AFAIK the only pharma opioid (original) that could trigger in case of very high dosage a psychedelic/disassociative effect, among the most known ones, is Tapentadol. After a certain amount it will start interacting with your Kappa receptors. Lot of RC Opioid in the past were a total trip out of space unexpected, especially different fentalogues, like 2-me-MAF - the day I fill my glass pipe with it, even if kinda short (1h), I went to the moon, stronger than a salvia divinorum 40x and high dosage of MXE.
Tramadol possibly could be the same but you will be on the floor with a seizure attack before reaching a disassociative status. Oh, and Tilidine same as Tapentadol, even if an higher amount is required, but it will also trigger Kappa.