tired of always being in pain.  Barely slept last night.  I just want to know if I am going to be able to get my damn package tomorrow.   Odsmt works great for my pain, but I’ve been out of work for months and have barely any savings left.

I apologize for the sob story, I’m just exhausted.

Nah i get it, never heard of odsmt before so i just googled it. I have used tr@madol before and never really got anything from it, just an itch but no rush or buzz... Is it similar? In feeling. 

The only thing that i have found to give me relief is w33d, methadone really helped but tapering off it has been very hard. Im still not using H and 9 days since i had any methadone, ive used nothing but w33d and today ive started to drop back on how much of that im smoking, before it becomes my new problem! But for the moment it really is my only help puff puff puff

I feel for you with the insomnia, thats been my last couple of months too its horrible

@Kurt Codean anytime.....One thing I did notice when I was feeling rough a while back is that when I took a few benzos during that time, I only felt worse.  I remember reading somewhere in the forum that benzos may make the WD feelings worse.   
Is this true about benz.ohs making wtdwls worse?? Does anyone else have a similar story/experience?  If so, I’m so grateful to hear this advice as I am currently facing severe wtdwls as I’ve been taking oHpee8s daily for 4 years and worked up to 80-120mg ox_ee daily for the past year; I assumed benZ_os would help ease the experience.  Interesting.

I am not looking forward to what is about to happen to me.  Unfortunately, my usually reliable  vendor has suddenly gone MIA (with a fat gift I’d just sent btw) and I’m left with a mere 4 40mg OX_cee tabs, 4 80mg ox_cees and a single box of 30MG Dee-h-cee.  I have 2 individual subs on hand and am waiting until desperate to resort to them...any advice of how to make the best use of what little I have??

This is a totally unexpected tapering I am about to go through and I am a key worker who cannot stay home to go through this.  Timing could not be worse.  I’m terrified and trying not to panic.  

I do have a box of dried p.opp.y pods that I bought once and have put them away for “the apocalypse” lol—this just might be the time to try that.  Any advice on that as well??  I’ve never made tea and am currently researching it here.  

please, any advice or even moral support is welcome.


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@Lliwmc I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I’ve had a few friends die in my life(not all directly from drugs but I supposed related), and I still get a tear once in a while, like this morning, before I even read your post.

i have shitty chronic pain and I have been clear of the orange devil(suboxone, didn’t fix my pain, just made life harder), for a little bit now.  Was using odsmt to get off it cus I just couldn’t taper suboxone, I was already in loads of pain taking 12mg, and there is a ceiling limit after about 4mg where it doesn’t help much more.

So, taking odsmt instead, ran out, asshole I ordered from hasn’t responded so I think I’m out $150, an the other guy I ordered from, it hasn’t arrived yet and he hasn’t responded to me asking for a tracking number.  I’m tired of being in pain.  I can’t take enough kratom to get rid of it and it makes me sick to my stomach.

Honestly wish I could find real dope(or anything cheap), but all I can get is expensive oxycodone.

Tired of always being in pain.  Barely slept last night.  I just want to know if I am going to be able to get my damn package tomorrow.   Odsmt works great for my pain, but I’ve been out of work for months and have barely any savings left.

I apologize for the sob story, I’m just exhausted.
Lol talk about “I can relate”— I’m looking for o-x-cee as it is the only thing that even touches my pain and my regular vendor has disappeared with over £800 of mine as I was regularly buying boxes at a time.  Happy to pay any price to rid myself of the pain!  Anyway it sux to be burned by vendors and sorry that happened to you.  I feel you.  I know this is an old thread, but the wtdwls I am about to have are very much in the present/certain future and I plan to scour every inch of this site in hopes of avoiding wtdwls.  Thanks as it’s good to know I’m not alone in this.

@lightningseed5 Hi there. I’m sorry that your about to enter the dreaded land of opiate withdrawals. May you find comfort in knowing that almost every single one of us that divulge in opiates , go through this inevitably from time to time. I personally have way more times than I can even count and although it gets a bit easier with time because you know what to expect and can prepare with certain methods, it still sucks ridiculously every single time. But just know, you are not alone as it happens, no matter if we all are taking opiates for fun or for pain. However, there are some options to treat/ease the withdrawals. I noticed that you’re not from the USA (or I may be wrong, but you used the pound sign for currency) as many of us are , so I don’t know where exactly you’re located or the laws there, but if you can get a hold of some Kratom, that will definitely help no matter what you’re taking or tolerance as it even helps with heri@n withdrawal. You can find much information about it here if that’s an option to you. I made a large informative post about it a month or two back that you can read up on or you can ask me anything you need help with.

Now, on to the poppy pods which can DEFINITELY be beneficial. I’ve used it with great success in the past. Here is a method that I used.


Step 1:

Take ALL of the pods and put them into a blender and grind them into the finest amount of powder or smallest fibers you can obtain. There may still be chunks and that is ok as it can overheat a blender. If not all of the pods will fit, just do a few at a time but add all of what you grind into 1 container or jar as you want to have just 1 potency because each pod may differ in strength. Separating the pods can become dangerous because of the different strengths. For instance, you choose to use 2 pods for 1 tea to try or sample their effectiveness. You realize that it wasn’t strong enough so next time you do 3 pods and it may be overwhelming and too much risking overdose. Each pod varies in the amount of active alkaloids which makes some weaker/stronger than others. However, if you mix all of the ground pods to one jar, they become one strength, if this makes sense or I’m explaining it properly. It’s best to keep them at room temperature in an airtight container like a large jar or similar. Don’t let them be exposed to heat as this destroys the op8s. Also don’t expose to moisture as it can mold.

Step 2:

(Depending on your tolerance is of course the amount you will take but start off slowly. You can always add more but once you take it, you can’t take less. Don’t underestimate the pod. They can be very strong as they contain morphine, codeine, and thebaine alkaloids)
Get a cup of warm to semi hot water. Not boiling- very important. This can destroy the alkaloids. Mix 2-3 spoonfuls of your poppy grounds and stir thoroughly. Let steep for 10-15 minutes . Don’t let steep for too long as this derives the thebaine out more, and it is not desirable. Thebaine is not a good feeling opiate. It is not associated with the “good” feelings of euphoria like other opiates. It can also cause convulsions, hot flushes in the face and extremities, racing heart and other uncomfortable feelings. Some people think the longer you soak the pods the better. This is not the case simply because of the thebaine. 10-15mins is more than efficient.

Step 3: Get something that you can use as a filter. I like to use a clean tshirt . Some people use coffee filters. Some use a hand towel. All will work but I think something that is big enough for you to ring out without ripping is easier and quicker. Get a cup or container and pour the Mixture through your chosen filter into it. You may use your hands to ring the remaining solution out.

Step 4: Your drink is ready to ingest. It doesn’t taste phenomenal but it’s not terrible. I would suggest until you become certain of your proper dosage, that you sip it like you would an alcoholic beverage until you reach the desired effects. It takes 30-45mins to reach its ultimate effectiveness, so don’t take more if you don’t feel it right away. After you get familiar with the amount you need, you can later change this method to chugging it as it isn’t pleasant tasting. If you don’t feel any better after the 45min time mark, add half a spoonful every 30mins until you do. Take note of the total amount when you finally achieve feeling better, so next time you can do it all at once.


To make the taste better, you can add a bit of lemon to the mixture. This also can potentate the opiates to make them enhanced as well. Some people find it tastes better chilled, some warm. You can add soda or juice to it or even sugar 🤢.  To me, I just drink it down as is because I don’t want to savor it but each to their own. Remember to try to drink it slowly the first time just to ensure you don’t overdose but once you get the correct dosage, chugging it would be optimal.

 Do not mix this with other opiates until you are well familiar with its effects. It can be dangerous or even fatal. You can overdose on pods alone. Be careful and mindful mixing it with ANY meds. Treat it as you are taking a strong narcotic medication and proceed with caution. Especially with benzos and alcohol .  


Its really different for everyone. Someone who has no opiate tolerance may feel a high from it similar to morphine or codeine. Someone who has a tolerance or has been taking opiates for a while may not feel a noticeable high but just relief from withdrawal. However, with everyone being different, you may have a tolerance and still feel a high. For a strong tolerance, I found it takes away about 90% of all withdrawal. Moderate tolerance- upwards of 95% if not all.



I Hope this helps you out. I think I covered everything but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. This site has tons of information on just about everything. You can find the meds you are seeking. Just keep searching. Go to the email sources and just message everyone. State you are from DBG and your ship to location to make sure they ship to your region. Good luck and if you need any more guidance, we are all here to help each other and lend support. Even if you just want to gripe. We understand lol!  

Although withdrawal stinks, you will make it through. Especially if you have the pods! You got this! It will get better. I promise.

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Low Dose Naltrexone.   Get it online from a functional medicine doctor via telehealth - say you have fibromyalgia.  Start taking it at the same time as your opiates, gradually weaning down.  It also reverses tolerance, increases natural endorphins, boosts immunity, etc.   Start with 0.1 mg, then 0.25, then 0.5, then 1.0 when you are ready to stop the opiates.  If already in late-phase WD, start them at 0.5 mg once per day.   

Natrexone at low doses is a miracle - I wont be without it.  

@lightningseed5 Hi there. I’m sorry that your about to enter the dreaded land of opiate withdrawals. May you find comfort in knowing that almost every single one of us that divulge in opiates , go through this inevitably from time to time. I personally have way more times than I can even count and although it gets a bit easier with time because you know what to expect and can prepare with certain methods, it still sucks ridiculously every single time. But just know, you are not alone as it happens, no matter if we all are taking opiates for fun or for pain. However, there are some options to treat/ease the withdrawals. I noticed that you’re not from the USA (or I may be wrong, but you used the pound sign for currency) as many of us are , so I don’t know where exactly you’re located or the laws there, but if you can get a hold of some Kratom, that will definitely help no matter what you’re taking or tolerance as it even helps with heri@n withdrawal. You can find much information about it here if that’s an option to you. I made a large informative post about it a month or two back that you can read up on or you can ask me anything you need help with.

Now, on to the poppy pods which can DEFINITELY be beneficial. I’ve used it with great success in the past. Here is a method that I used.


Step 1:

Take ALL of the pods and put them into a blender and grind them into the finest amount of powder or smallest fibers you can obtain. There may still be chunks and that is ok as it can overheat a blender. If not all of the pods will fit, just do a few at a time but add all of what you grind into 1 container or jar as you want to have just 1 potency because each pod may differ in strength. Separating the pods can become dangerous because of the different strengths. For instance, you choose to use 2 pods for 1 tea to try or sample their effectiveness. You realize that it wasn’t strong enough so next time you do 3 pods and it may be overwhelming and too much risking overdose. Each pod varies in the amount of active alkaloids which makes some weaker/stronger than others. However, if you mix all of the ground pods to one jar, they become one strength, if this makes sense or I’m explaining it properly. It’s best to keep them at room temperature in an airtight container like a large jar or similar. Don’t let them be exposed to heat as this destroys the op8s. Also don’t expose to moisture as it can mold.

Step 2:

(Depending on your tolerance is of course the amount you will take but start off slowly. You can always add more but once you take it, you can’t take less. Don’t underestimate the pod. They can be very strong as they contain morphine, codeine, and thebaine alkaloids)
Get a cup of warm to semi hot water. Not boiling- very important. This can destroy the alkaloids. Mix 2-3 spoonfuls of your poppy grounds and stir thoroughly. Let steep for 10-15 minutes . Don’t let steep for too long as this derives the thebaine out more, and it is not desirable. Thebaine is not a good feeling opiate. It is not associated with the “good” feelings of euphoria like other opiates. It can also cause convulsions, hot flushes in the face and extremities, racing heart and other uncomfortable feelings. Some people think the longer you soak the pods the better. This is not the case simply because of the thebaine. 10-15mins is more than efficient.

Step 3: Get something that you can use as a filter. I like to use a clean tshirt . Some people use coffee filters. Some use a hand towel. All will work but I think something that is big enough for you to ring out without ripping is easier and quicker. Get a cup or container and pour the Mixture through your chosen filter into it. You may use your hands to ring the remaining solution out.

Step 4: Your drink is ready to ingest. It doesn’t taste phenomenal but it’s not terrible. I would suggest until you become certain of your proper dosage, that you sip it like you would an alcoholic beverage until you reach the desired effects. It takes 30-45mins to reach its ultimate effectiveness, so don’t take more if you don’t feel it right away. After you get familiar with the amount you need, you can later change this method to chugging it as it isn’t pleasant tasting. If you don’t feel any better after the 45min time mark, add half a spoonful every 30mins until you do. Take note of the total amount when you finally achieve feeling better, so next time you can do it all at once.


To make the taste better, you can add a bit of lemon to the mixture. This also can potentate the opiates to make them enhanced as well. Some people find it tastes better chilled, some warm. You can add soda or juice to it or even sugar 🤢.  To me, I just drink it down as is because I don’t want to savor it but each to their own. Remember to try to drink it slowly the first time just to ensure you don’t overdose but once you get the correct dosage, chugging it would be optimal.

 Do not mix this with other opiates until you are well familiar with its effects. It can be dangerous or even fatal. You can overdose on pods alone. Be careful and mindful mixing it with ANY meds. Treat it as you are taking a strong narcotic medication and proceed with caution. Especially with benzos and alcohol .  


Its really different for everyone. Someone who has no opiate tolerance may feel a high from it similar to morphine or codeine. Someone who has a tolerance or has been taking opiates for a while may not feel a noticeable high but just relief from withdrawal. However, with everyone being different, you may have a tolerance and still feel a high. For a strong tolerance, I found it takes away about 90% of all withdrawal. Moderate tolerance- upwards of 95% if not all.



I Hope this helps you out. I think I covered everything but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. This site has tons of information on just about everything. You can find the meds you are seeking. Just keep searching. Go to the email sources and just message everyone. State you are from DBG and your ship to location to make sure they ship to your region. Good luck and if you need any more guidance, we are all here to help each other and lend support. Even if you just want to gripe. We understand lol!  

Although withdrawal stinks, you will make it through. Especially if you have the pods! You got this! It will get better. I promise.
IMO this is some of the worst advice possible. Poppy seed/pod tea is impossible to dose accurately as the strength of the pods varies greatly and it's just as easy to get  addicted to the tea as it is prescription opiates. It's also hell to get off of because of the amount of stuff in it besides just a single straightforward opioid, much like bl4ck t4r. I'd go with kratom and loperamide (in small doses, taking large doses of it is  very dangerous) and just suffer it out. Those OPMS kratom shots really work...but are also possible to get hooked on. You always pay it back in full  when withdrawing for all the fun you've had while on opiates 😔

Regardless of your opinion, which I do respect, or how dangerous pod dosing may be, that is the proper way you do it and my purpose for posting was the poster above mine in which I was replying to, was SPECIFICALLY asking about the instructions for the pods. They weren’t pondering if they should buy them nor if they were safe to use. She has already obtained them, so the conclusion would be to give her the proper directions so she is as safe as she possibly can be. Also, in response to your statement that all not pods are the same strength, was also stated in the original directions as well as how to get  all of the pods to be 1 strength as best as you possibly can. These are not also just my instructions. I have done extensive research for years on this particular subject, and it is the directions of popular consensus. 
Of course addiction is at risk with ANY opiate or opiate derivative, but she is already in that boat as it seems, that is why she was fearing withdrawal, which happens to ONLY come when addiction has been achieved. Whether it be mentally or your body becoming physically addicted after prolonged use. Even if your taking pills as prescribed, this will happen.

Again, I respect your opinion, but I don’t believe you read everything in detail nor read the original post specifically asking for these details.

If you have no current addiction nor are wanting one, I ABSOLUTELY don’t think it would be wise to start with pods. However, if you’re in a withdrawal from any type of opiate and you’re seeking relief, it’s not implausible, especially if you already purchased the pods for this very reason, to seek relief from them. Just be safe and always start very slowly. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!