Just to keep you people informed and safe:
Eto analogues are ""safer"" than fentanyl, but anyway deadly if overdosed. They will fuck up your tolerance for MONTHS, compared to fenta analogues that in a few weeks tolerance reduces in the same way it fucked up. If you vaporize any eto analogues MAKE SURE TO CHANGE the coil every few days, or you risk to get a puff of death at certain point.
Now, to available eto analogues:
Metonitazene, approx. 70x --> got a very nasty withdrawal and no euphoria, despite the long legs. Less sedative than Iso, but still, not worthy for a daily usage.
Etazene --> EU "pure" Etazene approx 30-35x, < 1h legs. China legit batch: as strong if not stronger than metonitazene, 3h legs, most euphoric across all eto analogues, and the only one "smooth" and pleasant to smoke.
Butonitazene --> 5-10x potency. Not enough reports around to tell if it's worthy.
Flunitazene --> <2-3x, bitter as fuck, caustic, totally trash
Protonitazene (or Propoxy) --> extremely potent, 170x + , handle with extreme caution. Apparently first reports are very good. It has a good euphoria similar to etazene and long legs, with not so nasty WD. Due its potency is a very dangerous compound anyway, volumetric dosage is absolutely a must.
Stay safe, don't get scammed, and - personally - unless IV I think no Eto analogues get closes to pleasures of fent-analogues, with more side effects and tolerance fuckup long term. Work out on lowering your tolerance, stay on o-dsmt or o-amkd, in the next months there will be finally a big change in the mainstream rc opioid scene.