Etazene, Meto, Etc.

Shipping was ok, they just stung sooooo terribly bad to snort and I had no idea where to start nor a trusty enough scale to cap any. They taste horrible too. They’re not mixed with coffee as most is, found this out later, I will say they are very strong, but not as much as the hype and tolerance builds quickly 

Damn bud I’m glad you’re alive. The rcOPOI ds are not to play with in high amounts. They are very silent killers. But man cmon ..... .4!?!??? Maybe .04 if you’re light weight like you say. Jeez. 

Does ETAZENE feel like oxy,morphine,fent,or H when people sniff or iv....basically if u got dosage right which one would be the closest to ETAZENE..can anyone let me know.. plz

I feel like I need to mention something. When you're talking about compounds more potent than fentanyl, you're putting every person that handles that package at risk. The lethal dose of thiese coumpounds is less than the lethal dose of Sarin or VX. Let's say you buy a gram of something as potent as f3ntanyl, that gram is enough to kill 500+ opioid naive people. And most of these compounds are very lipophilic which means, among other things, that they can easily be absorbed through the skin.

@vs322 is correct, the danger these compounds present puts them in the same group as Sarin, VX and botulism toxin. But I think we should all just stop to consider the potential impact our purchases may have. If someone wants to buy and snort arsenic trioxide, sure I'll try to convince them otherwise, but at the end it's their choice because it would only affect them. But when we reach the point in which less than a miligram or two of a substance can potentially kill someone, we're not just talking about you. Please consider that before your mailman dies of an overdose of a drug they had never heard of.

And to lighten things up, here's a picture of a Pudú, the smallest deer in the world, drinking from a baby bottle 🙂


I have a couple random posts about carfentanil and I would encourage this community to adopt the general view that the "super-potents", like carfentanil, should be thought of as chemical weapons.   Literally—I'm not using an analogy, I mean the equivalents of sarin et al.  (Carfentanil is considered a chemical weapon, now BTW).  This is  a fascinating subject, and I really apologize if I sound like a dick.  I'm not not trying to be a jerk.   Feel free to shoot me a PM because I think the pseudo-weapon nature of of the super-potents is a really interesting and deep topic.
these super-potent analogues are the inevitable result of the war on drugs

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. PHXINC @ PHXINC: lol we're on Linux/tails/tor and it's fine. Just told someone to check clearside it's fine, stop with the FUD man,
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @nuthinbutpleasure you're looking at the .net domain man.... it's obviously not seized if you're posting on the shoutbox lmao
  3. cheezusjeezuz @ cheezusjeezuz: Makes sense
  4. iamgroot @ iamgroot: @xenxra yes no scanning or sometimes usps lost packs and sometimes pack just moving around the country instead of going to destination.
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: @iamgroot what kind of slowdowns are you seeing so far? multiple days for acceptance scans?
  6. iamgroot @ iamgroot: Shipping is slow and its gonna be slower as we move towards Christmas. Plan accordingly.
  7. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra i was hoping with your expertise you could fiill the details in thank you! I’m getting into crypto right now and learning and I’m starting to be able to save consistent amount of money was legitimate employment and I’m not sure where to put it other than bitcoin and XR in Ethereum Would you mind DM me a suggestion I can learn on my own, but I would like a suggestion from an expert
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: @Bizz fed board member waller said yesterday he doesn't see a good case for rolling out a cbdc
  9. Bizz @ Bizz: Losing faith….
  10. Bizz @ Bizz: @DerailedFisherman i believe it’s the us central bank digital currency connected to fed now.
  11. PHXINC @ PHXINC: Please do not even mention PHX on this shoutbox. We appreciate it loves. Unless we needa ran through. But that aint gonna happen. Im so happy with our current DBG base. Goodbye scammers. Go play chutes and ladders w your old vendors. ;) Man i got a feeling our thread is about to blow soon. Well even more so...lets just wait and see. And got some arrivals that will be fun i think. ;)
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: a huge chunk of the cost i pay with these firms is to offset the costs of their compliancy tools and they're also in a position to draft out a significantly more comprehensive report that i could use during the litigation process when i inevitably end up having to take this to court.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon @uncharted i mean you have to consider the landscape these days compared to ten years ago. they send these coins through bridges, dexes, mixers, swappers - all sorts of crap. part of the reason i think i have a chance is bc these people apparently aren't experienced enough to know they could have just withdrawn all my funds straight to a DEX for XMR and they'd be ghosts but they're wallet hopping the BTC to ETH/USDT.
  14. DerailedFisherman @ DerailedFisherman: @Bizz what is USBC
  15. uncharted @ uncharted: @xenxra $200 an hour to "analize the blockchain" is outrageous. I don't know how they got you wether just basic phishing, spearphishing, javascript drive by, or as I said threres many ways. They got me one time years ago and since then it's been straight linux with expecerything compartmentalized in VM's. QUBES would be the best thogh in terms of security
  16. Bizz @ Bizz: Anyone thoughts on USBC being released in two days?
  17. K @ knofflebon: @xenxra damn, you would hope if they charge that much that they wouldn't charge you unless they're successful. That sucks man.
  18. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra just wrote something on PHX page that I think applies to your situation as well. I wish I could help, although Lyft has offered my cybersecurity school and in 14 weeks I’ll join the fight lol!
  19. A @ AnnaSofia: Man that sucks sorry @xenra it’s a crazy world with all that stuff. That’s horrible. No chump change either. And to think I was freaking out thinking I lost $350 the other day.
  20. Bizz @ Bizz: @xenxra holy shit dude, I’m sorry to hear that. Makes anything I’m worried about child’s play.