@lightningseed5 Hi there. I’m sorry that your about to enter the dreaded land of opiate withdrawals. May you find comfort in knowing that almost every single one of us that divulge in opiates , go through this inevitably from time to time. I personally have way more times than I can even count and although it gets a bit easier with time because you know what to expect and can prepare with certain methods, it still sucks ridiculously every single time. But just know, you are not alone as it happens, no matter if we all are taking opiates for fun or for pain. However, there are some options to treat/ease the withdrawals. I noticed that you’re not from the USA (or I may be wrong, but you used the pound sign for currency) as many of us are , so I don’t know where exactly you’re located or the laws there, but if you can get a hold of some Kratom, that will definitely help no matter what you’re taking or tolerance as it even helps with heri@n withdrawal. You can find much information about it here if that’s an option to you. I made a large informative post about it a month or two back that you can read up on or you can ask me anything you need help with.
Now, on to the poppy pods which can DEFINITELY be beneficial. I’ve used it with great success in the past. Here is a method that I used.
Step 1:
Take ALL of the pods and put them into a blender and grind them into the finest amount of powder or smallest fibers you can obtain. There may still be chunks and that is ok as it can overheat a blender. If not all of the pods will fit, just do a few at a time but add all of what you grind into 1 container or jar as you want to have just 1 potency because each pod may differ in strength. Separating the pods can become dangerous because of the different strengths. For instance, you choose to use 2 pods for 1 tea to try or sample their effectiveness. You realize that it wasn’t strong enough so next time you do 3 pods and it may be overwhelming and too much risking overdose. Each pod varies in the amount of active alkaloids which makes some weaker/stronger than others. However, if you mix all of the ground pods to one jar, they become one strength, if this makes sense or I’m explaining it properly. It’s best to keep them at room temperature in an airtight container like a large jar or similar. Don’t let them be exposed to heat as this destroys the op8s. Also don’t expose to moisture as it can mold.
Step 2:
(Depending on your tolerance is of course the amount you will take but start off slowly. You can always add more but once you take it, you can’t take less. Don’t underestimate the pod. They can be very strong as they contain morphine, codeine, and thebaine alkaloids)
Get a cup of warm to semi hot water. Not boiling- very important. This can destroy the alkaloids. Mix 2-3 spoonfuls of your poppy grounds and stir thoroughly. Let steep for 10-15 minutes . Don’t let steep for too long as this derives the thebaine out more, and it is not desirable. Thebaine is not a good feeling opiate. It is not associated with the “good” feelings of euphoria like other opiates. It can also cause convulsions, hot flushes in the face and extremities, racing heart and other uncomfortable feelings. Some people think the longer you soak the pods the better. This is not the case simply because of the thebaine. 10-15mins is more than efficient.
Step 3: Get something that you can use as a filter. I like to use a clean tshirt . Some people use coffee filters. Some use a hand towel. All will work but I think something that is big enough for you to ring out without ripping is easier and quicker. Get a cup or container and pour the Mixture through your chosen filter into it. You may use your hands to ring the remaining solution out.
Step 4: Your drink is ready to ingest. It doesn’t taste phenomenal but it’s not terrible. I would suggest until you become certain of your proper dosage, that you sip it like you would an alcoholic beverage until you reach the desired effects. It takes 30-45mins to reach its ultimate effectiveness, so don’t take more if you don’t feel it right away. After you get familiar with the amount you need, you can later change this method to chugging it as it isn’t pleasant tasting. If you don’t feel any better after the 45min time mark, add half a spoonful every 30mins until you do. Take note of the total amount when you finally achieve feeling better, so next time you can do it all at once.
To make the taste better, you can add a bit of lemon to the mixture. This also can potentate the opiates to make them enhanced as well. Some people find it tastes better chilled, some warm. You can add soda or juice to it or even sugar

. To me, I just drink it down as is because I don’t want to savor it but each to their own. Remember to try to drink it slowly the first time just to ensure you don’t overdose but once you get the correct dosage, chugging it would be optimal.
Do not mix this with other opiates until you are well familiar with its effects. It can be dangerous or even fatal. You can overdose on pods alone. Be careful and mindful mixing it with ANY meds. Treat it as you are taking a strong narcotic medication and proceed with caution. Especially with benzos and alcohol .
Its really different for everyone. Someone who has no opiate tolerance may feel a high from it similar to morphine or codeine. Someone who has a tolerance or has been taking opiates for a while may not feel a noticeable high but just relief from withdrawal. However, with everyone being different, you may have a tolerance and still feel a high. For a strong tolerance, I found it takes away about 90% of all withdrawal. Moderate tolerance- upwards of 95% if not all.
I Hope this helps you out. I think I covered everything but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. This site has tons of information on just about everything. You can find the meds you are seeking. Just keep searching. Go to the email sources and just message everyone. State you are from DBG and your ship to location to make sure they ship to your region. Good luck and if you need any more guidance, we are all here to help each other and lend support. Even if you just want to gripe. We understand lol!
Although withdrawal stinks, you will make it through. Especially if you have the pods! You got this! It will get better. I promise.