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@Adminthank you for this. Because of my health problems and because my husband is much older. Our attorney passed away from early onslaught Alzheimers at the age of 65. We discussed yesterday if anything happened to each other. Neither of us want to live in a vegetative state. I know everyone has different opinions but I believe everyone has a right to die with dignity. I wish there were more states this. Thanks very interesting.

@iversusvsversusi ya it's a very important discussion to have. I am unsure, this subject always makes me feel uneasy. Imagine what would be going through your head shortly beforehand. I do think it is only humane in cases where the person is really suffering. I don't know it still puts shivers down my spine. I remember a scene in Nip/Tuck when a lady dies of Euthanasia and the song Rocket man was played. That scene was powerful 

@Pushkii Oh, I know. I'm not there yet, but when you know you're becoming nothing but a burden after losing all your ability to have a life and do what you love...quality. Death is scary for some. An Afterlife is scary for others, we all have our things. But yeah, it's hard. Especially if having to go before my parents.

Its not a conversation which our culture has even equipped most to begin to have. And I dont mean come off as on a pedestal here, I'm not. It's something I was dedicating myself to understanding or preparing for or coming to grips with until my practice went to ruins. Its all good, listen to Leonard Cohen. <3 

One of the most lonliness of things about Euthanasia is that most often you have to travel abroad for it. And i guess not everybody is comfortable with telling family members what you wish for. Many do it alone in totally foreign surroundings not knowing any of the staff. 

@Pushkii @iversusvsversusi I agree with both sides. I can definitely relate with you @iversusvsversusi... when your life gets to a certain point where you don’t have much of a life due to disabilities or pain, it should be your right. It’s your body, your decision. As long as it isn’t just a mental illness aspect. I believe everyone should be able to do anything that they want to as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.  And although you may feel like your a burden to others, they may not feel that way at all. And they may just be grateful to still have you around. I took care of my mom and dad both until their dying days. (Near the end) Bathing them, helping them use the bathroom or cleaning them after an accident, comforting them, feeding them and I never once felt as if they were a burden. I was grateful that they were still here, and I would do it all again if I could. But if I was in constant pain, and I know what that feels like, then no one should be able to tell me that I can’t make that decision. I totally believe in the afterlife as well... but that’s another story.

@Pushkii I can totally understand the indifference that this subject would bring upon an individual. The fear of not completely knowing what truly happens is enough to put fear in the strongest of any man or woman. Death scares me. I think it’s normal. But it scares me, I won’t lie. I am completely obsessed with Ghost hunting shows and documentaries about the afterlife. I could actually write a book with all the collective knowledge that I have from obsessively watching everything I could find on this subject. For years , I’ve wondered and researched about the afterlife. I know without a doubt that this life isn’t all that there is. I have had too many encounters with things that I cannot explain. Not to mention my house is haunted lol. For real. But the one thing I have come to conclude is that no one and I mean absolutely nobody can truly say or know for sure until we die. I’m saying most of this because you triggered this thought when you stated “imagine what would be going through your head shortly before hand” . Would it be relief? Fear? Curiosity? Or would unknown forces like our spirit guides or whatever god we believe in, take over and gently guide us into ease? I don’t know. But definitely a thought to ponder, and I do, I often do.

I'm sadly about to fall asleep as I type this, but I fully intend to come back and give a comment on this topic which deserves more than a simple sentence or three. I have spoken with many people about this, and pondered the notion many a time, especially in the wake of various loved ones committing suicide. Especially now with my wife fighting a battle against cancer that has all the odds stacked against her at the ripe young age of 27. And my oldest son suffering kidney failure at age 7 since he was born. @Tara, this is what I was alluding to with my depression comments. I guess I am coming out to the forum publicly about it before I anticipated, but I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in synchronicity. And coming across your depression thread you began, then talking to you about going through fighting depression and anxiety due to this but not saying what it was that is causing it, with this video thread to boot...the Universe is guiding me to open the floodgates of that dialogue now. I will be back with my full story and my stance on assisted suicide. I imagine I will be back tomorrow to do so. I love you all, and hope you all are at peace in your hearts about how life is right now, at least enough to make it worth living. 

Love and Light,


@LysergamideLandscapes1938 looking forward to your thoughts on this

@Tara it really frightened the life out of me to be honest. That song has a different meaning for me now for sure. I think it was the sequence of the events that were planned really struck a chord.

I dont believe in the afterlife and i am not afraid of dying myself. I also dont have any religious beliefs. I find my spirituality in nature, art and science.

What i am uncomfortable with is people that are in denial even ehen they are dying or people that are do scared to die. I have seen many deaths in my life and some can be beautiful when the person passing is at peace and accepting of their fate. 

Just like some births are beautiful, death can equally be a powerful experience. Especially if the person is pain free and relaxed.

Even still with my acceptance of death i am still undecided on Euthansia, i dont know why.

It could be because i have witnessed mostly peaceful natural deaths.

One thing for sure is i believe dying with dignity is the most important thing, be it with humans or animals.

@LysergamideLandscapes1938 I’m sitting here trying to find something poignant and uplifting to say, but I don’t want  to choose words that appear as a cliche as that within itself is not always as comforting as intended. I know from personal experience. Yet I wonder what is left for me to offer?  But because I do have the personal experience, this may not sound as such, and it’s definitely not intended as such. So here it goes... I am so sorry that you’re having to deal with those hurts, and it certainly isn’t fair. I know it’s something tough to share. I commend you for either finding the strength to share or the realizing the strength that may come from sharing .
I know you and I didn’t start off on the right foot here, but nonetheless , I have found you to be a nice, intelligent and compassionate person. I also think we are similar. The more I live, I realize it doesn’t matter who you are or what background that you may spawn from, everybody hurts, everybody has someone that they love or care about and you never know what internal battle one is going through, so compassion goes a long way.  Those who are most compassionate are often the ones that need compassion the most. If I can offer anything, please don’t hesitate to ask or PM me.  Also, talking it out on the forum here, seems to help , at least it does for me. Best wishes

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Not entirely apropos, but this reminded me of one of the most profound lines I've ever heard:

"The people who don't deserve our compassion are the ones who need it most"

Please take a moment or two to mull that that over.  It changed my outlook on life and how I treat people.

I would hope this is completely legal when it is my time to go and I have my own choice when, how and under what circumstances.  I have been involved directly or indirectly in 5 individuals who, along with other family members, would have made humane and different decisions for them if we had been given the chance.  Hospice workers (bless their hearts) ort of leave the "pain" control up to the individuals of the family now and do not questions the decisions you have made afterward.  If you had family that perhaps had a different view, you might be left in a quandary.  Fortunately my family and I were okay with this approach for my father, but regretted later not having a more aggressive approach for my mother.  Her cancer had spread so quickly, you could see it every day in black clumps coming up under her skin, but yet, I had enough drugs to kill an elephant in my possession and control and gave them every 4 hours like a good little girl should.   Arghh!  One of my life's greatest regrets.  The first time i saw my son the next day after he was born, I prayed to the god I believed in then that my son's face would be the last face I saw on this earth and it's been my hope and dream ever after.  But I also told him that if there was a way i could be asleep or out of it during the process, please take advantage of all you have at your disposal and do not regret it.  I've seen enough people end in a horrible way that they did not deserve  and if there is a way we can be spared of that, it is the ultimate show of love to our dying to make every effort to see them on their way through the sacred door as easily as possible.   It is a  sacred moment to be there, just as it is when a child is born.  We show birthing mothers care of this kind and should see our exiting loved ones in the same way.  80% of us do not die in a peaceful way.  It is in great pain and misery.   If you end up being one of the 20% or know of such a person in that 20%, they are indeed very lucky to die very suddenly or of a fast heart attack. My husband went out of a heart attack in such a way.  He was a wonderful man and though I wanted to have him with us, I would not have wanted him to suffer one minute longer.    

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@LysergamideLandscapes1938 I’m sitting here trying to find something poignant and uplifting to say, but I don’t want  to choose words that appear as a cliche as that within itself is not always as comforting as intended. I know from personal experience. Yet I wonder what is left for me to offer?  But because I do have the personal experience, this may not sound as such, and it’s definitely not intended as such. So here it goes... I am so sorry that you’re having to deal with those hurts, and it certainly isn’t fair. I know it’s something tough to share. I commend you for either finding the strength to share or the realizing the strength that may come from sharing .
I know you and I didn’t start off on the right foot here, but nonetheless , I have found you to be a nice, intelligent and compassionate person. I also think we are similar. The more I live, I realize it doesn’t matter who you are or what background that you may spawn from, everybody hurts, everybody has someone that they love or care about and you never know what internal battle one is going through, so compassion goes a long way.  Those who are most compassionate are often the ones that need compassion the most. If I can offer anything, please don’t hesitate to ask or PM me.  Also, talking it out on the forum here, seems to help , at least it does for me. Best wishes
Thanks, @jtab. It means a lot. I really appreciate your compassion. And hey, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but it provided a chance to meet and I'm certain you paid more attention to me after that as a result of how we met. So I'm glad, as it allowed us to interact more and become a sort of friendly acquaintance. It all worked out in the end. :) I greatly appreciate your offer of help, but besides just being a friend in general, idk what else there could be to help. My only issue right now is making Christmas happen for my boys. I haven't been able to work due to my wife needing me to take care of her and the kids since she can't manage, so were living off my oldest son's SSI and less than $200 a month in child support. So less than $1100 a month total. I'm not going to ask anyone to help us financially. It's not right nor anyone's burden but my own. So, I guess just wish me luck with my wife's health and finding a way to make what may be my family's last Christmas with my wife happen. I'm getting a batch of carts, nugs, and edibles coming in on a front to try and flip it in time for Christmas, so we'll see if that gets to me in time. Mail is all fucked up due to COVID and holiday rush delays, so its hit or miss on that one. Thanks for caring, man. For real. My struggles with all this are why I've been gone from here the last few weeks, btw.

Thanks. But I'm not really brave. I'm so afraid its crippling. I dont have a choice to go through this or not. I'm forced to deal with it. Bravery comes from choosing to confront opposition. I wish I had an out.
I think you are brave to admit you are not brave and are frightened

PM me if you want a chat xx

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!