Does Klonopin make anyone else "crazy"?


Jul 13, 2016
I use to take .5 Alprazolam (but was allowed to up it to 1 mg if neded) and also took Ativan for years with no issues. I decided to try out Klonopin since I've heard rave reviews about it and since I suffer from severe GAD and panic disorder. I don't even leave the house for weeks at a time which makes me even crazier. I'm a very smart girl and dream of being a deep space astrophotographer, and that's all going down the drain due to this stupid anxiety. I bought a 10 pack of 2mg generic K-pins just to try them out and it gave me total amnesia. My bf said I was acting like a complete druggy,  was falling all over the place, talking in word salad, totally destroyed the apartment with my trash and acted very strange. Apparently I even took a butcher knife and  started to cut my arm when I was so out of it. Then when he said "look at your arm!" I told him the cat did it. I also was eating non stop. I don't remember eating but I woke up with doritos all over my pillow and sour patch kids sugar all over the laptop (ewwwww). This is the kind of stuff I'd do on HIGH doses of Ambien (minus the knife part). Has Klonopin ever made anyone else do crazy stuff? And I mean this sort of crazy or crazier, not "Oh, I woke up and cooked dinner in my sleep" (like I did on Ambien lol)  I did on Ambien once, oh boy lol. (Boyf riend rolled over  in is sleep into a plate of some kind of mush lmfao.) I'm not going to take it any longer. I'm probably gong to just get alprazolam or Ativan. Why would Klonoin do this but not other meds? Anyone know? Also, has Kpin ever done something like this to any of you? Stories would be great. Thanks everyone! 

sounds more like when i take ambien!!! i take kpins 2mg a day for seizures and anxiety...i dont really take more than 2mg, bc if i do i just get really tired, i dont feel much narcotic effect. i have heard stuff u mentioned from ambien and xanax but not kpins. maybe your benzo tolerance was way too low? benzos can make u do strange things......i think from my personal experiences, pills with really short half lives like ambien and xanax, have made me do retarded things....kpins and valium have a much longer half life and i have never had that experience.....very interesting best guess is your benzo tolerance was low and 2mg of real kpin act much longer than .5 xanax.....thanks for sharing your story

I think it's the fact that bnzohs effect everyone so, so differently. And sometimes they can make you act a bit 'crazy'. I've had it before, with nitr@zapam (my favourite), I can sometimes get very depressive, hurt myself and sometimes get suicidal ideation. I also think of things like me losing my pet rabbit one day, and I literally cry about it. I think of my wonderful dog who passed away last year, and I get sad and weep about it.

Whereas with clon@zapam, I don't tend to get such reactions...

I'd say if it's effecting you that severely, perhaps abandon it and consider different alternatives. But of course do what is best for you.

Please do let us know how you're getting on and what your plan of action is.

Wishing you all the best. =) It's never nice to get horrible effects from anything, so I hope things get better for you. =)

Hope this helped! =)

Wait... Your body had the tolerance of a 0.5mg alprazolam, and you chugged down 20mg Klonopin?  Do I understand this right? In this case It's not the Klonopin what's at fault, but your awful judgement.

You say you're a smart girl, but you still ate 10 Kpins, that could've contained  Bath Salt or Amphetamines as far as ou know. Maybe it did, that would explain your psychotic episode.

You need to be a bit more careful.

She actually didn't say how much she took on that occasion, just that she had acquired a 10 pack of them. But I am curious how many you took...or how many were missing once you came out of it the next day.


I bought a 10 pack of 2mg generic K-pins just to try them out and it gave me total amnesia.

True, it's a bit hard to make it out from the language. But 2mg Klonopin doesn't cause psychosis. It has a lot of possible side effects, but going total bonkers isn't one of them. If she bought it from some Pakistani or Indian "pharmacy", then  chances are she consumed some bath salt with paint thinner and baby powder;

When I was a "rookie" IOP guy, I ordered $20 worth of fantastic Xanax from an Indian store. Since I'm a RN student, I had the opportunity to test it out in our lab.

We found Amphetamines, rat poison, "unknown chemical"l and baby powder. Not even a slight trace of alprazolam. (in a 2mg Xanax pill).

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Wait... Your body had the tolerance of a 0.5mg alprazolam, and you chugged down 20mg Klonopin?  Do I understand this right? In this case It's not the Klonopin what's at fault, but your awful judgement.

You say you're a smart girl, but you still ate 10 Kpins, that could've contained  Bath Salt or Amphetamines as far as ou know. Maybe it did, that would explain your psychotic episode.

You need to be a bit more careful.
I took 2 mg of Kl@nopin. Along with my usual meds (forgot to add) Which are suppose to not have such a severe reaction? I take Atenolol and Lexapro too. 

First of all, you shouldn't take anything, from a vendor who doesn't have outstanding reviews all across the board.

Usually good vendors won't sell you 10 tablets, they sell them in bulk, from 90 pills to 1000 pills. Which leads me to the assumption that you got the Klonopin from a Pakistani or Indian vendor, so the chances are, you experienced a bath salt or amphetamine psychosis. If your never had problems with Xanax and Klonopin,  you shouldn't have reactions like this on another benzo,, it basically bonds with the same GABA receptors (70-90%).

Second of all, if you are taking beta blockers (Atenolol) you never should take any kind of sedative, since your heartbeat is already slown down, and a benzo will make it even beat slower, which can be dangerous, even deadly. 1mg of Ativan is borderline, since the Ativan they dispense in in the US are garbage.

Klonopin is excellent for GAD, not so much for panic attacks, for that you might need Xanax, or Xanax XR.  Just make sure you get it from a vendor that has very good reputation. 

And talk to your doctor about the beta blockers+benzo combo, because it can trigger fuckin serious trouble with your heart.

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First of all, you shouldn't take anything, from a vendor who doesn't have outstanding reviews all across the board.

Usually good vendors won't sell you 10 tablets, they sell them in bulk, from 90 pills to 1000 pills. Which leads me to the assumption that you got the Klonopin from a Pakistani or Indian vendor, so the chances are, you experienced a bath salt or amphetamine psychosis. If your never had problems with Xanax and Klonopin,  you shouldn't have reactions like this on another benzo,, it basically bonds with the same GABA receptors (70-90%).

Second of all, if you are taking beta blockers (Atenolol) you never should take any kind of sedative, since your heartbeat is already slown down, and a benzo will make it even beat slower, which can be dangerous, even deadly. 1mg of Ativan is borderline, since the Ativan they dispense in in the US are garbage.

Klonopin is excellent for GAD, not so much for panic attacks, for that you might need Xanax, or Xanax XR.  Just make sure you get it from a vendor that has very good reputation. 

And talk to your doctor about the beta blockers+benzo combo, because it can trigger fuckin serious trouble with your heart.
To be fair, you have only just joined, personally I'd leave some of the serious advice to Mods and doctor's, and people who have been around for many years. Spewing loads of posts does not make someone respected, or trusted with advice - especially regarding dangerous stuff.


With all due respect, I'm a RN, and I was a CNA for 7 years before that, so I know what I'm talking about, probably better than the mods, unless they are NPRs or MDs. I'm not trying to gain respect, I'm trying to protect a forum member from harming herself, because that is what I do in real life.

When I joined the forum is irrelevant, I have a decade of experience in healthcare, and they absolutely don't  have to take my advice, I'm merely add the fine print what she should know, before mixing meds, that can be dangerous combination.  

ps: I never disrespected you, I don't know why you need to say that "I'm spewing loads of posts", but if other forum members are irritated by my, I gladly dial back to one post per week, it's not me who need advice about medications and the danger of mixing medications.

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I was prescribed klp 1mg 2x a day, everyday about seven years ago. I have no clue why the doc insisted I take it everyday, I do much better with using a bnz as a PRN. At first, it made me really happy, I totally lost my social anxiety and inhibitions, but then I developed a tolerance. I was planning on getting pregnant, so my doc started the tapering process, oh boy was it hell. Every .5 mg I reduced, was constant vomiting and I ended up in the ER. I finally got off of it, bad mistake taking it everyday. I do like how it makes me feel when taken as a prn. I'm normally very reserved and quiet, but klp makes me more outgoing and friendly, which I sometimes regret when I am back to my normal INFP self :)  

Hope this noob didn't break any forum rules. Take care ya'll, hope everyone is having a great weekend!! Glad I found this place. 

Oh, you mentioned Amb too, that seems to get me wound up instead of sleepy, my psych says it happens to some people. I have a sleep disorder so go figure. Bleh. 

@deadly Thanks for sharing that story, it doesn't sound pleasant at all, and it's especially unfair since the doctor insisted you take it daily... that just seems like awful advice.

Sorry you had to go through so much with the withdrawal, but at least now it's all over. Do you just take it prn now, or do you not take it at all? I think it takes discipline to not take it daily, but it can be done. I manage it, but then again I use op8s daily, so that might help... =/

By the way, your profile picture is super cute! =D

@Smoka90 hi, yes, I take them as PRN now, my husband holds all of my narcotic meds and dishes them out as prescribed otherwise I would be in trouble because I am not disciplined :)

@deadly Wow, that's impressive! To go through withdrawals and afterwards be able to maintain a prn use does actually take a lot of discipline. How often do you tend to use things, if you don't mind me asking..? If it was me and my partner kept some things hidden from me, I'd possibly just go behind her back and get stuff. I know that sounds bad, I guess I'm dirt really, but my point is you're more disciplined and responsible than you think. It's good. =)


First of all, welcome to the forum! :)

Second of all, as a RN I've noticed, that quite often MDs type up the prescription 3x1, for non-sense things, like for Ambien (!!!) - (I mean who would want to take a hypnotic in the morning and during the day???), so it might have been doctor's ignorance. When I discharge patients and give them their scripts, obviously I have to play pharmacist too, so explain when, with what, with not with...etc, and when I see shit like, Alprazolam 2mg three times daily, (I'm not authorized to change the prescription in the system of course) I just vocalize to the patient that just because the label says 3x1, try to only take it when it's really needed, because it can cause dependance, and I mean that. Same with opiates, sometimes it says, Hydrocodone 7.5mg Three times daily for pain, instead of blablabla, as needed for pain.

So it's easy to be smart retrospectively now, but you should've asked the doctor why on Earth would you need to take it twice a day. I'd even understand if it had been 0.5mg in the morning, and 1mg at sleep time, but 2x1mg... 

Anyways, I'm happy you're feeling better now, and know how dangerous benzos are. Had it been a stronger benzo with a much shorter half-life, like Xanax, you probably would've gone out of your mind from the WDs, even in the hospital, even with small doses.

Good luck to you, and once again, welcome! :)

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@deadly Wow, that's impressive! To go through withdrawals and afterwards be able to maintain a prn use does actually take a lot of discipline. How often do you tend to use things, if you don't mind me asking..? If it was me and my partner kept some things hidden from me, I'd possibly just go behind her back and get stuff. I know that sounds bad, I guess I'm dirt really, but my point is you're more disciplined and responsible than you think. It's good. =)
@Smoka90 Hey, sorry I haven't logged in to reply to your message. I don't mind sharing at all. If I knew where the pills were hidden, I would probably be tempted to sneak some when I feel icky, so it's a good think I don't. I take 1mg of the bnz that starts with x just willy nilly. Usually when my anxiety is at an 5-10 level, I will ask for a pill. Anything lower than that I try to use other means of dealing with the anxiety such as aromatherapy, it's kinda hit or miss with me, but it works well for other people. I am trying to keep my tolerance steady so I don't want to take the med too often. I also take an rx stim for a sleep disorder and adhd which is given to me a couple times a day so I don't nod off.  

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When I was a high school Junior / Senior (you might want to sit down for this one), from 1971 - 1973, I lived about 10 hours from the Laredo / Nuevo Laredo border crossing, South of San Antonio.  It's probably a good thing I spent 30 years in a profession that mandates random urinalysis from the top to the bottom, and one "positive" and you're out on your ass with a pretty meager skill set as far as the civilian world was concerned, otherwise I'd have moved to the Riviera Maya and started up a fleet of tour buses, sitting happily in my office all day, rocking my head up and down, listening to music no one else could hear.  On the list of benzos (my personal list), it's always been at the top - Oh, I've had dalliances with V@lium, and am in the midst of a torrid affair with L@razep@m, but in the end, I always go back to my first true love, my Riv@tril.  It wasn't even available in the US in those days (I don't know when it went on sale here), but after picking up  my first 270 2mg tabs (they came in bottles then, as did everything else, not in strips), I was making that long drive every three months - $75 for prescriptions from a Mexican Dentist (yes, Dentist), $90 for 270 10mg Roche V@lium, $90 for 90 2mg Tafil bars (30 bars per bottle), and $90 for 270 Roche Riv@tril.  Hell, they even let you declare all of at US Customs (in those days, those were considered a 90-day supply of each of the meds), those South Texas Cowboys who took a government check to wear a khaki uniform with a badge on it and sit in a wooden shack with window air conditioning units didn't even know, much less care what we were bringing back, it wasn't blow and it wasn't 'tater, so they didn't sweat over it.

Sell 50 of each pill when you got back for $5 a pop, and your own pills were covered, along with the overhead for the next run.

I'm too old to take a full 2mg of it now, but oh, 1mg does just fine.  It really was like a 30 year separation from one's first lover, though.

@Smoka90 Hey, sorry I haven't logged in to reply to your message. I don't mind sharing at all. If I knew where the pills were hidden, I would probably be tempted to sneak some when I feel icky, so it's a good think I don't. I take 1mg of the bnz that starts with x just willy nilly. Usually when my anxiety is at an 5-10 level, I will ask for a pill. Anything lower than that I try to use other means of dealing with the anxiety such as aromatherapy, it's kinda hit or miss with me, but it works well for other people. I am trying to keep my tolerance steady so I don't want to take the med too often. I also take an rx stim for a sleep disorder and adhd which is given to me a couple times a day so I don't nod off.  
That sounds like a very good system, good stuff. =) With alternative ways of treating anxiety... I don't know, everything I use is a drug of some sort...the most mild thing I use is kava, I suppose...obviously less troublesome than benzohs, but still a drug...

With me and benzohs, I find no more than twice a week has been okay for the last two and a half years or so. So it's not prn with me as such, I just limit myself to two days a week... With the rx stims you use, do you find falling to sleep a problem? It is for me, which limits my stim usage to whichever days I take benzohs. I know some people develop benzoh habits from using stims every day, so I'm very careful to not fall into that trap.

Sorry for all the questions. =/

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  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
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  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!