Mob Wars LCN. Kano made a killing when Zynga shut down MW. The # of MW players migrated to the similar Mob Wars L.C.N. from Kano had to have been well over 100,000. So I wish I'd of known which Mob type game was gonna be the substitute for all the X MW addicts out there. Not sure if Kano stock was/is publicly traded, but whom ever has the rights too it ought to sell now & enjoy the windfall that resulted. RXPRO-
My favourite game at the mo is cooking feever sooo addictive don't no why i just can't stop ...... Like other things in my life i guess ha ha anyway seems to help my anxi so can only be a good thing! From someone who's last system was sega master system .... Got iPad so things have progressed now?
Amiga an excellent system that is what made some top old school rave anthems in the 90's when raves where the place to be then 95-96 happy hardcore killed it I was gone but Amiga and commodore produced some classics ?
I used to play a lot of different games and then we started Call of Duty and I think the only time we have played a different game was when we couldn't get the CD to work and were forced to dig out another dusty game. @Sahgurufoundit I remember back when they advertised that Batman game and it looked pretty cool, but I am not going to buy any more games until we can break the Call of Duty addiction.
I'm actually still on my playstation 3 and the main reason we haven't upgraded to 4 is there is no need to until we start playing anything other than COD. We are stuck in a time warp here, but judging by the amount of people who are still playing the same version as we are it must be pretty addictive. I have Max Payne 3 but it's never been out of the box
Hearing you talk about other games kinda makes me want to try something different. I used to be into Resident Evil until I was underwhelmed by the last new one that came out.