Etazene, Meto, Etc.


New member
Sep 26, 2020
Anyone have any sources for any of the zene's? On multiple non sourcing forums everyone talks about them as if they're readily available and easily accessible atm but for the life of me I can't find what seems like a safe vendor to pull the trigger on.

@Bthompson There is a vendor in the approved section with these, but you will need to be a sponsor to access that area.  take care.

Just be careful. Incredibly potent, killing off experienced researchers on the daily. Witnessed someone mildly overdose on met, and it scarred me.

There are few things I would highly suggest never researching... Both are on the list. It is so difficult to be safe with this stuff. Be safe please!

Okay first off why in the hell would you iv .4 bro ? I'm a heavy fentanyl user very experienced & if you ivd .4 , then that was completely ignorant, its this kind of stuff that bothers me because even a heavy user would know .4 is way way to much thats almost a ½ gram if your a heavy user this is if fent is cut alot the most your gonna do as a heavy user is .1 maybe .15 if its cut to hell that's for a heavy user and but an experience user with good quality which is how you would treat etazene is using milligram scale to weigh out the amount to try especially if you haven't yet tried it and I would start out if I was a low opi user .01 or 10mg and go up 

brain damage is super cool. use what you have left of a brain to make better choices, please. This is coming from someone that huffed freon (a lot), so, you know, think about it. and dont huff freon. IDK you, but I'd like to assume you are a worthwhile human who has something to contribute to our collective reality. You are so lucky to be alive. 

I haven't found the approved vendor yet but I have a question for y'all: in general, are most of the 'super-potent' (i.e. greater potency than fent) compunds priced based on whatever amount is an equipotenet dose to say a standard 30mg M0rphine dose or is the price more reflective of the fact that you only need to physically take a tiny quantity to get a similar effect to said 30mg dose? Sorry, that probably didn't come across very clearly—let me try again: if you were to buy say 50 doses of etazine (and let's say etazene really is 70x as potent as M0rphine like wikipedia says), would the 21mg of this stuff cost about the same price as 50 doses of 30mg morphine (1.5g) or would the price be closer to 1/70th of the price of that M0rphine….or is it somewhere in between? I'm guessing it's probably the first option (pay a lot for a few mg) but one can be hopeful…..

And I know this may be a non-starter, since I've noticed a lot of people get their feathers all ruffled if anyone asks where to find something but if anyone wants to point me in the direction of that approved vendor, I'd be happy to receive a PM about it. TIA.

I have a couple random posts about carfentanil and I would encourage this community to adopt the general view that the "super-potents", like carfentanil, should be thought of as chemical weapons.   Literally—I'm not using an analogy, I mean the equivalents of sarin et al.  (Carfentanil is considered a chemical weapon, now BTW).  This is  a fascinating subject, and I really apologize if I sound like a dick.  I'm not not trying to be a jerk.   Feel free to shoot me a PM because I think the pseudo-weapon nature of of the super-potents is a really interesting and deep topic.

Just to keep you people informed and safe:

Eto analogues are ""safer"" than fentanyl, but anyway deadly if overdosed. They will fuck up your tolerance for MONTHS, compared to fenta analogues that in a few weeks tolerance reduces in the same way it fucked up. If you vaporize any eto analogues MAKE SURE TO CHANGE the coil every few days, or you risk to get a puff of death at certain point.

Now, to available eto analogues:

Metonitazene, approx. 70x --> got a very nasty withdrawal and no euphoria, despite the long legs. Less sedative than Iso, but still, not worthy for a daily usage.
Etazene --> EU "pure" Etazene approx 30-35x, < 1h legs. China legit batch: as strong if not stronger than metonitazene, 3h legs, most euphoric across all eto analogues, and the only one "smooth" and pleasant to smoke.
Butonitazene --> 5-10x potency. Not enough reports around to tell if it's worthy.
Flunitazene --> <2-3x, bitter as fuck, caustic, totally trash
Protonitazene (or Propoxy) --> extremely potent, 170x + , handle with extreme caution. Apparently first reports are very good. It has a good euphoria similar to etazene and long legs, with not so nasty WD. Due its potency is a very dangerous compound anyway, volumetric dosage is absolutely a must.

Stay safe, don't get scammed, and - personally - unless IV I think no Eto analogues get closes to pleasures of fent-analogues, with more side effects and tolerance fuckup long term. Work out on lowering your tolerance, stay on o-dsmt or o-amkd, in the next months there will be finally a big change in the mainstream rc opioid scene. 

@RC_researcher79 would you mind pm me about et@zene I ordered recently. Either I got some thing different or I’m just not using it correctly but it is not as anyone has described.

I have a couple random posts about carfentanil and I would encourage this community to adopt the general view that the "super-potents", like carfentanil, should be thought of as chemical weapons.   Literally—I'm not using an analogy, I mean the equivalents of sarin et al.  (Carfentanil is considered a chemical weapon, now BTW).  This is  a fascinating subject, and I really apologize if I sound like a dick.  I'm not not trying to be a jerk.   Feel free to shoot me a PM because I think the pseudo-weapon nature of of the super-potents is a really interesting and deep topic.
I do as well. I think the gov't loosened the painkiller market and took away the stigma..thereby creating a demand. Pills>H>Fent or at least that's how the availability and price went up in my region...coincidentally? 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. PHXINC @ PHXINC: lol we're on Linux/tails/tor and it's fine. Just told someone to check clearside it's fine, stop with the FUD man,
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @nuthinbutpleasure you're looking at the .net domain man.... it's obviously not seized if you're posting on the shoutbox lmao
  3. cheezusjeezuz @ cheezusjeezuz: Makes sense
  4. iamgroot @ iamgroot: @xenxra yes no scanning or sometimes usps lost packs and sometimes pack just moving around the country instead of going to destination.
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @iamgroot what kind of slowdowns are you seeing so far? multiple days for acceptance scans?
  6. iamgroot @ iamgroot: Shipping is slow and its gonna be slower as we move towards Christmas. Plan accordingly.
  7. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra i was hoping with your expertise you could fiill the details in thank you! I’m getting into crypto right now and learning and I’m starting to be able to save consistent amount of money was legitimate employment and I’m not sure where to put it other than bitcoin and XR in Ethereum Would you mind DM me a suggestion I can learn on my own, but I would like a suggestion from an expert
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @Bizz fed board member waller said yesterday he doesn't see a good case for rolling out a cbdc
  9. Bizz @ Bizz: Losing faith….
  10. Bizz @ Bizz: @DerailedFisherman i believe it’s the us central bank digital currency connected to fed now.
  11. PHXINC @ PHXINC: Please do not even mention PHX on this shoutbox. We appreciate it loves. Unless we needa ran through. But that aint gonna happen. Im so happy with our current DBG base. Goodbye scammers. Go play chutes and ladders w your old vendors. ;) Man i got a feeling our thread is about to blow soon. Well even more so...lets just wait and see. And got some arrivals that will be fun i think. ;)
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: a huge chunk of the cost i pay with these firms is to offset the costs of their compliancy tools and they're also in a position to draft out a significantly more comprehensive report that i could use during the litigation process when i inevitably end up having to take this to court.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon @uncharted i mean you have to consider the landscape these days compared to ten years ago. they send these coins through bridges, dexes, mixers, swappers - all sorts of crap. part of the reason i think i have a chance is bc these people apparently aren't experienced enough to know they could have just withdrawn all my funds straight to a DEX for XMR and they'd be ghosts but they're wallet hopping the BTC to ETH/USDT.
  14. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @Bizz what is USBC
  15. uncharted @ uncharted: @xenxra $200 an hour to "analize the blockchain" is outrageous. I don't know how they got you wether just basic phishing, spearphishing, javascript drive by, or as I said threres many ways. They got me one time years ago and since then it's been straight linux with expecerything compartmentalized in VM's. QUBES would be the best thogh in terms of security
  16. Bizz @ Bizz: Anyone thoughts on USBC being released in two days?
  17. K @ knofflebon: @xenxra damn, you would hope if they charge that much that they wouldn't charge you unless they're successful. That sucks man.
  18. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra just wrote something on PHX page that I think applies to your situation as well. I wish I could help, although Lyft has offered my cybersecurity school and in 14 weeks I’ll join the fight lol!
  19. A @ AnnaSofia: Man that sucks sorry @xenra it’s a crazy world with all that stuff. That’s horrible. No chump change either. And to think I was freaking out thinking I lost $350 the other day.
  20. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra holy shit dude, I’m sorry to hear that. Makes anything I’m worried about child’s play.