Ended up in ER


Nov 26, 2020
Not sure from which vendor, as it's been 2 months (long recovery) & I had mixed my 0xies in the same b0ttle from multiple vendors. It was from the Mexican selection because I always wanted overnight. 

Anyways I took a "20mg 0xie" & it sent me to the hospital and they said it was f3nt. 

Now I'm sticking to the vendors I've only gotten the real deal from EU & I don't mind waiting 2-3 weeks. 

Basically I recommend testing all sy vendors p1lls if you aren't for certain.. 

Thank you, 


Not sure from which vendor, as it's been 2 months (long recovery) & I had mixed my 0xies in the same b0ttle from multiple vendors. It was from the Mexican selection because I always wanted overnight. 

Anyways I took a "20mg 0xie" & it sent me to the hospital and they said it was f3nt. 

Now I'm sticking to the vendors I've only gotten the real deal from EU & I don't mind waiting 2-3 weeks. 

Basically I recommend testing all sy vendors p1lls if you aren't for certain.. 

Thank you, 

You should atleast test a few from each batch no matter who you get them from. Gives me anxiety knowing people aren’t testing mags coming from Mexico... yikes.  20 dollar test kit can save your life! Glad you are ok though.

@Dribble @Ebolapancakes @pompelmo thank you all, I'm okay and besides lots of hospital bills I'm 100% recovered. I've ordered test strips, I used to use them but would get lazy after I ran out before getting more. A few times they were shipping and I didn't want to wait. Now I've learned my lesson and I'm patient lol. 

Also wanted to say im sorry that happened to you and so glad you made it to hospital.  Heres a link to fent strips: Strips in case you dont have any.  I know a lot of places give out free narcan sprays too.  And i agree with @Ebolapancakes that everyone should fent test everything regardless of source!!  Take care @Jiub1

edit: didnt see that youd gotten strips, but ill leave the link for others

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@DoomKitty thank you!! Also that link looks like a better deal than what I've been getting, especially in terms of shipping time. I will use that from now on, I really appreciate it. 

Sooooo sorry to hear this it’s a shame.,test test and test. As far as EU section that’s another story. Glad you are ok! 

Glad you are doing better. I've experienced the same thing, being sent to the ER. Horrible day. Bad thing was, I was driving when it hit me. I don't remember driving for like 20 miles, then crossed a busy highway, and came to a stop between two buildings. How I didn't get smashed by a car or hit one of the buildings, IDK. The Lord was watching over me for sure. 

Going forward, I always test my candy. I don't wish that experience on anyone. Stay safe everyone!!

@Jiub1 @Bks3080 Unfortunately, unscrupulous press houses just chasing dollars mess it up for everyone with these dirties registering at oksee equivalent of 60-120mg. Truly a shame because there are honorable "crooks" out there who care and take their time and hone their craft, and in so doing produce correctly-dosed, affordable replicas. As the US govt keeps restricting supply, one can only hope these careful chemists become more common.

Btw, besides testing (which is best), if you ever lose patience, the next best thing is to ALWAYS start with a quarter pill of anything that you did not see dispensed from a pharmacy, then wait 1-2 hours before drawing any conclusion on potency.

"correctly dosed" doesnt even make sense lol.  Fent binds to way more receptors than oxy, produces results different from oxy and is heaps more of a cns depressant than oxy.  Contrary to popular misconception opioids arent the "same but different strengths" and saying you can make them the "same" because of an equianalgesic chart (which are only based off of either animal studies where they watch their pain response after giving different meds, or based on subjective response in humans) is not only silly its just harmful.  and regardless, you can "correctly dose" and still there will always be hot spots.  quartering and testing for strength is always a good idea, but you also always need to be aware that its just a matter of time before you get a hot spot and then lights out.  Seen plenty of opi veterans OD off the same batch of pills theyd been taking for a minute.  Its just one of those "correctly dosed" fakes had a hot spot. Also be aware that there are tons of fakes being pressed now with any number of new RC opioids that WILL NOT show up on a fent strip but can be just as deadly.  MANY overdoses in the last year or so because of them, and we will be seeing more and more of them as more people switch from fent to the RCs which are way easier to acquire.   Stay safe everyone. 

"correctly dosed" doesnt even make sense lol.  Fent binds to way more receptors than oxy, produces results different from oxy and is heaps more of a cns depressant than oxy.  Contrary to popular misconception opioids arent the "same but different strengths" and saying you can make them the "same" because of an equianalgesic chart (which are only based off of either animal studies where they watch their pain response after giving different meds, or based on subjective response in humans) is not only silly its just harmful.  and regardless, you can "correctly dose" and still there will always be hot spots.  quartering and testing for strength is always a good idea, but you also always need to be aware that its just a matter of time before you get a hot spot and then lights out.  Seen plenty of opi veterans OD off the same batch of pills theyd been taking for a minute.  Its just one of those "correctly dosed" fakes had a hot spot. Also be aware that there are tons of fakes being pressed now with any number of new RC opioids that WILL NOT show up on a fent strip but can be just as deadly.  MANY overdoses in the last year or so because of them, and we will be seeing more and more of them as more people switch from fent to the RCs which are way easier to acquire.   Stay safe everyone. 
I'd bet you, but DBG rules... We do have some fine street chemists out there. :D

A few news reports on the 1s0l0gs (really should be et0l0gs I suppose), but still f by far. Still, correct that people should be aware that these benzimidazole opioids will not show up on any available test kits.

@DoomKitty   this is so true........"Seen plen/nont ty of opi veterans OD off the same batch of pills theyd been taking for a minute.  Its just one of those "correctly dosed" fakes had a hot spot. Also be aware that there are tons of fakes being pressed now with any number of new RC opioids that WILL NOT show up on a fent strip but can be just as deadly.  MANY overdoses in the last year or so because of them, and we will be seeing more and more of them as more people switch from fent to the RCs which are way easier to acquire.   Stay safe everyone. "

Just to add to what @DoomKitty said its doesn't go beyond the realm of imposbile that vendors are mixing tainted pills with non tainted one.  In whch case all the arguments for testing/not testing kind of get  thrown out the window.  the test strips I got from Dance Safe reiterate that to really be sale you have test everyhting that you will be taken. For those of us who do pills it just isn't feasible to send every pill we plan on taking to Dance Data Labs to have them tested via their GS/MS process insce they require you to send it the whole pill amd the gc/ms test process destroys the pill.

The overall situation is acutually a lot worse than most folks make it out to be.  I jus t witnessed a mod in another forum bascially delete all references to a post which suggested  that a user had found fent in a tramadol pill.  This is a forum whose beinmembers contstantly put DBG down for being  biased.and whose members seem to consist primarily of folks deeply into of alll things tramdol. rpor

I just went on a testing binge of sorts and started testing stuff like crazy. Some of the items were known to be fent free (sort of) but I came across a conundrum when I went to testa pill which I had already taken out a pill to send to DDL to have it tesed.  The Dance Safe FTS reported posistive but th GC/MS test I had sent to DDL had reported ngative/

I restedsed a few other pils out of the same strip--they all reported back positive. I wrote to DDDL and ask them what they made of my results  What was most important about their response that the phenomenom f faslse positives and fase negatives than mos folks are letting on to.  So much s that for those that are interested they have added tested using a FTS as test category they report on.  

Whille I didn' get  a  chance to go through all 100 plus pages of result I was a bit surprised at how FTSmuch  strips could report wrong.  I have to admit I have a  lot more about all this but I was suprised thatundr whatever ciccrcumstances an FTS could entirely miss a presence of a bucn of straight foward fentanyl.   

When it comes to disucssing the more 'unpleasant topics' that come with the terrritory. (the elepahant in the room which noboody wants to talk about.I was just appaled that a mod at this very forum which prides itself on being independant would go so far as to wipe out a thread which even suggested the possile existene of tramadol tainted with fent.

In defense of the many Mexican vendrors who seem to be getting the brunt of attacks about their products being laced with fent.  I think the following pretty obvious mythis need to be debunked.

1.   One of the biggest mythis out there is that fent only comes from Mexican and Chinese vendors.  Which if you think about it is really really stupid..  Fent I am sure is as readily available in India as it is in Mexico or China.  I think this is just common sense.  The reason this seems to be a possible area of concern for me is the number of complaints I am seeeing in the 'tram forum' about how weak Mexican tram is compared to the tram they were all used to gettting from India.  I used to go through Tram wd's on a pretty regular basis and the horror stories being described  sound much more horrible than ordinary tram withdrawals.  Could it very well be the case that the tram these tram freaks were so into were actually laced tram so that siwching to non laced tram seeemed quite innfectual?  I also find it odd that no one it seems has encountered tained tapentadol.

2.  While a number of reports in this forum refer to odd effectss felt after taking allegedly fent laced tramI I wonder how many of the reports were reports based on peronal effect after takig the alllegedly laced product and then followed gy a FTS test strip. While the GC/MS tests conducted by Drugs Data.org are pretty much considered to be THE gold standard when it comes to fentanoloyds this isn't necessariily the case with te rapid Fentanyl test strips.   As simple as the process seems to be there is a lot that can go wrong so that you can get false Postiive AND false Negatives. While testing with FTS is probably better than not tessting at all there are some serious limitations.  

3.  I think its to the credit of the many Mexican vendors here that they have taken measures to corret the problem  rather than just sweeping the problem under the rug. I think it speaks mounds about this forum that reports of  laced OP,bz and other products are being allowed to be posted.  They could just as well give us users the one finger salute or lean on the powers to be here to have criticial posts deleted and the users making them banned/shunned.2.  Thiis is kind of a very serious issue but while it might be or most certainly better than not testing at all.

I will close my babbbling with this poll or question

So just for fun.  Lets say you have a strip of 10 all with your favorite DOC.  You have sent one of the pillls from the  strip to have them do their GC/MS test on it.  You paid the $150 and waited the ten days or so and they said the pillls only contain your DOC.  Bein the caustious sort you decicide to fent test a portion of another pills or an entire another pills from the same stip--the strip reports back positive.  What do you do? Tost the strip.?  Take a few pills from it.  What?????

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!