

V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member
Apr 10, 2013
I am unfamiliar with "professionally prepared" edibles tho I had a few brownies in my life.

I'm hoping people who buy edible vendor products in this section  (in particular from  OF) would give reviews of those products or descriptions.

As a nurse, I wonder what conditions are like when cookies etc made. ?

But I'm curious about OF's offerings - so many different things to try! 

If member would post or PM me with suggestions, I'd appreciate it. 

(I like chocolate chip cookies for example)  I do like an occasional good body buzz - used to eat h* sh or o pee em

Does it come with instructions on how much to eat?  Do you think they are worth the money?  Or go with H'berg's butter recipe?  I can't....my grandson might eat some.   I can see him high, he's in that goofy stage now anyway.

Denise, you ate h@$h? Does that work?

The strength can vary and usually there are Mg of thc listed for the products. Anywhere from 10mg to 120mg is what I have seen in products. Most all edibles I have tried were good, but I like fresh food so I tend to avoid baked goods and go more for chocolates or hard candy.

I think I would agree with Heisenberg that for food edibles I would make my own butter again for some cookies, like the ones I mentioned to you. You just crumble the leaves into butter in a pot and let it melt and bubble awhile until the butter is a nice green color. Then cook with the butter as you normally do.

It's a different feeling using edibles. For me I like the process of the smoking in the bong so even when I have had an edible or tincture and can feel the affect, I still have an urge to smoke for that feeling too. But the edibles do work well and are great for when you can't smoke or bring leafy green fun with you.

I bought some Rice Krispie treats from KG last February. I think their instructions were to cut them up into quarters. Not one to follow directions, I ate one and a half. I was floored in a way that I never was before. It was like a different level/type of inebriance. They actually took about two hours to kick in so it can make uppping the dose tricky. I believe that was partly the reason why I ate so much. All in all, I found it to be a unique and pleasant experience.

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Regarding what I believe was one of the OP's concerns.

Speaking for no one here in particular (except maybe myself), with any pharma through the mail we take some chances out of necessity.

That's despite whatever due diligence we might perform on the web toward verifying the legitimate. We also go by word of mouth from well-informed people we've come to trust in places like this. Still, we're often entrusting our health to R's, Jims & other unknown entities.

Nonwithstanding those risks, I've had far more adverse reactions from items Rx'ed by state licensed doctors.


For that matter, we don't know much about what goes on behind the scenes in the kitchen of any diner or fast food shop we frequent.


With those qualifications I have to say this about the caregivers whose medibles I'm familiar with. My distinct impression is that there is a pride & passion in what they produce.

Product questions have always been answered, tips have been provided.

While some products contain printed usage guidelines, if they don't, a query to the caregiver should give you an informed answer.

As far as potency, the medibles I've sampled have been quite effective at relieving my most vexing symptoms.

Though when it comes to amount of consumption, you can always have more if needed, but you can never have less if you find you cannot handle that whole donut.


I am unfamiliar with "professionally prepared" edibles tho I had a few brownies in my life.

I'm hoping people who buy edible vendor products in this section  (in particular from  OF) would give reviews of those products or descriptions.

As a nurse, I wonder what conditions are like when cookies etc made. ?

But I'm curious about OF's offerings - so many different things to try! 

If member would post or PM me with suggestions, I'd appreciate it. 

(I like chocolate chip cookies for example)  I do like an occasional good body buzz - used to eat h* sh or o pee em

Does it come with instructions on how much to eat?  Do you think they are worth the money?  Or go with H'berg's butter recipe?  I can't....my grandson might eat some.   I can see him high, he's in that goofy stage now anyway.
 I am pressed for time right now, but I have some awesome step by step directions that cost me months of time and oz.'s of vegatation before I got things dialed in. If done correctly, you can get a whole lot of bang for your buck. Also, if you make these yourself, besides saving a fortune, you can control the potercy better. Do you  like tinctures, pastries, candy, or just cannabutter for larer use? Check back later.


I'm going through your list of topics on my way to Poobah status Denise. Only one more after this and I'll be at 1k. I thought you would be the best person to help me reach that milestone. /default_smile.png

I'm going through your list of topics on my way to Poobah status Denise. Only one more after this and I'll be at 1k. I thought you would be the best person to help me reach that milestone. /default_smile.png
Congrats HT, and welcome to Club Poobag, LOL! Just don't go bringing Nick Saban to Jewenberg's, since my kid just committed to a Big 10 school and all. In fairness though, the Tide are the best NFL team in college football, LOL. Sorry, but you have to go through the Poobag hazing ritual. Just part if the deal my friend!

All kidding aside, great to see you reach this milestone, and know that the old furball sincerely appreciates all of your contributions to DBG. We're truly fortunate to count you as a member of our family.


Tried to PM you High Tide, I read recently that you are not able to receive PMs for some reason; so since this is a nice and suitable for public consumption message, I'll post it right here...

Hey HT, 


I haven't been here long; but without exception, every post of yours I have read, was valuable, respectful and of interest.

You wear the Poobah status well.

I hope that I can continue to get to know you more in the future.

Take Care, 

Yeah H-T,

I couldn't PM you either when you hit 1k.


Had some other stuff to tell you too.


OT a bit...

BTW, the errmsg on the rejected PM's is:

The following errors were found


This personal message has not been sent

Looks more like debug printoutfor the devs than a message meant for user consumption.


Perhaps we should ask Mr. Heisenberg?


Denise, you ate h@$h? Does that work?

The strength can vary and usually there are Mg of thc listed for the products. Anywhere from 10mg to 120mg is what I have seen in products. Most all edibles I have tried were good, but I like fresh food so I tend to avoid baked goods and go more for chocolates or hard candy.

I think I would agree with Heisenberg that for food edibles I would make my own butter again for some cookies, like the ones I mentioned to you. You just crumble the leaves into butter in a pot and let it melt and bubble awhile until the butter is a nice green color. Then cook with the butter as you normally do.

It's a different feeling using edibles. For me I like the process of the smoking in the bong so even when I have had an edible or tincture and can feel the affect, I still have an urge to smoke for that feeling too. But the edibles do work well and are great for when you can't smoke or bring leafy green fun with you.
Oh, yeah, it works.

Funny story behind that - I was sitting very very late at night on couch (when they used to like to "pop in" back in those days - about 4 am), saw 2 cop cars come and block end of my driveway, lights off, just sat there for while......I happened to have 5 gm of hash, some papers and a pipe.  Got rid of papers....then said, "oh well" and swallowed big 5 gm chunk I had, figured most they could do was pipe and whatever they had on me.......right after I swallowed it, the 2 cops pulled off and left........  /default_blink.png

That sucker stuck in my throat and hurt.....LOL

But soon I did not care about that.   /default_laugh.png

Boy, was that next day fun.

I bought some Rice Krispie treats from KG last February. I think their instructions were to cut them up into quarters. Not one to follow directions, I ate one and a half. I was floored in a way that I never was before. It was like a different level/type of inebriance. They actually took about two hours to kick in so it can make uppping the dose tricky. I believe that was partly the reason why I ate so much. All in all, I found it to be a unique and pleasant experience.
I would love to meet you in real life someday.  You crack me up.  What a mind and thought process.  Remind me of some of my best buddies when growing up......   /default_biggrin.png

You're right - it's a totally different feeling - one I've always enjoyed.

It's like a super downer trip - totally bodacious, as Bill & Ted would say.

I'm going through your list of topics on my way to Poobah status Denise. Only one more after this and I'll be at 1k. I thought you would be the best person to help me reach that milestone. /default_smile.png
You're gonna Poobah status me?   /default_laugh.png  

I can honestly say that is one thing I've never had done to me   /default_tongue.png  

Don't tell me - I love surprises.   ROTF LMAO

Or you didn't want me being a PoohBear without you?   /default_rolleyes.gif    

Aw, that's cute, H.T.

 I am pressed for time right now, but I have some awesome step by step directions that cost me months of time and oz.'s of vegatation before I got things dialed in. If done correctly, you can get a whole lot of bang for your buck. Also, if you make these yourself, besides saving a fortune, you can control the potercy better. Do you  like tinctures, pastries, candy, or just cannabutter for larer use? Check back later.

Thanks for the offer, very cool.

I have to be careful since I have autistic grandson living with me.

That's my hesitation on cannabutter or making cookies with it - I would just die if he accidentally ate some. 

Pastries & candy are good.  We used to have people bring cake, brownies, homemade fudge and things like that to parties.  I always enjoyed them.  Just never made any myself.

I made some very potent cannabutter and finished the batch up by making a couple dozen cookies that were about twice as potent as I had intended to make them as I forgot how strong the butter was. I had 1 cookie in a zip-lock baggie leftover from lunch with my camera and stuff in a pack on the floor of my bedroom. I had hiked all day, and when I returned I just showered and plopped on the sofa to watch tv, apparently leaving my day pack open. At some point late that night, I woke up my dog to go pee as I was going to go to bed. My dog is old, so the sleepy look on her face did not concern me at first, but then she could not get up. It was terrible, I thought she had had a stroke. The poor girl tried as hard as she could, but the body would not respond. Running into my bedroom in a panic to get shoes so I could drive my dog to a 24 hour vet, I noticed a chewed up baggie on to of my camera bag in my day pack. I googled something like "my dog ate pot cookies", and there were numerous vets, almost all from MM friendly states, who had tons of info on their websites for this very problem.

 I have both an educational and working background with non-domestic animals in the backcountry, and I go to great lengths to secure the food in my pack most of the time, but she must have made her move while I was in the shower. After sitting up all night with her-remembering years ago in college sitting up with friends while they rode out 1 mushroom or tab too many, she was fine the next day, if a bit pensive. No long term damage to her at least, I felt so guilty for a few days that my Irish mother would have told me to "get over it" had she known, and now I can maybe chuckle a bit, but the lesson learned by this near miss was not lost on me. All of us have a responsibility to keep any and all medicine safe.

 This does not just mean a pet or an autistic child, but also from other adults and teens. If my girlfriend had found that baggie while I was in the shower, I would have spent the entire night listening to Bananarama blasting on my stereo combined with her giggling and repeated squeals of "I LOVE this song!!". As Kurtz said, "The horror... the horror..."


What's wrong with Bananarama??

Glad you're dog weathered the storm...

I've spent thousands at 24 hour vets and almost always have had to admit some kind of bad dog parent confession. Nothing I like more than walking out of an overpriced vet clinic with less money and dignity...

Your post cracked me up

Take Care,



What's wrong with Bananarama??
 They are on my ipod, and I even own them on vinyl, so I would ultimately be responsible for the whole shebang! And Beranda, I long ago abandoned all hope of maintaining more than a memory of dignity in life, I just try to deal with things, maintain a sense of humor, and remember the line James Stewart gave as Elwood P. Dowd in the wonderful 1950 film "Harvey":

" Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" â€“ she always called me Elwood â€“ "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."

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They are on my ipod, and I even own them on vinyl, so I would ultimately be responsible for the whole shebang! And Beranda, I long ago abandoned all hope of maintaining more than a memory of dignity in life, I just try to deal with things, maintain a sense of humor, and remember the line James Stewart gave as Elwood P. Dowd in the wonderful 1950 film "Harvey":

" Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" – she always called me Elwood – "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."
That's a fantastic quote, I love it! So much wisdom contained in those words. I've found in life that "smart" only goes so far, and even the best laid plans often precipitate a hard fall at the hands of the dishonest and those that seek to harm. "Pleasant", however, often softens the landing by endearing us to friends who are ultimately there to catch us when we fall.

Thanks for sharing that! I'm saving that one for future reference.

Kind of funny about your dog.

As a teen our schnauzer ate a brownie left over from a party one morning and we all thought we was about to die, she was old. I stayed home with her that day and after a few hours I figured it out as she started to be able to walk again after 3 or 4 hours or so.

By late afternoon she was her old self again.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!