blissopifree 2
I've allways thought the piscopharma pills are at the weaker end of the scale (or so I've read?).However whatever works for folks peeps
Bliss.. . .Â

Bliss.. . .Â
20’s are white too,right? Ok I have both of these one is a thicker pill and I popped them out of blisters so now trying to figure out which is which? I have tried putting them back in blister to measure but it’s not working exactly. Does anyone know for sure?ÂYes I sure the tens are white.Â
Yes they tend to have a different tint of orange and seem harder to cut, the blister ones are always easy to cut in half.Âbe careful: some of the mex unmarked (loose) endos are pressed.  Those tend to have a wierd coating and taste (and once you break them, the consistency is different. Not fent, likely H
They are unmarked. As well as the orange 40mgs. The original blisters and boxes that they come in are labeled.Just got this brand of 20s from SY and it was white and completely unmarked. Seemed like a red flag to me but it seems like based on this thread it could be fine in that they are in fact white and unmarked, but without testing you just don’t know. However, if there should be some markings of some kind can someone please say so. Thanks.Â
Should the real ones have a kind of waxy coating on the outside the same as real OCs. It is hard to tell with the white ones but it seems to have the waxy coating. Tried just a teensy tiny bit (not enough to draw any conclusions) and it seemed to dissolve on tongue very quickly (like that didn’t seem right). Vendor insists they are legit.  Small bit wasn’t harmful but don’t have enough confidence to give it a real try.Â@BuckMulligan test it first. www.dancesafe.com - fentanyl test strips.  Some of these are not fent though.  I've gotten some unmarked pressed white "endocodil" that were not oxy. One batch was H I'm pretty sure.  Careful with the unmarked stuff
Thanks for your response. Without testing I cannot be 100% certain, but I am pretty sure these are pressed as your description fits here.  Will just throw them out.Â@BuckMulligan I've had those from SY - the waxy coating is different than real OC - almost a tad... rubbery or like caulk, and they taste bad, and they are not smooth inside ?  Yeah I sat on them until all other options ran out, then tasted small doses - sometimes it did nothing, sometimes it totally fucked me up. One or two times I felt like absolute ass, but it was over quickly.  To me the buzz felt exactly like morphine (rather than oxy) when lead me to conclude it was pressed H....but, I can't be sure - the reviews on these are all over the place.  One upside: Heroin turns immediately into morphine when taken orally, so if it ain't fent, its probably ok to play around with in small amounts..
I ran out of other choices so tried just a tiny bit of an Endo (maybe 1/8 of one) and it dissolved instantly (And I mean instantly) on the tongue - I have never had anything dissolve so quick. Even that really small bit, while not harmful, seemed weird. It could have been simply anxiety from trying something I suspected to be fake or it could be they are, in fact, fake with something bad in it. For those who have had real ones should they dissolve so quickly or is that quick resolve reaction indicative of it being fake. Real ock see even if cut in pieces typically would not instantly dissolved in contact with a tongue or water. If that is typical of the Mexican made mess then maybe that was an overreaction from me.Â@BuckMulligan I've had those from SY - the waxy coating is different than real OC - almost a tad... rubbery or like caulk, and they taste bad, and they are not smooth inside ?  Yeah I sat on them until all other options ran out, then tasted small doses - sometimes it did nothing, sometimes it totally fucked me up. One or two times I felt like absolute ass, but it was over quickly.  To me the buzz felt exactly like morphine (rather than oxy) when lead me to conclude it was pressed H....but, I can't be sure - the reviews on these are all over the place.  One upside: Heroin turns immediately into morphine when taken orally, so if it ain't fent, its probably ok to play around with in small amounts..