Fave Strains & Blends

Weezy Jefferson

New Member
Mar 31, 2017
Just wondering what everyone's current favorite strains and vendors are.  I only use red strains due to the unwanted stimulation that greens and whites cause.  My faves in my collection now are:

-Red Jongkong from Canopy

- Red Horn Kali from All Natural Artisan

- Supreme Red-Vein Thai from Herbal Cafe

I like to make a blend of 50% relaxing reds and 50% stimulating reds.  That usually consists of 1 tablespoon Jongkong + 1 tablespoon Red-Horn Kali + 1 tablespoon Supreme Red-Vein Thai + 1 tablespoon Bentuangie + a dash of Red MD Extract.  I boil some hot water and pour it over these strains in a metal thermos, cool and drink over the course of a few days, powder and all.  Yummy! 

Do you actually like the taste of Kratom?  I mix mine with hot water from the water cooler, then add a splash of cold, then chug it down as fast as I can, before I throw up. It's so disgusting. 

Honestly, I don't really find any "high" from Kratom and only use it to make myself feel better on days that I don't abuse opiates. I've tried white strains, red strains, Bali, Malaysian, etc ... I can't really tell the difference between any of the effects. Whenever I've taken too much, I've felt like death, with a terrible migraine-like headache. I purchased mine from Kraken Kratom website, which seems like a good source. Thinking about buying capsules next time because I just can't stand to drink the green crap anymore! 

I'd love to hear opinions from others on this site! 

Do you actually like the taste of Kratom?  I mix mine with hot water from the water cooler, then add a splash of cold, then chug it down as fast as I can, before I throw up. It's so disgusting. 

Honestly, I don't really find any "high" from Kratom and only use it to make myself feel better on days that I don't abuse opiates. I've tried white strains, red strains, Bali, Malaysian, etc ... I can't really tell the difference between any of the effects. Whenever I've taken too much, I've felt like death, with a terrible migraine-like headache. I purchased mine from Kraken Kratom website, which seems like a good source. Thinking about buying capsules next time because I just can't stand to drink the green crap anymore! 

I'd love to hear opinions from others on this site! 
I have chronic pain from a motorcycle accident (drunk guy hit us) So I have me, my Man has had 6 shoulder surgeries and a mother with Cancer and good ole Regulated pain meds. I had toe nails removed and got 15 Vicodin 5/325, like they numbed my big toes while I was awake and removed the nails, it was wearing off before we left, I think of torture methods where they tear off your fingernails (toenails) And that's what they gave me for pain. Anyway thank goodness for sites like this and vendors that rock. I know it's confusing but I was taking tramadol daily and vicodin/perc once in a blue moon for pain, I honestly got more relief and energy/happy time from the Kratom Once I knew what I was doing, the first time I got nausea but as I tried it more I found my sweet spot. If you take Opiates, if you like the feeling of happy with energy, a bit of a high (not like a booze high) Kratom gives me motivation, helps with anxiety, pain..so many things I've lowered my doseage of trams and the benzo's I'm prescribed 4 times a day. I have used Kraken Kratom, they are awesome and fast, they have the basics and watch for promo codes, huge deals (I got about 70percent off and I paid using a certain method) So Kratom is the only 'UP' I've found that doesn't give me anxiety well I've never used meth or cocaine but some of the stuff from GNC messes me up.  If you like the Opiate Happy Social etc, I'd try the Maeng Da White from Kraken and mix a bit of Maeng Da Red. To Save Cash and mix it up I add a couple others in- Research is key It didn't take me long to find my sweet spot. Can't go wrong with Kraken, but now that I've found my sweet spot and have some knowledge I'm trying Happy Hippo, they have a bigger selection and they have Green Maeng Da (a fav for many) If you google it, there is a review on each strand. Now the bummer. I did not want another addiction so I take days off, and those SUCK, I found myself taking a larger dose of tram and benzo when I had gone down.(but I also got a nifty 'kick' that I hadn't gotten from those meds in forever- So now I have to re-evaluate, I will be on pain meds and benzo's the rest of my days (or in the nut house) So My Goal: I work from home: I can slack on bad days tho I rarely do. I want to take as few meds as possible without having pain, anxiety and a jump on energy is nice. Day 3 of my 'Kratom' break and my legs are doing the restless, not sleeping well and this is with my tram and sleepy benzo.  So what I though was my hero is going to have to be taken in moderation and Not Everyday. If you were to hit your sweet spot with Kratom- it's like YAY, I was so energetic, social and of course a dash of Euphoria. But this comes with a price of WD's, sorry to ramble, I guess it's a choice for each person to make, I was sure Kratom would not do anything, by my 3rd try and a bit of upping my dose I was like WOW. So for an alternative and probably save $$$ Kratom DOES work, there is a Vendor on here who helps and sends a 'beginner's pack' almost every Kratom site has one but if you take opiates..I'd go straight for a Maeng Da Strain, but small doses and slowly go up for a sweet spot experiment, I use teaspoons- If you don't hit your sweet spot after an hour take a bit more- I hope some of this ramble helps ANYONE that is thinking of using Kratom or new to it     Peace ~ Jax

Do you actually like the taste of Kratom?  I mix mine with hot water from the water cooler, then add a splash of cold, then chug it down as fast as I can, before I throw up. It's so disgusting. 

Honestly, I don't really find any "high" from Kratom and only use it to make myself feel better on days that I don't abuse opiates. I've tried white strains, red strains, Bali, Malaysian, etc ... I can't really tell the difference between any of the effects. Whenever I've taken too much, I've felt like death, with a terrible migraine-like headache. I purchased mine from Kraken Kratom website, which seems like a good source. Thinking about buying capsules next time because I just can't stand to drink the green crap anymore! 

I'd love to hear opinions from others on this site! 
Oh I forgot, the TASTE of Kratom is the WORST, YUCK, I mixed it with applesauce at first, then I did the toss n wash. This is actually best done with Orange Juice (the acid helps get your Kratom kick faster) Or use water and chase with orange juice, but I place gently on my tongue, then 'wash'...as for buying capsules, you may notice it says 5 Capsules in one dose, so if you look at what you are paying, the ounces vs price...and you can't experiment very much with capsules. You can make your own capsules once you hit your sweet spot. But you lose a ton of money on Capsules. I feel it is a loss on amount vs $$$

I like to dose with different strains depending on the time of day. Usually, maeng da in the morning for that uplifting, energy it gives. Then in the evenings after work, relax with some thai after dinner.

Thanks for your comments, Jax - I appreciate the rambling!  I am going to order some of the Maeng Da strain to see how it affects me. I just finished a Roxy bender for the last week, so I'm going to need lots of Kratom to make me feel normal for the next several days. I ended up buying the capsules and they are so much more convenient, but certainly more expensive. I've tried filling my own capsules, but it's just so messy and a huge PITA. However the capsules I ordered don't seem to be packed "full" - definitely room for more. 

Everyone talks about hitting that sweet spot with Kratom and I honestly don't think I've ever felt that. I think my opiate tolerance is just too high (took 2.5 roxies this morning, so at least 75mg of oxy, and I hardly feel anything). What I really need to do is take a LOOOOONG break from opiates, and stop the abuse on my body. I cannot stand the constipation - no matter how much fiber I consume, it doesn't make a difference when I'm taking so much oxy. 

Has anyone tried the Kratom extracts? I once read that it's not worth buying the extracts. Any input would be appreciated :)


Quick question ... do any of you buy Kratom in the "leaf" form??  If so, how do you consume it? Do you use the leaves like tea? Thinking of experimenting with leaves. 

Quick question ... do any of you buy Kratom in the "leaf" form??  If so, how do you consume it? Do you use the leaves like tea? Thinking of experimenting with leaves. 
I haven't experimented with the leaf, I'm sure if you google it, there are ways of finding out how to use it, My sweet spot is generally found with three different strains, I mix them in applesauce or toss n wash, and sometimes, less is more, Sometimes More just leaves you sleepy but with your Opiates I'd go with a Red Maeng Da and Bali, Take one or both I took both last night (in more pain than usual, and I put in White Maeng da (I may have added White Borneo) That is a Sweet Spot Recipe for me, but everyone is different. The Green Elite Maeng da is Awesome but I'm thinking not in coming off Opiates, I am using less pain meds and less anxiety meds but I still tap into both, take days off from Kratom cause you can get a tolerance built up and I had slight withdrawals from using 3 times a day and then taking a break which is NOTHING compared to the HELL of Opiate withdrawal. Some days I don't hit my sweet spot, but I get more done and I'm calmer, I used to get tense over everything even with benzo's (good benzo's) Anyway it's a nice alternative to have. I'm happy to help anytime, I have almost every strain in my Kratom collection. Mixing it up also helps keep the tolerance from building up. I saw a site that sold Gabapentin, that worked wonders for my leg ache/RLS when I had my Vicodin/Oxy cut down Tramadol, And for the Constipation I Had that problem, if I can stay active that helps, And then it may sound awful but the Enema (found at your local WalMart for like $3 (4 pack) but being active helped me and I cut out cheese, I would have coffee for breakfast, a couple string cheese for lunch, and a soft taco of my own making with cheese melted tomato, lettuce, onion. (no time to cook the hamburger) so I've moved on to applesauce, and then high fiber yummy's, I drink a health shake. It's not only helped me feel better but took a couple inches off my waistline and of course fiber, If I use brand name Metamucil in powder form, I'm going shortly after. Best done first thing AM before your morning dose kicks in. I hope this helped..I've been thru any and all. ~ Peace   Jax (If I didn't mention Kraken is good..Happy Hippo, and I've just tried KratomSpot so we'll see)

Thanks for your input Jax. I received my order from Kraken yesterday so I'm planning to try today (they are so fast and their coupon codes are awesome).  Out of curiosity I ordered one of the extracts. Probably a waste of money but I had to try it.  Will do today and report back. I also bought Maeng Da so we'll see.  

Curious about your orange juice comment - the acid gives you the Kratom kick faster? Is this a well known fact I missed, similar to white grapefruit juice potentiating oxy? I'll have to stop and get some OJ before work.  

Regarding the constipation - last week I consumed a total of 20 Roxie's in 8 days ... I ate prunes, fiber chewable tablets, drank lots of water, walked around for 2 of those days sightseeing while on vacation, etc - basically never went!! It was crazy and so bad for my body. Gained a few pounds since basically everything I consumed just stayed inside of me and my body couldn't dispose of waste. It's disgusting.  There are people who take large quantities of Oxy daily - I honestly don't know how they get over the constipation. Not that this awful side effect will keep me from taking opiates (I wish) ... but it sure does suck! 


Thanks for your input Jax. I received my order from Kraken yesterday so I'm planning to try today (they are so fast and their coupon codes are awesome).  Out of curiosity I ordered one of the extracts. Probably a waste of money but I had to try it.  Will do today and report back. I also bought Maeng Da so we'll see.  

Curious about your orange juice comment - the acid gives you the Kratom kick faster? Is this a well known fact I missed, similar to white grapefruit juice potentiating oxy? I'll have to stop and get some OJ before work.  

Regarding the constipation - last week I consumed a total of 20 Roxie's in 8 days ... I ate prunes, fiber chewable tablets, drank lots of water, walked around for 2 of those days sightseeing while on vacation, etc - basically never went!! It was crazy and so bad for my body. Gained a few pounds since basically everything I consumed just stayed inside of me and my body couldn't dispose of waste. It's disgusting.  There are people who take large quantities of Oxy daily - I honestly don't know how they get over the constipation. Not that this awful side effect will keep me from taking opiates (I wish) ... but it sure does suck! 

You may want to get that movement rather soon, because from what I understand..feces can become toxic if it stays in the system for too long. Esh..what a situation to be in.

You may want to get that movement rather soon, because from what I understand..feces can become toxic if it stays in the system for too long. Esh..what a situation to be in.
Oh I'm just fine now ... as soon as I ran out of the Roxie's, everything started moving just fine.  But thanks for sharing. 

I received my Kratom order Monday and experimented yesterday. I mixed strains, I tried the "extracts" which I now believe to be a total waste of money, and I washed down with OJ. Still haven't found that sweet spot, although I still may have a super high tolerance from all the Roxie's I consumed last week. So maybe that's why I'm not really feeling any effects from Kratom right now. I think I'll stick to using it as something that helps me feel more normal after taking lots of opiates. Other than withdrawal relief, I just can't see any reason to choke down Kratom. 

As far as the batch I bought in leaf form ... what a waste! I thought I'd use it by adding the leaves to a tea infuser, but it just didn't work. Now I've got all these leaves with stems and such that I don't know what to do with. I tried a little toss 'n wash yesterday and almost choked on the rough texture. So disgusting. Guess I'll stick to the powder from here on out. 

Oh I'm just fine now ... as soon as I ran out of the Roxie's, everything started moving just fine.  But thanks for sharing. 
welp..my day is complete now knowing that you're pooping just fine. hahah. :P

I received my Kratom order Monday and experimented yesterday. I mixed strains, I tried the "extracts" which I now believe to be a total waste of money, and I washed down with OJ. Still haven't found that sweet spot, although I still may have a super high tolerance from all the Roxie's I consumed last week. So maybe that's why I'm not really feeling any effects from Kratom right now. I think I'll stick to using it as something that helps me feel more normal after taking lots of opiates. Other than withdrawal relief, I just can't see any reason to choke down Kratom. 

As far as the batch I bought in leaf form ... what a waste! I thought I'd use it by adding the leaves to a tea infuser, but it just didn't work. Now I've got all these leaves with stems and such that I don't know what to do with. I tried a little toss 'n wash yesterday and almost choked on the rough texture. So disgusting. Guess I'll stick to the powder from here on out. 
I doubt you'll find anything(not controlled) that will make you feel normal after ingesting such a large amount of rockseas. Kratom usually does it for people but not everyone is the same and again, your tolerance. I'm not sure if you've been taking kratom before, but if you ingest too much kratom it can make you VERY nauseous..and possibly dizzy. NOT FUN. 

Have you ever tried clonodine for easing WD's? It's a rather newer drug that people are finding helps a lot. Something to look into for sure. Good luck!

Im accustomed to the taste. My favs are basically green vein strains.  Green maeng da....Malay.  i take it every day for the most part. I have adhd and 2 herniated discs...l-4 l-5.  It helps me focus to a point but beyond that it actually makes me quite jittery.  I swear by it.  Works for me

I received my Kratom order Monday and experimented yesterday. I mixed strains, I tried the "extracts" which I now believe to be a total waste of money, and I washed down with OJ. Still haven't found that sweet spot, although I still may have a super high tolerance from all the Roxie's I consumed last week. So maybe that's why I'm not really feeling any effects from Kratom right now. I think I'll stick to using it as something that helps me feel more normal after taking lots of opiates. Other than withdrawal relief, I just can't see any reason to choke down Kratom. 

As far as the batch I bought in leaf form ... what a waste! I thought I'd use it by adding the leaves to a tea infuser, but it just didn't work. Now I've got all these leaves with stems and such that I don't know what to do with. I tried a little toss 'n wash yesterday and almost choked on the rough texture. So disgusting. Guess I'll stick to the powder from here on out. 
I know that people use the stems when weaning off of Kratom, I think the Extracts are not worth it, You may see Elite or Super, and those are good that just means you are getting a better strain (I've been told) better strains depend on the leaves etc. I read it on a Guide to Kratom or Something, I did a lot of research before I started Kratom which was for me to wean down from too many Trams, and help with chronic pain and extreme anxiety. I Have taken so many different kinds, I always put in a Maeng Da strain (I have a high tolerance to opiates and benzo's) I actually don't get a high from anything, maybe a Perc or a  Roxy, and I save those for bad pain episodes. I generally use Kratom 2 times a day ~ Whites and Green strains with a dash of Red have helped me keep going and pain free. At night or to sleep Just Red. If I did not still add in the tram and klon I would only be able to take Red strains)  So I have to change my statement I did get a high after a couple weeks on Kratom and I had lowered my dose of all my meds/ trams and benzos. I slept a full 8 hours (very rare..I usually get a stabbing pain wake up call) but I woke up in some Bad Pain - I took a few trams, a klon, a dose of Red Maeng Da and White Vein Bali. I got a Wow High/Euphoric and Ready to Rock (work) You could spend ages trying different strains lol, I am still at low doses on the kratom, too much of any strain will leave me sleepy or with some wicked nausea (my homemade cure for nausea is benadryl and a Coca Cola..it works don't know why)  So I guess the point of my ramble is Kratom has helped me cut down on opiates/benzo's so when I get Severe Pain my meds work better and I save money. @Weezy Jeffersonor @Balls on chain I've no clue what the stimulating reds are and the relaxing? Like Red Indo, or Red Thai vs Red Maeng Da? I want help with pain more but not be drowsy. Thanks for Any Reply and for Everybody's sharing, @bett.1234 You rock lol, I have done the 20 Percs or Roxy in 4 days then gone what was I thinking? But right after I got hurt -back fractures, numerous injuries I was up to 20 Vikes a day for a year  (I went off cold turkey) I did finally get on Clonodine and Gapabentin thru my doc. (the same one who was super nice but gave me 100 vikes and said Ok Wean Off) It did not work trying to wean off on my own. 

Peace ~ Jax

Jax, sorry you're dealing with so much pain. I feel like a schmuck for having zero pain and only taking pain meds to get high and feel euphoric. After the Roxie bender, I took Kratom all week just trying to feel anything but normal, since I was (and still am) totally jonesing for something, anything.  It's pathetic. I remember when I first tried Kratom that I got a very small, short-lived "buzz" but nothing like with opiates. I guess my tolerance is just too high right now.  It's been 2 years of abusing trams, nucynta, and any Oxy I can get my hands on. I wish I'd never touched Oxy. I wish I could go through life normally each day like most people and not think about it almost every minute.  I digress ... Jax, it's great that Kratom helps with your pain management. I'm not sure what to do with the bag of dried leaves/stems I foolishly purchased. I just did some research and it looks Ike I can boil it and strain it into tea, or grind it into powder. The only problem is that I keep all my Kratom at work to hide it from my husband.  He doesn't know about my opioid addiction.  

Jax, sorry you're dealing with so much pain. I feel like a schmuck for having zero pain and only taking pain meds to get high and feel euphoric. After the Roxie bender, I took Kratom all week just trying to feel anything but normal, since I was (and still am) totally jonesing for something, anything.  It's pathetic. I remember when I first tried Kratom that I got a very small, short-lived "buzz" but nothing like with opiates. I guess my tolerance is just too high right now.  It's been 2 years of abusing trams, nucynta, and any Oxy I can get my hands on. I wish I'd never touched Oxy. I wish I could go through life normally each day like most people and not think about it almost every minute.  I digress ... Jax, it's great that Kratom helps with your pain management. I'm not sure what to do with the bag of dried leaves/stems I foolishly purchased. I just did some research and it looks Ike I can boil it and strain it into tea, or grind it into powder. The only problem is that I keep all my Kratom at work to hide it from my husband.  He doesn't know about my opioid addiction.  
No Worries, I get meds for my pain and I've taken them when I reallly could have held off but I wanted that high. If I weren't stuck on Klonopin for life like seriously if I don't take it they are going to have to put me in the Hospital, 17 years of my brain on that..it's way worse than any Opioid withdrawal, it doesn't let up or get better. So I decided: Life Motto.. if it helps a person function and improves quality of life, hurts no one, who cares? (yes withdrawals suck, but my Hubby and I can both work because we have pain meds...so I can afford to stay stocked) Life sucks enough already, I don't drink alcohol etc (all the wrong things are legal lol) and to me if like somebody isn't downing a bottle of whiskey then driving on the road (I've seen this..well I saw the aftermath) that's NOT Cool. The other worst was a friend ..great person~big heart, she was so hooked she was stealing, lying to everyone and she came to me crying cause she was just trying not to get sick, she never got the 'high' anymore..just maintaining. Anyway thanks for that, don't feel like a schmuck, I have days where I'm dealing with customers (online) and I'm like Screw this give me 2 Ativan (that I don't actually NEED and dip into the emergency stash for a roxy...that's just to get happy) I was  I used to be like why can't I be normal, but anymore..with our govt and doctors..self medicating is THE NORM..My tolerance is so high from all the tramadol, that's why I was like Ok time to alternate with Kratom when I can~ So seriously live life with as little damage as possible, the sun is bad for you, red meat is bad for you, It's all bad lol so screw it, I hid mine from my ex husband, I would buy meds online (maxed out MY credit cards) he was a hardass Navy Seal like yes your bone is sticking out of your finger(..what doesn't kill you.. ) Yes thankfully my EX, my man now is a blessing but we are going thru this together (same accident) and we uh like a bit of a high every now and then from the stronger meds, he drinks a few beers I can't ..ulcers, diabetes. I'm totally big on like stocking up, daily meds (then strong meds I hide so well I forgot once where I put them and tore up the house looking -band aid box in bathroom that nobody uses) cash, meds for w/d I have clonodine, gabapentin, kratom ...I've been thru hell and I'm ready if it comes again lol And Another Ramble, My Kratom/Coffee is working time for me to get to work, I have to handcraft 20 different 'patriotic items by Monday ..great repeat customer tho.     Peace ~ Jax

No Worries, I get meds for my pain and I've taken them when I reallly could have held off but I wanted that high. If I weren't stuck on Klonopin for life like seriously if I don't take it they are going to have to put me in the Hospital, 17 years of my brain on that..it's way worse than any Opioid withdrawal, it doesn't let up or get better. So I decided: Life Motto.. if it helps a person function and improves quality of life, hurts no one, who cares? (yes withdrawals suck, but my Hubby and I can both work because we have pain meds...so I can afford to stay stocked) Life sucks enough already, I don't drink alcohol etc (all the wrong things are legal lol) and to me if like somebody isn't downing a bottle of whiskey then driving on the road (I've seen this..well I saw the aftermath) that's NOT Cool. The other worst was a friend ..great person~big heart, she was so hooked she was stealing, lying to everyone and she came to me crying cause she was just trying not to get sick, she never got the 'high' anymore..just maintaining. Anyway thanks for that, don't feel like a schmuck, I have days where I'm dealing with customers (online) and I'm like Screw this give me 2 Ativan (that I don't actually NEED and dip into the emergency stash for a roxy...that's just to get happy) I was  I used to be like why can't I be normal, but anymore..with our govt and doctors..self medicating is THE NORM..My tolerance is so high from all the tramadol, that's why I was like Ok time to alternate with Kratom when I can~ So seriously live life with as little damage as possible, the sun is bad for you, red meat is bad for you, It's all bad lol so screw it, I hid mine from my ex husband, I would buy meds online (maxed out MY credit cards) he was a hardass Navy Seal like yes your bone is sticking out of your finger(..what doesn't kill you.. ) Yes thankfully my EX, my man now is a blessing but we are going thru this together (same accident) and we uh like a bit of a high every now and then from the stronger meds, he drinks a few beers I can't ..ulcers, diabetes. I'm totally big on like stocking up, daily meds (then strong meds I hide so well I forgot once where I put them and tore up the house looking -band aid box in bathroom that nobody uses) cash, meds for w/d I have clonodine, gabapentin, kratom ...I've been thru hell and I'm ready if it comes again lol And Another Ramble, My Kratom/Coffee is working time for me to get to work, I have to handcraft 20 different 'patriotic items by Monday ..great repeat customer tho.     Peace ~ Jax
That's nice that you have a husband who is supportive and understands. My husband would be so upset if he found out what I've been doing. We have children and I'm not being a responsible mother by abusing these medications. However, it's the stress of the kids and life in general that creates the need to self medicate.  I'm building up the courage to come clean to my best girlfriend because I really need support. This forum is the only support system I currently have. Kratom really is a life saver on days I'm not taking the Tramadol. The urge/desire/need to abuse it every single day is frustrating, while trying to find a balance between my job, my family, and my mental health. I want to clean up my act, yet I don't want to at the same time. I know I can't continue down this path much longer because my tolerance is soooo high now. It takes way too much medicine to achieve the slightest rush/high, so the risk/reward ratio is diminishing. Alcohol doesn't agree with me ... I've abused it many times, to my husband's displeasure. He knows I have no self control and doesn't want me to drink. It takes so much wine for me to get a buzz, that it's really not worth it. I prefer pills over booze. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!