I certainly don't recommend the high doses for those who haven't had this before, but I would say that once you are adjusted to them it's great to take them at the same time as a moderate pk. I was on morphriend 60 mg 2x daily plus norcs for years and was only taking the gaba at bedtime (900 mgs that went up to 1200 mgs after 2 years). My insurance situation became f'ed and so I couldn't get the strong meds, and for a long time I was only doing the norcs during the day and the gaba at night. I went to a different doc who told me to take the gaba and norc at the same time throughout the day and I was doing quite well this way for about 8 months, once I got used to the wooziness induced by taking both pks at once. I would talk to your doc about the possible benefits of both gaba recommendations if you have a op-k as well as the gaba. Once you are used to the gaba it can be a real lifesaver. I opted for only the norcs when I was at my poorest (Walgreens does have the gaba on its list of meds discounted with their little discount card, so 30mgx120 was only 40 bucks or so. I shouldn't have neglected the gaba. I know much better now. But do be aware that it has some of the mood screwing effects of lyrica, cymbalta, etc. I had good experiences with both of those until I ended up with serotonin syndrome which was super scary.
There are many pros for gaba, as I said above, but the cons are also really pesky both in the short and long term. They make you super uncoordinated, gumby-like, sleepy, and absolutely abolish your memory. I can always tell what my gaba dose was at some specific point in time because I either have a memory of whatever I am being reminded of, or I have some dull, murky idea that has to be slowly dredged out of me by much prompting, photos, recaps, etc. And this can be something that happened a month ago- it's really nasty for your memory. I would have to cut my dose down a great deal when I was doing intense research and reading for my masters degree. It also needs to build up in your system before it takes full effect. When I was taking it all in one big dose at night I felt it most in the morning, although some side effects, like sleepiness, come on much faster for one reason or another.
It's hard to get a doc to take specific patient needs seriously, as most of us probably know, so I recommend getting one of those little journals for pain, eating-sleeping patterns, side effects, etc to make sure you can give your doc something concrete to look at if you are trying to find the right dose of this or any other med. Doing this allowed me to get my doctor to change the way I was taking many of my other meds, including ones that needed to be discarded, like muscle relaxers that did nothing for me except conk me out in uncomfortable positions!
Other things in the family like lyrica, cymbalta, savella are worth investigating too. My bad reaction to the cymbalta was very rare and took days to diagnose, so it shouldn't scare people off. I have had many of the more severe but rare reactions to many different drugs I have been given- seizures from t-dolls, suicidal depression from amytriptyline, serotonin syndrome from cymbalta, tendon tearing and damage from cipro, etc. I am just one of those unlucky ones!
But for those really looking for pain relief this, or something close to it, is essential for your tool kit. It's also useful for some odder treatments, like for kidney disease pain, restless leg syndrome, etc. If you don't have a doc or your doc doesn't feel like giving you what you need, there are plenty of sources for this here on the site- even some of the blacklisted pharms have given me totally legit gaba when I was in a pickle and needed to source my own. And it's not even that much more expensive than filling it from a traditional us pharm without insurance.
So two thumbs up! People are right here to say that it's a great option for those living with chronic pain. It does have to be titrated up and down, and there are different time-tables for taking it, as mentioned above in my post and others. Sorry to rant- I just know that with the way docs are iron-fisted about op-ks that knowing how to incorporate this into my routine proved invaluable and saved me from having to beg for my old morphriend from docs in low income clinics- which never works, btw.
Good luck! I have been trying to keep myself functional for 7 years since my back fell to shit, with the aid of the best specialists out there to the most incompetent boobs in the scariest low income clinics. I am somewhere in between those two places now, and am again feeling the pain of an outdated med plan, but this is a med that I will probably take til the day I die because it really does help! And I hope this post helps you too!