Favourite Benzodiazepine?

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Versed is the only benzo I've ever blacked out on, on it's own. Powerful stuff, I didn't even find it fun, really.

Versed is the only benzo I've ever blacked out on, on it's own. Powerful stuff, I didn't even find it fun, really.
Blacking out on benzos is good, clean fun! You wake up with cuts and bruises you don't remember receiving!

Sometimes Soldier even wakes up with a wicked case of the clap and he doesn't remember from whom he contracted it!


Pam (the non greasy sticking oil) ain't so bad.

Blacking out on benzos is good, clean fun! You wake up with cuts and bruises you don't remember receiving!

Sometimes Soldier even wakes up with a wicked case of the clap and he doesn't remember from whom he contracted it!

so what eminem says "its 3 am in the morning / put my key in the door man / bodies laying all over the floor man /i dont remember how they got there but i guess i mustve killed em'" i do that everytime...i love benzos...whers my fukin chainsaw

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Man. I didn't know you could get versed without going into surgery. That's when I had it. They put it in my IV and I had the most melty wonderful soft feeling in my whole life - for about 10 seconds- then I fell asleep.

I guess benzos aren't for me. God knows I need them right now. Due to at least two major castrophies per month this summer - real disasters not "woe as me shit"- I got an Ativan script from my doc. It did nothing but make me tired. It helped with the panicky stress but who cares if you can't live. Does anyone have advice for the extreme benzo naive who needs temporary help from an overwhelming life? Honestly I've tried the natural stuff. I also tried Ativan and Valium with the same sleepy result.

Basically I'm dealing with overall chronic stress and have moments of extreme panic - rapid heartbeat, hot flashes etc. Also can't sleep at night with worry.

Do benzos help this this sort if anxiety or are they really only useful for panic attacks. Also I've been told that some anti anxiety meds can help with chronic pain which I have loads of. Looking for some none MD advice.

Anyone? Thanks in advance.

Man. I didn't know you could get versed without going into surgery. That's when I had it. They put it in my IV and I had the most melty wonderful soft feeling in my whole life - for about 10 seconds- then I fell asleep.

I guess benzos aren't for me. God knows I need them right now. Due to at least two major castrophies per month this summer - real disasters not "woe as me shit"- I got an Ativan script from my doc. It did nothing but make me tired. It helped with the panicky stress but who cares if you can't live. Does anyone have advice for the extreme benzo naive who needs temporary help from an overwhelming life? Honestly I've tried the natural stuff. I also tried Ativan and Valium with the same sleepy result.

Basically I'm dealing with overall chronic stress and have moments of extreme panic - rapid heartbeat, hot flashes etc. Also can't sleep at night with worry.

Do benzos help this this sort if anxiety or are they really only useful for panic attacks. Also I've been told that some anti anxiety meds can help with chronic pain which I have loads of. Looking for some none MD advice.

Anyone? Thanks in advance.
I'm far from an MD Boo, or a benzo expert. Just an old broken down retired hockey player with a cervical fusion and more aches and pains than I care to list.

Anyway,I've had sleep issues since college, so I've used benzos on and off for that purpose, as well as for anxiety back during my divorce and some other isolated stressful periods. I've found that Ativan does the job taking the edge off during lighter periods of stress, but it's primarily only been good for helping me stay asleep so I don't wake up every 2 hours. It doesn't help out me to sleep, and doesn't really help with extreme stress or panic attack type situations.

As others will likely tell you, Xanax has a more rapid onset, and a shorter half life, so it has a quicker, more intense action which makes it good for panic attacks generally speaking. Valium, which I like personally, has a slower onset and longer half life, and typically is better for prolonged anxiety control.

In my experience during very high stress times, Valium controls the anxiety while still allowing me to function, whereas Xanax puts me to sleep and is better to control night time anxiety that keeps you from falling asleep. It will put me out for the night where Ativan won't.

In any event, if Ativan puts you to sleep and impairs your daily functioning, I'm kind of stumped on wha to suggest, as I can take Ativan during the day. It just doesn't do the job Valium does. You might try Valium and see how it affects you. Ativan has a short half life similar to Xanax, so maybe the slower onset / longer half life of Valium would be better for you. Otherwise, maybe Slam, Vitalis or Soldier could speak to other options like Clons, etc. I just don't have much experience with those.

Oh, and as a chronic pain patient, I can tell you that in my experience, benzos don't do much in terms of pain management. That said, the anti-anxiety properties do seem to increase the duration of effectiveness of my pain meds, possibly due to my metabolism slowing and being more relaxed when using benzos, but that's just a guess.

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Thanks Jewy. My orthopedist says some ssri's can help for pain. I haven't tried it yet. It'd be nice to not depend on te PK's so much. I think you're right about the sleepiness. I do believe benzos are not a good match for me n

Thanks Jewy. My orthopedist says some ssri's can help for pain. I haven't tried it yet. It'd be nice to not depend on te PK's so much. I think you're right about the sleepiness. I do believe benzos are not a good match for me n
Hi Boo,

Your orthopedist is right, some SSRI's are known to reduce pain. Off the top of my head, I can't remember which ones they are, and as is the case with SSRI's, what work for some may make things worse for others.

Plus, don't expect any type of 'improvement' for at least a month. SSRI's are by no means a quick fix and are often, as I said, a gamble on which one has the lesser amount of side effects on your mind and body.

Google up SSRI, then check out a few of the never ones of them one-by-one on the net and see which ones are also good for physical pain management. I always do my own research before going to the doctor as 75% of the time they have no clue on what to prescribe, but only pretend as if they do.

Take care,


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Thanks. I am a bit nervous about ssri's. I don't know about messing with my brain like that but I guess the PK's do that too

Thanks. I am a bit nervous about ssri's. I don't know about messing with my brain like that but I guess the PK's do that too
I would bet my life savings that people prescribed on the right SSRI, live much better, healthier, productive, and sane lives; compared to those who are regularly prescribed benzos.

Benzos are highly prone to addiction and are often used recreationally for the 'high', but SSRI's, on the other hand, offer no recreational benefit and are not nearly as addictive as benzos - not even close.


I would bet my life savings that people prescribed on the right SSRI, live much better, healthier, productive, and sane lives; compared to those who are regularly prescribed benzos.

Benzos are highly prone to addiction and are often used recreationally for the 'high', but SSRI's, on the other hand, offer no recreational benefit and are not nearly as addictive as benzos - not even close.

Well, now Soldier is going to sweep into this thread and claim your life savings, because you're dead wrong!

Seriously though, SSRIs are fairly addictive, the withdrawals are pretty damn bad too. I've been prescribed many different SSRIs/SNRIs and they've all made me sick as hell. Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor and my drug from Hell, Paxil. I'd never considered suicide before I took Paxil, while on it I would constantly think of slitting my own throat with a piece of broken window glass. The withdrawals were horrible; auditory hallucinations, sweating, extreme paranoia. I'd sit up at night with my back against a wall clutching a knife shaking and sweating. This went on for about a week.

Yes, the benzos are addictive, but if you can find a doctor to prescribe them, they actually work for their intended purpose, unlike the SSRIs which have never been proven to work outside of the studies conducted by the drug companies. I'm still a mild benzo addict to this day, but I'd never touch another SSRI, not for any reason.

In my opinion, SSRIs are the most dangerous drugs on the market today, because doctors tell their hapless patients that they're safe and give them out like candy. Benzos can be managed if you're responsible and stick to the dosage that helps you and don't exceed that dosage for the euphoria. It's true that SSRIs have no recreational use though, only a complete lunatic would actually enjoy those horrible things.

Well, now Soldier is going to sweep into this thread and claim your life savings, because you're dead wrong!

Seriously though, SSRIs are fairly addictive, the withdrawals are pretty damn bad too. I've been prescribed many different SSRIs/SNRIs and they've all made me sick as hell. Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor and my drug from Hell, Paxil. I'd never considered suicide before I took Paxil, while on it I would constantly think of slitting my own throat with a piece of broken window glass. The withdrawals were horrible; auditory hallucinations, sweating, extreme paranoia. I'd sit up at night with my back against a wall clutching a knife shaking and sweating. This went on for about a week.

Yes, the benzos are addictive, but if you can find a doctor to prescribe them, they actually work for their intended purpose, unlike the SSRIs which have never been proven to work outside of the studies conducted by the drug companies. I'm still a mild benzo addict to this day, but I'd never touch another SSRI, not for any reason.

In my opinion, SSRIs are the most dangerous drugs on the market today, because doctors tell their hapless patients that they're safe and give them out like candy. Benzos can be managed if you're responsible and stick to the dosage that helps you and don't exceed that dosage for the euphoria. It's true that SSRIs have no recreational use though, only a complete lunatic would actually enjoy those horrible things.
One of the main things I agree about in your post is about Paxil and how it is the hardest to come off of due to it's short half-life, unlike Prozac which has the longest half-life and is often used to help people get of of Paxil and then finally off of Prozac which most people, if tapered, find to be a breeze - especially compared to benzo addiction.

The key here is tapering of the SSRI's which one is currently on, or replacing it with Prozac and then coming off that with much less "auditory hallucinations, sweating, extreme paranoia" than you speak of. And admittedly too, I felt when coming off of Paxil.

I was once on Paxil and I too found it uncomfortable to taper off of, but nowhere near as a bad as say Xanax or K-pins.

Sorry, my bog loving friend, no comparison. go back in your tent and think more carefully about things before you make another "firecracker post" and wreck this thread too.

Off to bed soon my dear Uncle V,


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One of the main things I agree about in your post is about Paxil and how it is the hardest to come off of due to it's short half-life, unlike Prozac which has the longest half-life and is often used to help people get of of Paxil and then finally off of Prozac which most people, if tapered, find to be a breeze - especially compared to benzo addiction.

The key here is tapering of the SSRI's which one is currently on, or replacing it with Prozac and then coming off that with much less "auditory hallucinations, sweating, extreme paranoia" than you speak of. And admittedly too, I felt when coming off of Paxil.

I was once on Paxil and I too found it uncomfortable to taper off of, but nowhere near as a bad as say Xanax or K-pins.

Sorry, my bog loving friend, no comparison. go back in your tent and think more carefully about things before you make another "firecracker post" and wreck this thread too.

Off to bed soon my dear Uncle V,

Yes, I did it wrong, I stopped Paxil cold turkey, but only because I told my bitch of a psychiatrist about the suicidal ideation and she told me to "keep taking it for another couple of weeks to see if the side-effects go away". That made me furious because suicidal ideation is a pretty serious side-effect, it wasn't nausea of digestive problems like the other SSRIs caused, it was a matter of life or death.

I'm actually being serious here, not joking about Food Saversâ„¢ or the like. I honestly do believe SSRIs to be dangerous drugs, not as physically addictive as benzos, true, but they wreak havoc with your neurochemistry, they're much more dangerous than benzos.

I honestly do believe SSRIs to be dangerous drugs, not as physically addictive as benzos, true, but they wreak havoc with your neurochemistry, they're much more dangerous than benzos.
Really, I find that hard to believe. If you get the time, or are bored enough, please email me or PM me some CREDIBLE links to support your claim. Everything I've always read says benzos are far worse than SSRI's. So......what's what?

I truthfully will read the links you send me and am always open to changing my mind. Thats the positive thing about us "Liberals" we are open to new info/ideas and are still not stuck in the dinosaur age thinking God built the World in 6 days and Darwin's Theory of Evolution was a complete farce, just to few.

Thanks for the info ( I mean that),


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Really, I find that hard to believe. If you get the time, or are bored enough, please email me or PM me some CREDIBLE links to support your claim. Everything I've always read says benzos are far worse than SSRI's. So......what's what?
Much worse if physical addiction is your main concern, perhaps, but as far as the understanding of the pharmacology of the meds is concerned, SSRIs are a mystery even to the companies that make them, benzos are not.

I'll make an effort to look up some links in a bit, I'm trying to eat my late breakfast and sell Bibles and plastic bunkers right now.







That's enough to get you started.

'll make an effort to look up some links in a bit, I'm trying to eat my late breakfast and sell Bibles and plastic bunkers right now.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me this least bit, for a quack like you.

Can u give me a "like" for this post plz.

Favorite Liberal Step-Nephew Slammer,


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Somehow that doesn't surprise me this least bit, for a quack like you.

Can u give me a "like" for this post plz.

Favorite Liberal Step-Nephew Slammer,

Stop being a "like" whore and read your links, you Godless heathen.

PS: All plastic bunkers must GO, 50% off regular price+ DBG discount if you mention Uncle Vitalis! Free King James Version of the Bible included with every order!

Thanks for that, Uncle V.

Will study these medical reports tomorrow , and would expect they'd come
from credible and legitimate medical journals, and not sensationalist "news stories" magazines right?

I look forward to responding with an open mind.


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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
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  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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