Football. Association football! It's by far the most popular sport in the World! I'm not too familiar with North American Sports, but at one time I did enjoy watching the MLB world series. I dont care for any of the others myself. But I will say the fans put on a great spectacle and behave themselves impeccably in comparison to fans of football at certain clubs in the UK.
@PTFC, I hear you about the fans. I can only say that I heard from the news or what not but yeah those football (soccer) games in Europe and Latin America can get pretty rowdy! Reminds me of the movie Hooligans
I will have to say that in my opinion for Baseball and basketball the answer is easy, New York Yankees and the Los Angeles Lakers hands down.
I'm from Boston and I'd have to grudgingly say the Yankees of all the leagues mentioned. Canadiens next, but they had the rules tilted towards them for decades so f- them. Celts/lakers are next tier neck and neck IMO. NEP 2001-present, best of all time, any sport, any league, any century, any universe. (sorry Mr. Robot, Malcom Butler ruined 2015)
And since MLB is listed twice I'll say Red Sox. 21st century division.
I have to say the Dallas Cowboys In all the voting however, most of the sports writers are from the NE (New York, Philly, DC area) They HATE Dallas...LOL no votes.
There was a list one time of the Best NFL teams of all time. #2 on the list was the 1982 SF 49'ers. That was the year of the famous "The Catch" . Thy were playing the Dallas Cowboys in the NFC Championship game.(game before the Super Bowl) Dallas was one swat away from sending SF home (It was 4th down) and I would say that wasn't even close to being one of the top 10 Dallas Cowboy teams. Cowboys get no love
NFL: Pittsburgh Steelers but New England is closing in (believe me this pains me to mention either). NBA: Lakers (Celtics could have an argument) MLB: Yankees
Don't watch hockey much outside of the Olympics so couldn't say when it comes to the NHL.
@SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!