Fake Roxi


Aug 16, 2011

(Photo: Submitted by TBI)

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is warning the public about a potentially fatal drug found in pills that look like oxycodone.

During a recent traffic stop, officers recovered what appeared to be several 30 milligram pills of oxycodone, but laboratory tests showed the pills were counterfeit, according to a TBI news release. The pills contained fentanyl, which is a pain killer 50 times as potent as heroin and can be deadly in high doses.

The pills were the same size as oxycodone and had the same signature A/215 stamp, but contained no oxycodone, TBI said

This is what I warned people about, it's Acetyl Fent.. It's ridiculously potent, and I believe a quazi legal RC? Not 100% sure but it's cheap and it's STRONG especially when made by people w/ molds... Takes 5x's the amount of narcan as it would someone who OD's on ANY opiate.. it's sick, even 5mg oxi have been found w/ "pressed/molded" to look like regular generics. Sad stuff. BE CAREFUL cuz it only takes one, and if you go out.. no one's gonna know including you as to why.. 

wow...thats crazy /default_sad.png  Do you think the reg people this place orders from would do this to us?  Or is it people we are not aware of...That is just so crzy

Why would anyone make fake oxycodone pills that are stronger than oxycodone!

​wow...thats crazy /default_sad.png  Do you think the reg people this place orders from would do this to us?  Or is it people we are not aware of...That is just so crzy
Yes some vendors will though not all.  Some knowingly buy fakes especially when their $ is tight. Some vendors have been in the game for many years and are very good at selective scamming using social engineering. They know their different markets so they know what they can & can't get away with and rely on odds to keep it up for years. Like they know which market the majority of people would never believe they would knowingly do such a thing.

One word 'cost' /default_smile.png like A.C pointed out. Fent is very cheap but also very dangerous.   There has been a lot of this lately  or maybe it's  just more publicized - fakes made from fent.

Why would anyone make fake oxycodone pills that are stronger than oxycodone!
​Because there is a high demand for oxy but it is not easy to find?  just my guess

Listen the actual fent is stronger, but.... When dealing w/ such a potent and very unknown substance(as I'm almost sure it's Acetyl, I HIGHLY doubt there is much active stuff in there by the time it actually gets to a consumer/shady cats.. even tho it's VERY CHEAP, as well as effective(tho no studies have been done, long term no one knows, but it does work the same way, very short acting.. it's just you're dealing w/ some shady stuff, so most of it's cut, then cut and cut) So it's EASY to see why they're doing it w/ vik and perx, they're both very small doses, and that means more $, they don't care.. They will 9/10x's be way too weak, and it's not very long acting. but to some Joe out there w/ 0 tolerance gets one of the above, does feel something.. it's normally the kids who keep eating them cuz they don't work much, that hurt themselves.. you never know cuz like anything there could be a hotspot in the batch then BOOM you end up w/ 5 that will kill people, cuz they're normally made w/ molds.. some cat at the factory may have whipped em up as quick as he could..

wow...thats crazy /default_sad.png  Do you think the reg people this place orders from would do this to us?  Or is it people we are not aware of...That is just so crzy
No, ​I would REALLY hope none were knowingly. But a lot of these come from the factory made by employers, or molds bought on ebay(they have access to the right bottles). If you KNOW what you're doing, realize it's "off" and let em be, that's one thing but putting something like this in these 5mg's is asking for a LOT of trouble. Cuz while 3-4 may not feel "the same" but you notice something.. Imagine the guy who takes 20 or the one who takes 1/2 but decides to take 2(wth it's Sat right)? I've never seen anything good come out of it(this one, even if it's fent citrate, such a small amount, would be as potent, but not near as long acting), so I hope this trend does not continue, I suspect it will.. it will show up as unknown/inconclusive on most tests if Acetyl. The world is greedy and getting greedier, it stinks, cuz how it's putting so many in position to where this could happen, to where 4-5 yrs ago it never would have to someone in legitimate pain. 

I really don't wanna discuss this and get people interested cuz they'll either, get hurt.. or worse. This stuff is NOT a safe version of anything, it's lethal it's poison, and most of the time cut so crazily.. it's bad stuff, I'd advise everyone to stay away from it. hell I'd rather be in agony and sick, than play Russian roulette w/ this stuff. I suspect a lot of stuff said to be "weak" compared to before or "tasted diff" have this in it. It's a scary thing but a reality, so if someones aren't workin and seem "off" don't go taking em all.. please.

Fluoro seems slightly less malignant but nonetheless. Acetyl shouldnt be ruled out for people with the sense to recognize that its effnnn dangerous. Just dont try to fool people unknowingly and get it wrong! although, for anyone who started playing outside of the prescription box, I don't see why it seems so incredibly careless or unethical. People have been dropping like flies for years from stamps being cut by fentanyl. and Lord knows, by the time you get to typing away at your keyboard for relief, you generally have unequivocal knowledge regarding the chemical compound behind oxycodone. I would just look towards the general geographical area with DISDAIN

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not meaning to scare you, but the patches are active in the micrograms and not milligrams. Meaning they are hundreds of times stronger. the patches are meant to dispense slowly into your skin over a 72 hour period, so your dad is probably just fine. However, if he had stuck one under his tongue, that might have been the end of him. I don't know what his dose is of morphine. I would get on and Google Fentanyl.  in the meantime, probably not a bad idea to give him a call and take one off. I would not be surprised if he has been feeling sweaty or diaphoretic. if nothing else, thank your lucky stars and do a little bit of research. There are areas where people cannot get ahold of the pure chemical compound and stick the patches in the oven to crisp, scraping the crisped gel into an apparatus which then goes on to kill them. Be super careful. 

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Fluoro seems slightly less malignant but nonetheless. Acetyl shouldnt be ruled out for people with the sense to recognize that its effnnn dangerous. Just dont try to fool people unknowingly and get it wrong! although, for anyone who started playing outside of the prescription box, I don't see why it seems so incredibly careless or unethical. People have been dropping like flies for years from stamps being cut by fentanyl. and Lord knows, by the time you get to typing away at your keyboard for relief, you generally have unequivocal knowledge regarding the chemical compound behind oxycodone. I would just look towards the general geographical area with DISDAIN
Yes Acetyl Fent, not Fent Citrate.. there are HUGE differences.. citrate is EXPENSIVE and a legit pharmie, acetyl not so much(actually its ridiculously cheap, but.. you never know what you'll get mixed in and it's even shorter acting).. I had several try and off me grms-zips of acetyl.. I just would rather see tomorrow, as it's a crape shoot.. Fluoro is a totally diff thing, and is much more legit(due to much more knowledge and dosing info) and due to it being so close to a bean, it's not quite the same as acetyl. Cuz people who have no ethics, will use it and not think twice about the effects it could have, it's been on the new here as, yep a batch of stamps had it in em.. 11 in 1 day.. it got pulled quick. Most were found w/ their "works" still stickin in em, and a few didn't even get it all in.. it's scary?

Angler andrew said:
Oh shit you guys are really scareing me here,my Dad suffers from back pain and knees and is already prescribed dy hydro codeine off his doc,a few days ago my mate got four patches off his mrs as she's on everything for MS,anyhow cut a long story short I gave em my dad to try,they are 50mg patches(does that sound right)my dad being completely clueless as was I,cut open the packet and told me there was nothing in it,so I opened up another and found a clear plastic square so I could see how he missed it,he found the other and I stuck it on his arm.

Been told they work for a few days,please tell me I wasn't in the process of killing my dad?

For what it's worth he said it did work,another friend has loads of 25mg ones,so my dad said hell just stick em all over like a patchwork quilt lol.

Id heard they were meant to be stronger than morphine but somehow never quite believed it,are they an opiate?
​Please tell your dad not to stick em all over himself, yes those are an opiod, synthetic H, China white.. even the .25s, going from di hi drocod, to patches is like going from a 4-6 percs a day to 2 oxi 60's.. so 24.. It'll work great til, he'll have no pain for a while, but in a few weeks it doesn't as well, and he's out.. I know you don't want that either.

I have some for trips, sometimes they can save a trip for going bad if I dance too much, the originals had the gel, you could put 1 on and put lil teardrop size bits of gel on your finger and boom.. Noddin HARD for 3-4hrs.. used right they last 72hrs.. IDK if many can be cut open anymore.. at one point I could eat a whole 100(18mgs).. I'm NOT proud about it but, when on 'Done.. it takes so much to get through.. meanwhile 1st time I had a .75, it lasted 4 days.. and I paid more than I would have to today.. almost 2 decades ago when pain doc's had "Samples" of C2 meds.. They are mostly for cancer patients tho I know my doc told me he had a female pateint that was on 3-100mcg ptchs every 3 days.. came off 120 of 'Done, nothing worked.. they kept bumping em on her every 6 days.. I can't imagine having 3 on w/ a lolli.. Idk if I'd even make it from that? While Citrate is a great weapon against chronic pain, they do NOT last 72hrs, maybe 60-64, and yes what @sociopathicbombshell said happens way too much which is why MOST docs now only use 24hr ones that you can not extract the gel at all. W/ every medication that helps, a selective amount ruin them for those of us they actually worked for. Idk how many diff formula's of every p/k I've been written has had over 10yrs, I know panabanana went through 3 in 3 mo's at my pharm, I straight up asked them if it was gonna change again before my next script, they said no.. it did(became the discs w/ in the discs) I could only find one way to make them work at all.. otherwise they went in and came out, stomach acid did nothing to digest them. I still got em somewhere 

Angler andrew said:
Oh man AC,Bombshell,you've both really gone n frightened me now as I know what my dads like,I told him to keep his first one on for three days but I'm betting he'll have thought that it won't work so long,I'm gonna speak to him in the morning about it.

i can't remember any gel,I can't post any pics as I've tried but it was a clear plastic see through thing with peel away bits on both sides,amazing to think you could lick that and go over?

he did say it worked mind you,and came out with a real pearler in that he said "strong meds don't really take the pain away,they just make it so you don't give a damn anymore about it".

I guess after him saying that alarm bells should of rung off about him as he must of been high off one,hope to god he hasn't done all four yet.

funny enough it's a drug that's pretty unheard of over here in UK and I've never heard of anyone abusing em,I remember when I first started ordering from iops and one sure fire way of telling a scammer is if they stocked Fentanyl patches.
dude, call your dad. I'm just having a really bad flashback to an old site where this kid used to post videos and everyone pretty much watched him die. Even if its like 4 in the morning where you are, just if he picks up the phone..it will be some sort of peace of mind.

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Angler andrew said:
Oh man AC,Bombshell,you've both really gone n frightened me now as I know what my dads like,I told him to keep his first one on for three days but I'm betting he'll have thought that it won't work so long,I'm gonna speak to him in the morning about it.

i can't remember any gel,I can't post any pics as I've tried but it was a clear plastic see through thing with peel away bits on both sides,amazing to think you could lick that and go over?

he did say it worked mind you,and came out with a real pearler in that he said "strong meds don't really take the pain away,they just make it so you don't give a damn anymore about it".

I guess after him saying that alarm bells should of rung off about him as he must of been high off one,hope to god he hasn't done all four yet.

funny enough it's a drug that's pretty unheard of over here in UK and I've never heard of anyone abusing em,I remember when I first started ordering from iops and one sure fire way of telling a scammer is if they stocked Fentanyl patches.
​Yes please call him, I DO care.. I thought that's what we were about here.. the bait and switch was just too much w/ no warning so you won't be seeing me around much if at all.. But please, make sure he's ok.. I watched 2 people w/ a bag of 20-50mcg, slap on 5 each, 3 hrs later they couldn't get em off fast enough.. I ALMOST hadda narcan both of em.. and it wouldn't of been pleasent

(~);} I'd LOVE to talk to your dad about the Dead!! Not to make light, please believe that, but that would probly make him happy? I hit 77 shows before Jerry passed, was at the last 2.. 1st show I was 1 month from being 12 /default_smile.png God I miss Jerry.. I bet it's just a condition bro, I know MANY cats around 65-70 that are like that.. Did he tour? I find it scary cuz if I make it even to 50, I'll be like that.. my Best friend and the head of our "Family" used to think he was slick puddling my drinks w/ 100 drops of liquid.. smh, the SOB went and died on me right before Jerry.. Idk that I've ever let anyone get that close to me again.. Time for a hot bath.. I'm hurtin.. probly just lost $ to a vendor I can't post about.. yeah, not a good day/week.. SSI is gonna take all I got in my bank acct.. well try at least.. I may pull it, and get my lawyers to fight them. It's like, how is someone completely disabled for life supposed to be able to get out and make sure every bill, rent.. ect is paid by the 1st? I digress.. just waiting for the next tree to fall.. that jagoff will prolly send me some of those fent pills.. ahhh.. Good lookin after your pops.. my life revolves around my family, but I'm done.. I gotta do me. Pickathon in August.. hopefully I can play some too but "I'd rather be in some dark holler, where the sun don't ever shine.. then to be in some big city, in a small room w/ you on my mind.. so blow your whistle freight train.. take me FAR on down the tracks.. I'm going away, I'm leaving today.. I'm goin' and I ain't coming back"- Dark holler.. gonna catch the train in a few, jump in a box car.. 


Arg /default_sad.png

so strange, we got from the same vender and mine are ok...

sometimes people do build up a quick tolerance...you sure its not just that?  Everyone is different.

This is a known issue. Take a look at my fake A II 15 thread in "fake pills" it seems that some are getting bad ones and some are not.

Yep, don't trust the A215's I got scammed and things haven't been made better yet :(.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!