Fave Strains & Blends

Just wondering what everyone's current favorite strains and vendors are.  I only use red strains due to the unwanted stimulation that greens and whites cause.  My faves in my collection now are:

-Red Jongkong from Canopy

- Red Horn Kali from All Natural Artisan

- Supreme Red-Vein Thai from Herbal Cafe

I like to make a blend of 50% relaxing reds and 50% stimulating reds.  That usually consists of 1 tablespoon Jongkong + 1 tablespoon Red-Horn Kali + 1 tablespoon Supreme Red-Vein Thai + 1 tablespoon Bentuangie + a dash of Red MD Extract.  I boil some hot water and pour it over these strains in a metal thermos, cool and drink over the course of a few days, powder and all.  Yummy! 
Red Vein Meing Da. Use OJ to mix. It will give you what you want. Trust me. Or don't. Lol. Helps with flavor too. 

I have never really been able to tell between different strains. If you give me a dose of 5 different strains on 5 different days I wouldn't even know why days if any I got different strains.  Maybe it's my makeup but sometimes I wonder how much of the stain infor is for marketing... I wish I felt the subtle differences described by many. Then again I can't tell the different between vodkas for example while some people can identify differences perfectly even while blidfolded...

I have never really been able to tell between different strains. If you give me a dose of 5 different strains on 5 different days I wouldn't even know why days if any I got different strains.  Maybe it's my makeup but sometimes I wonder how much of the stain infor is for marketing... I wish I felt the subtle differences described by many. Then again I can't tell the different between vodkas for example while some people can identify differences perfectly even while blidfolded...
I couldn't agree more. I cannot tell the differences between strains at all. Perhaps it's because of my crazy tolerance to opioids ... If I'd never taken so many different opioids, then maybe I'd be more sensitive to Kratom and I'd be able to tell which strains have different effects. I basically use Kratom to help with the opioid withdrawal symptoms. A couple of times, I've consumed a great deal of Kratom, hoping to experience some type of high, but I only ended up feeling sick and throwing up. I have to remind myself that Kratom only has one purpose for me: helps me feel more normal when coming off of an opioid bender. I'm thankful I have it because it truly improves the withdrawal hell. 

Do you actually like the taste of Kratom?  I mix mine with hot water from the water cooler, then add a splash of cold, then chug it down as fast as I can, before I throw up. It's so disgusting. 

Honestly, I don't really find any "high" from Kratom and only use it to make myself feel better on days that I don't abuse opiates. I've tried white strains, red strains, Bali, Malaysian, etc ... I can't really tell the difference between any of the effects. Whenever I've taken too much, I've felt like death, with a terrible migraine-like headache. I purchased mine from Kraken Kratom website, which seems like a good source. Thinking about buying capsules next time because I just can't stand to drink the green crap anymore! 

I'd love to hear opinions from others on this site! 
I've had the same experience.... all of the strains seem to have the same effect which is mild and the taste just puts me off.  

Thanks for your comments, Jax - I appreciate the rambling!  I am going to order some of the Maeng Da strain to see how it affects me. I just finished a Roxy bender for the last week, so I'm going to need lots of Kratom to make me feel normal for the next several days. I ended up buying the capsules and they are so much more convenient, but certainly more expensive. I've tried filling my own capsules, but it's just so messy and a huge PITA. However the capsules I ordered don't seem to be packed "full" - definitely room for more. 

Everyone talks about hitting that sweet spot with Kratom and I honestly don't think I've ever felt that. I think my opiate tolerance is just too high (took 2.5 roxies this morning, so at least 75mg of oxy, and I hardly feel anything). What I really need to do is take a LOOOOONG break from opiates, and stop the abuse on my body. I cannot stand the constipation - no matter how much fiber I consume, it doesn't make a difference when I'm taking so much oxy. 

Has anyone tried the Kratom extracts? I once read that it's not worth buying the extracts. Any input would be appreciated :)

I've tried the powder and capsules,if you can get past the taste of the powder it seems to work better than the capsules.

The taste is pretty bad at first but you get used to it. But I also generally have never had a problem chugging something for a desired effect. The way I look at it, it's only like ~5 seconds of discomfort. I always just chug my dose. I've never sipped from a giant concoction of kratom before; that might be gross after a while. I do think that the higher quality the kratom, the less shitty it tastes, because it isn't so "clumpy."

I notice the difference between strains but I've been a >1 year user. There nature of the red and green strains are so divergent that I'm surprised so many posters cannot  tell the difference, although some people are obviously in different circumstances (I've never used opiates much). One thing to keep in mind is that (at least IME) you generally don't need as high of dose of the green to feel the stimulant effects as you do the red to feel the sedative/anxiolytic effects. But maybe that's just me. Also, as some of you have discovered, you can't just take shitloads of kratom. You'll either feel crappy or in my case, get very tired (even if it's a green strain).

I have a question for those claiming to have found their "sweet spot." Doesn't the effect fade if you keep redosing the exact same strain(s) over and over? I find that I have to change the strain, even if its from one red to another red or one green to another green, or I just don't feel it anymore. And I don't think it's tolerance because I'll switch to a different strain, same dose, and feel it.

Edit: wanted to reiterate that the extracts are a joke. I've tried several from multiple sources. A few times I felt nothing. These claims of x100 extract and the like are absurd and misleading.

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Just wondering what everyone's current favorite strains and vendors are.  I only use red strains due to the unwanted stimulation that greens and whites cause.  My faves in my collection now are:

-Red Jongkong from Canopy

- Red Horn Kali from All Natural Artisan

- Supreme Red-Vein Thai from Herbal Cafe

I like to make a blend of 50% relaxing reds and 50% stimulating reds.  That usually consists of 1 tablespoon Jongkong + 1 tablespoon Red-Horn Kali + 1 tablespoon Supreme Red-Vein Thai + 1 tablespoon Bentuangie + a dash of Red MD Extract.  I boil some hot water and pour it over these strains in a metal thermos, cool and drink over the course of a few days, powder and all.  Yummy! 
Have you tried Pharmacy Dropout? Quality stuff at pretty good prices.

Just wondering what everyone's current favorite strains and vendors are.  I only use red strains due to the unwanted stimulation that greens and whites cause.  My faves in my collection now are:

-Red Jongkong from Canopy

- Red Horn Kali from All Natural Artisan

- Supreme Red-Vein Thai from Herbal Cafe

I like to make a blend of 50% relaxing reds and 50% stimulating reds.  That usually consists of 1 tablespoon Jongkong + 1 tablespoon Red-Horn Kali + 1 tablespoon Supreme Red-Vein Thai + 1 tablespoon Bentuangie + a dash of Red MD Extract.  I boil some hot water and pour it over these strains in a metal thermos, cool and drink over the course of a few days, powder and all.  Yummy! 

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Different vendors have different names for kratom.I  like the red Bali. I only take it in capsule form, because I find it easier to control the dose that way. I have gotten violently sick from kratom tea.It worked but hard to gage the dose you are taking without a,scale. I find the capsules convenient and easy to take as long as you don' try to swallow to many at once. My favorite vendor is Kratom country. For a couple of extra $$.I get expedited shipping from the west coast of USA to the east coast. I usually receive my order in 3 days max if I order at the beginning of the week. I also like the discreet shipping from this company, a nondescript white box.

Do you actually like the taste of Kratom?  I mix mine with hot water from the water cooler, then add a splash of cold, then chug it down as fast as I can, before I throw up. It's so disgusting. 

Honestly, I don't really find any "high" from Kratom and only use it to make myself feel better on days that I don't abuse opiates. I've tried white strains, red strains, Bali, Malaysian, etc ... I can't really tell the difference between any of the effects. Whenever I've taken too much, I've felt like death, with a terrible migraine-like headache. I purchased mine from Kraken Kratom website, which seems like a good source. Thinking about buying capsules next time because I just can't stand to drink the green crap anymore! 

I'd love to hear opinions from others on this site! 
The taste is mostly awful but you get use to it. It's really the taking a gritty powder thing, that messes with my gag reflex. I've been taking white maeng da for about a year now, 3x a day for severe back pain and muscle spasms. It helps me get through the day and allows me to sleep as well. I don't notice too much difference in strains other than the reds seem to make me tired while the green and whites help me stay awake. I put it under my tongue one tsp. At a time (I take 3 tsp per dose) and then who water and shake my head back and forth to avoid getting it on my tongue as the water mixes with the powder,  then swallow it back. This helps keep the taste and textuee off of my tastebuds and helps me avoid gagging. 

I understand that kratom seems less wonderful than actual  opoids, but it has helped me kick a 12 year tram habit and keeping doses small and water intake high helps to avoid constipation. It's nice to not feel indebted to opoids, and honestly, when I try to take them now, my tolerance is messed up from the kratom so they don't do much...which I can only see as a great thing!

The taste is mostly awful but you get use to it. It's really the taking a gritty powder thing, that messes with my gag reflex. I've been taking white maeng da for about a year now, 3x a day for severe back pain and muscle spasms. It helps me get through the day and allows me to sleep as well. I don't notice too much difference in strains other than the reds seem to make me tired while the green and whites help me stay awake. I put it under my tongue one tsp. At a time (I take 3 tsp per dose) and then who water and shake my head back and forth to avoid getting it on my tongue as the water mixes with the powder,  then swallow it back. This helps keep the taste and textuee off of my tastebuds and helps me avoid gagging. 

I understand that kratom seems less wonderful than actual  opoids, but it has helped me kick a 12 year tram habit and keeping doses small and water intake high helps to avoid constipation. It's nice to not feel indebted to opoids, and honestly, when I try to take them now, my tolerance is messed up from the kratom so they don't do much...which I can only see as a great thing!
try making a tea with it. Put your normal dose in simmering water and add some lemon juice(helps extract those good alkaloids we want, lol) and let it sit there on a high simmer to a low boil. Just so long as it doesnt boil over. Let it boil for 45 minutes then strain. Strain it with a coffee filter, rag, cheese cloth. I also like to add some honey.

Red Bali for pain. After two major surgeries it helped me out quite a bit better than the pain pills I use to know and love. Tried white Thai( I think) and it acted a lot like a stimulant in my opinion. Not a fan of stims but it was potent around 3-5 grams, much more noticeable than my regular 10-15 grams of red bali. I usually stick with the Bali, I fear change

Hello, I'm Faeryegrrl777. 

 My absolute favorite Kratom is Crimson KO and Green Mamba from No RX Necessary.

 I struggle with nightmares and Crimson KO has all but eliminated them. It is a very potent strain. Relaxing and anxiety relieving, it is my go-to for nightime anxiety and nightmare relief. You really only need 1/2 to 3/4 of your normal dose as it is VERY strong. I absolutely love it and will be ordering more. 

Green Mamba is the best way to get your day started. Like the Crimson KO, you will likely only need 1/2 to 3/4 of your normal dose. It is also very strong. It gives me anxiety relief and gentle motivation to get my errands and tasks done. In fact, I'm usually humming or listening to music with it as it is so uplifting. Great daytime strain. I definitely consider this my daytime favorite!!

Well I am currently trying Red Horned Maeng Da and went back 2 days later and got some Chocolate Borneo! We have 2 stores in my town and this all they do! I trust them implicitly! We shall see, going for new MRI 10-2 chock-o-fun on what that is going to show! Just glad we have some legal alternatives to help the pain "a bit". 😎

I have been trying/experiments with kratom dosages and strain and I have felt absolutely nothing from it. Maybe if am not dosing high enough?

same here rebelsoul ,its just not going to be the same as whatever opiate your used to because of either the dependence or maybe because its more natural?

In the past year I have gotten into Kratom a bit to explore. I’ve tried the red green and white strains of ma daeng . I’ve found that I enjoyed the white strain the best because of the effects brought on. I have heard it termed the working mans Kratom. It definitely helped with energy pain and decent euphoria. I had tried it to replace using subs and it did help. Next I like the green strain it was very similar to the white strain just not as much energy from it. The red strain was good for putting myself at ease and if my anxiety level was up there this definitely calmed me down and was more of a sedative. When I used these strains I had just mixed with coffee and the taste wasn’t that bad. Definitely has that plant taste to it but wasn’t unpleasant to the point I couldn’t get it down. Hopefully they don’t push to make it illegal I know they have been trying to and probably because it’s a safe alternative and pharm companies see loss of revenue the more people that try it.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!