Consider yourself EXTREMELY fortunate. Countless hundreds, if not thousands, have fallen prey to Stashman / BenzoLee, or whichever of his innumerate alter egos he's using these days. I hadn't heard his name mentioned anywhere in a good 6 months or more. I hope this doesn't mean he's back in full glory and at it again. If you don't mind me asking, how did you run across this scum bag? Did you find that fake forum via Google search, or is he on the prowl on Topix again? Just curious. This guy is a real pro's pro among con men, so I try and keep tabs on him in an effort to head him off at the pass where I can. The only exception being Topix. I've never found many people over there that were willing to listen to logic and reason. In fact, the more you try and warn people over there, the more you're attacked and called a scammer, by the scammers themselves. It's the most ludicrous den of dirty dealings and double crosses that I've ever seen. Well, with the exception of this flea bag hotel we owned once for about 18 months, but that's another story entirely. Anyway, anything you can tell me regarding this bastard's current activities would be helpful and appreciated. With any luck, it might help prevent someone from losing their hard earned money.