I just wanted to say I am fascinated and grateful this site exists! Currently I'm in a position in my life where I've lost everything (or so it feels) and as I rebuild from the fog, I am realizing just how dang dependent I was/am on certain things- and how scary facing life is without that crutch. I'm in uncharted territory of needing to leave some things behind, but not wanting to. It's new because I've never needed to leave it in the past, I always looked for that elusive desire to "someday" slow down, stop, whatever. It never came until it had to.
So I am here because my internet searches stumbled me across your forum, and I'm seeking out a wealth of knowledge- I hear there exists a search function, eh
h34r: :lol: ?? But also to maybe find support in how alone this feels-been so long since I felt much at all. In my "real life" because of what I do and who I am to others, there isn't anybody I can lean on for support to even talk about most of these things and a whole f*cking lot I could still lose (hmmmm maybe I haven't lost everything after all).
Kind of a somber intro, and cryptic I suppose, but just reading about other peoples experiences makes me feel less alone, gives me greater hope and frankly a couple good laughs already at the things people have both said in posts and the responses they've gotten-which doesn't always happen. So even though y'all don't know you did anything yet- thanks for just existing. Appreciate the place to stop and sit awhile while I gather myself up. Cheers :408_beers:
So I am here because my internet searches stumbled me across your forum, and I'm seeking out a wealth of knowledge- I hear there exists a search function, eh

Kind of a somber intro, and cryptic I suppose, but just reading about other peoples experiences makes me feel less alone, gives me greater hope and frankly a couple good laughs already at the things people have both said in posts and the responses they've gotten-which doesn't always happen. So even though y'all don't know you did anything yet- thanks for just existing. Appreciate the place to stop and sit awhile while I gather myself up. Cheers :408_beers: