I'm very skeptical.
First of all Etazene (true chinese batch, released almost 10 months after he was first released in EU), with a potency of approx 90x and short legs but one of the only zenes with a smooth taste to smoke, was not on stock anymore before the raid of chinese most reputable seller.
Etazene is also not very appreciated from the zenes-freaks because is not suitable for IV without proper preparation before, and most people prefers the long legs, sedative compounds.
The EU batch of Etazene was weaker, but it was properly prepared to be perfectly save with any RoA usage. I'd say the batches I tried were around 35-50x. The first official chinese batch was definitely of the potency promised, 90x.
Long story short, at the moment nobody can "get" another batch because there isn't any being synth. What you can find are legit sellers on DNMs or DD with leftovers. Some people were clever enough to stash a big amount of the best zenes (better said: the ones zenes-freak mostly liked), like Proto, that is almost twice as potent of Etazene, with less euphoria but more than the other ones, and with long legs / not such a bad WD like Meto.
Still, i will never stop to repeat it, ANY zenes WD will be a hell, especially for people using it daily since months, and even if they could source some fentadope they won't probably feel anything.
Said this, stop buying from chinese seller or from any seller on DNMs or DD if you don't perfectly trust him. There are still 2-3 vendors on DNMs who have legit zenes leftovers, but they price became dirty expensive. That's why I said most people just bought bulk of the best zenes and probably they will take 'em out from the cellar when the prices will be insanely high. Remember Isotonizazene, the first one ever made, where only TWO batches and TWO only were made?
The price for buying a bulk of 100g was ridiculous, like less than 30usd/g, and seen the potency that was 250-300x, this gram was enough to make countless pressed pills or china white, or just fill your cellar with volumetric nasal sprays or E-liquid to vape.
When Iso disappeared and before the other zenes came, the prices raised month after month, reaching like 4'000 USD/g! (that make sense, considering 1g pure fent-hcl, that was really hard to fine already a LEGIT seller during those times, was around 500usd, so the price for potency offered was correct).
I could even tell you from sketchy sellers, even clearnet ones, who asked to buyers to buy back the Iso they bought a year before, offering insane prices, to cut the other opioid they were selling with it, since just very few mg were more than enough to cut/dilute with any other bunk/junk "try out our new <random name> rc opioid>".
I'm kinda sure people are just waiting to prices hitting the roof and maybe they will appear some people saving the souls of doomed zenes users, who will need to pay a gram with one of their kidney