Favourite opiate

AFAIK the only pharma opioid (original) that could trigger in case of very high dosage a psychedelic/disassociative effect, among the most known ones, is Tapentadol. After a certain amount it will start interacting with your Kappa receptors. Lot of RC Opioid in the past were a total trip out of space unexpected, especially different fentalogues, like 2-me-MAF - the day I fill my glass pipe with it, even if kinda short (1h), I went to the moon, stronger than a salvia divinorum 40x and high dosage of MXE.

Tramadol possibly could be the same but you will be on the floor with a seizure attack before reaching a disassociative status. Oh, and Tilidine same as Tapentadol, even if an higher amount is required, but it will also trigger Kappa.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Robotanical @ Robotanical: That's a good rule to follow. Offline password manager, too.
  2. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  3. P @ psychedpsych: @xenxra oh ya someone is targeting me and it’s caused hell between me, my mom, and family. I got the message universe I’m, in the safest and healthiest way, distancing myself from places that people like that are more prevalent. 🫣😥 Worst part is I have had some things in my logs and such that after awhile I have a damn good idea where it’s coming from. I just want it to stop, like mentally I’m stressed to a scary point(other life bs too).
  4. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  5. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  6. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: I got an email from <drugbuyers@seznam.cz> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my account or I'll be kicked. Says it was from DBG security team. Anybody else? Does DBG have a security team sending these emails?
  7. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: got an email from <drugbuyers@seznam.cz> telling me I've got 24hrs to verify my email or I will be kicked? Says its from DBG security team.
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  9. J @ jsntwg: dr.williamsbro@gmail.com
  10. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  11. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  12. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so
  13. M @ Mammasboi123: Be careful out there fam! The idiots with the Seznam.cz email address are sending out mass phishing emails again. If you get an email from them, just delete it and move along 🫡
  14. G @ GABAtastic: @knofflebon lmfao 🤣 @rockychoc good one lol
  15. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc I legit was thinking "Whoa, whatever it is I need to subscribe!" before I realized it was a freaking pun.
  16. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc 🤣
  17. Y @ Yaugae5121: lol seriously mammasboi! Ive been 5/5 finding vendors on here and have had nothing but positive experiences myself. Follow their advice nfrench!
  18. M @ Mammasboi123: @nfrenched92 you must be looking in the wrong places my friend. If I have any suggestion, it would be to ALWAYS check the first page of a vendor’s thread, and then check the last 5-6 most recent pages of their thread as well to get a sense of what’s been happening recently. If a vendor has multiple negative reviews that have not been addressed, I would probably look elsewhere unless it’s $$ I can afford to lose
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It's impossible to put down!
  20. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I’m currently reading a book about anti-gravity