Yes please spread this info And promote thec Signing of the letter of protest if you can or feel strongly about it
I do feel strongly about this, and many other FDA issues.
Did you everyone know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? Color is gold. I have a nephew who at age 9 was diagnosed with stage 4
lymphoma and had a 20% survival rate. It was heart breaking and he lived in the hospital for close to 3 years. It was awful. He never got to play baseball, go to school, go to birthday parties, ride his bike, play with other kids in his neighborhood he was never able to be just a regular kid. Thank God he did survive and he is now 14 years old but he has to go to the doctor every month to have testing done to ensure the cancer has not come back. His lung collapsed twice and he constantly gets walking pneumonia. It's so scary. He was in remission for awhile but had many tests were done and doctors say his cancer is gone completely and will not return. (honestly I do not know how they can predict this or find this out from testing but I am not a doctor.)
Every school day 46 children are diagnosed with this disease.
One in 330 children will have been diagnosed by the age of 20. It occurs regularly randomly and spares no ethnic group, socioeconomic class, or geographic region.
It is the leading cause of death from disease among US kids over 1 year of age, " more than cystic fibrosis, MS, asthma, and juvenile diabetes combined."
Childhood cancer robs children of so much! No first days of school, no proms, no graduation, no wedding days, no child deserves that.
Since 1980, fewer than 10 drugs that's right 10 DRUGS have been developed for children with cancer!
Only 4% of federal government funding goes into childhood cancer
only 4%!
This is because pharmaceutical companies do not view them as profitable this is all due to
Please spread the word it is childhood care awareness month and there are many sites that you can go to to donate or just to learn more about our government federal funding and pharmaceutical companies and how the FDA is not involved. It is so sad that pharmaceutical companies only care about GREED they do not care about healing, especially young children/ babies with cancer. There are babies who are diagnosed with cancer every day. I cannot imagine what that would be like. I do you know how hard it was for my sister-in-law when her son was diagnosed with stage 4
lymphoma at age 9. She had to quit her job as a RN. She homeschooled him & stay home with him every day it was awful, thank god he is well now, however, he will never have children because of all of the chemo he was given at such a young age. Please spread the word that it is childhood cancer awareness month. These are facts, the truth about the FDA and our government funding towards childhood cancer.