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Hello DBG community!

I'm a 32-year old guy, with a nasty Bipolar 2 diagnosis, and without insurance. I'm also an RN student, and I registered to read up on your feedbacks on medications, experiences, and maybe make some friends :)

Thank you for accepting my registration, PR banned me last year for no reason, and this seems like a much friendlier environment, while I was browsing as a "guest".

Once again, thank you, and looking forward to getting to know you and (hopefully) post some helpful info and experiences of mine!


Welcome @Jackie Chiles, sorry to hear you weren't wanted elsewhere any longer, hope we can be of assistance to you! You should have no problem navigating around, but give myself or 2earls a shout if you get stuck! 

@Jackie Chiles everyday I look at the newcomers thread. You are the people that keep this board going and keeps it interesting. I do hope you stick around and get to know the people here. There's tons of information available and if you can't find what you are inquiring about @2earls and @PTFC along with many other members will do their best to help you. And you said you were looking for friends, these people are the best! I've been here 3 years and I'm so close to many of them they know more about me than my ex and family. It's a very safe environment and no judgement has ever been passed! Welcome aboard hope to see you around.

Thank you very much, I already feel much more welcomed, than the site said above. I can't wait to have more time on my hands this afternoon, and browse your forum a bit more, and enjoy your posts!


ps: I already ran out of likes, but consider all your posts in this thread "liked" :)

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Hey Jackie, I remember "talking" to you! :)  Glad to see you've landed here and are feeling at home.

I've been off the grid almost completely the last few months, and altho I've been able to receive content from my followed topics, I've been a mere DBG "bystander" for about, ahhh... seems like forever. The page formatting is quite different than back in the "olden days," so I'm gonna be kinda stumbling around, trying to (re)figure things out -- definitely got some reading to catch up on! However, good info and great people -- some things do remain the same! 

@blueroan17 Hey, it's certainly nice to see a familiar face! :)

I have been away from IOP and such forums for a good while, however I still keep in touch with a member from the said forum. I refused to join certain cliques there, so I was made public enemy no 1. because I was to blunt with the truth, I guess, but mostly I was right. I'm in the medical field, while I got into stupid arguments with certain people, so I got removed with the reason of "making too many enemies". 

Anyways, this place feels nice, and I hopefully won't hurt anybody's feelings! I'm mainly here for IOP reviews, and to read experiences from folks with similar conditions to mine, not to get into arguments, ha! 

Dear @PTFC, I apologize for posting here, seeking for help. I couldn't PM you, because I'm still a newbie :)  

I'm looking for the reviews section (I searched for it, I swear!), but I guess I'm too lame!

Will you provide me with a link to to vendor review section. Greatly appreciate it and once again, sorry that I had to bother you here!

Not at all @Jackie Chiles, the reviews are in the vendor threads themselves! That's why we try and keep them tidy with reviews and direct questions about the said vendor only. Too much chit chat and off topic dilutes the thread and makes it difficult for members to find out how a vendor is doing. Going back a few weeks to a month will give you a good idea of how a vendor is doing. And you'll find me or 2earls posting "reviews and direct questions only please" a lot!!!! Well, not too much hopefully. People pick up quick enough. Give me a shout anytime,  happy to help! ☺ 

@PTFC: I appreciate your helpfulness! I understand that you wouldn't want to derail the vendor threads, and I apologize for doing it so. Still learning my ways around, I guess :)

@PTFC: I appreciate your helpfulness! I understand that you wouldn't want to derail the vendor threads, and I apologize for doing it so. Still learning my ways around, I guess :)
Don't worry at all, there's always room for a learning curve, I think we are pretty fair here, people make errors, mistakes etc. Once you know your way around it becomes second nature! I was new also a few years ago, we all go off topic from time to time. If I can keep the vendor threads relatively clear I am a happy mod!


Good Morning, good Señor,

I have a rather weird question! First of all; where can I ask such weirdo questions like this: If I deal with a vendor that's blacklisted, but not locked yet, can I do a timeline if a successful transfer happens? I have a vendor that I use somewhat often, and yes there were times where they were assholes to their customers, but with me personally, they were always nice, and always got what I wanted. Would it be weird to drop in a successful transfer, and a timeline in the blacklisted vendor's thread?

Thank you, 

Have yourself a nice day!


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@Jackie Chiles, no not at all, Blacklisted vendors threads are occasionally updated with the odd successful transaction, though it has to be said, it takes a lot to come back out the blacklist. Update any success as you see fit! Unless it's a place in the same region as PPE2U, we won't be discussing them anymore unfortunately. They were rather disparaging about our members. Any mention of them in the blacklist is not their original thread anyway. 


Thank you,

Actually I don't intend to bring 'em back from the bowels of hell, I remember reading on the XY forum,  how they handled even the insured packages, when there was a big "customs razzia" at he US customs and 99% of the packages got confiscated. However, when they do a good job, and at least they try, I thought, I'd give a shoot-out, but I think their thread isn't even open anymore.

I also found it very surprising, that Serbian Max got on on the blacklist, he was my main vendor for almost a year, and he always came through, but I switched to his rival, because of the less mandatory pills you need to buy, plus the prices are friendlier, but still he was such a great vendor, somebody maybe stole his identity?

Thank you for your kind answers!

All the best,


Yeah, strange things can and do happen on the vendor side of things! As I said though, you are welcome to update any successes with any unlocked thread on the blacklist, or not if you prefer. My advice to members is to avoid Blacklisted vendors of course, we do have a great selection of reputable ones.

Hello again, DBG!

Well, it has been a month, since I have registered. I absolutely love it here, and just as I was hoping, I made great friends, but I couldn't avoid hurt a couple members due to my arrogance. But nobody's perfect, I guess. If you read this @ElectroNymph, I apologize to you for how I disrespected you in the "Klonopin made me crazy thread.

But more importantly the positives of course outweigh the negatives, big time! I feel like I've gained an online family on this forum, the mods are wonder - and helpful, so big shout-out for @2earls (whom I just called a "sir" a few days ago, until she kindly let me know, that she's not part of the danglers :D  ). @PTFC, thank your for your patience and guidance, I think I'm getting the hang of everything!

And the members, my favorite lady @Heavenlee and my favorite grumpy old man @Back2Good are fantastic, with great stories and beautiful personalities. And of course  @Smoka90 whom I cannot tag for some reason (is there a limit? ?) and @Bugatti with his "finesse" style. (Apparently there IS a limit :D  ) and good sense of humor. And I could go on and on, but so far I've had a blast spending time on the forum, and enjoy the people, the different characters and their stories. 

I just thought I'd follow up and give you a summa summarum, thank you all for making me feel welcome, and I'm looking forward to spend many more months with you on this board. 

So I had 3 hours of sleep after my graveyard shift tonight and I'm due back in 2 hours, so I'm just going lay down and do nothing :)


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@Jackie Chiles my angel @Back2Goodlove your book and I don't think you are grumpy@sociopathicbombshell(By the way where are you I miss the shit out of you wild girl!) @aintnouse @Smoka90 Who I adore! @PTFC and @2earls ( don't worry Jackie I always flirted with her before she corrected me that she was a girl) who are the best mods in this board ever! And believe me I have been here forever! Before it got shut down and then reopened! @Fargo@two known u guys forever always liked you both@Bugattilove your humor and @aintnousecool dude love your music too! I am so happy that I came back after jail. At first I was sad, Cat and Maybesomeday weren't here but our little family is the best the board has ever been ever! I love how you guys open up and share your most intimate details of your lives. It has helped me so much by sharing where I used to be reserved. But I trust you guys better than any people I know including my family and friends because I know you guys can relate more than anyone else.

       I'll make this story short as I can but @Smoka90and @Jackie Chiles Know I grew up with an alcoholic and drug addict mom who was emotionally and physically abusive. My sister and I left when I was 17 and I began to have more self esteem but was always shy and I found that a few Percs and Xanax would draw me out of my shyness and I would be the life of the party. I met a guy 20 years older than me who turned me onto heroin which was at first romantic then turned into hell. He went to prison for manslughter during a drug deal that went bad and found myself alone with a six month old boy. A few years later after living on food stamps and in section 8 housing I met my second husband. Even though he was wealthy and from a prominent family he was 20 years older but I did fall in love with him, head over heals in love and offered me security for me and my son. He was also a heroin addict but by that time we were on methadone. For the first time I was happy and I adored my husband. I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world! 

       Nothing last long, about 7 years later he got busted for heroin possession and was sent to an in house drug tx center for mostly homeless men. The judge said "no fancy rehabs for you!" This place was full of losers, I shouldn't maybe say that some were just addicts that had lost everything from drugs, others were just scum of the earth. My husband grew up going to boarding schools and country clubs he had nothing in common with them. But he had to do nine months so he thought he would make the best of it. Worst mistake ever! He began to emulate these men. Trying to outdo each other as the biggest player.

     Before long rumors were getting back to me that he was hitting on some young 19 year old at some AA meeting. I finally went through his phone and found out the rumors were true. He promised me it was over and I thought things would get better. Boy was I wrong. A few months later I had female problems, I'll leave it at that! I went to the doctors and found out I had an assortment of stds! I found out from a few of the decent guys there that didn't participate that he was seeing a crackwhore. I was beyond livid. I couldn't understand how any man that loved me could visit a prostitue and not wear a condom. Luckily they were all curable with pills. Once again I forgave him but made him write a letter to me if he ever engaged in wreckless behavior with prostitues he did not have my permission to have sex with me. That basically it would be rape because I was not giving him consent. A year went by and he came home and said he wanted a divorce because he was in love with the 19 year old girl he never quit seeing he lied to me the entire time.

        My self esteem and self worth was so damaged. I thought why wasn't I young enough, pretty enough, not good enough in bed that he would want to sleep with a prostitue. I packed up and moved back to Phoenix Arizona while he stayed in Cali. I changed my number and told my friends never to give my address or no out to him. 

sorry got to help my son part 2 will be up shortly. And if I bore anyone just don't read it! This is for my friends to know the true me, how I feel, why I'm depressed, why I feel the way I do. Why sometimes the pain is so unbearable I wanted to die. Many of you have shared your life with me and I feel privileged to know the intimate details of your life. You have inspired me to open up and let you know the real me! 

Love u guys!

@Heavenlee Unfortunately I can just breath from my 60 hour 4 days dealing with blood, bones fluids and death...etc.

We texted a few times, it's very courageous that you share so much for us here! You really trust us, and I don't see why you couldn't! Everybody is awesome here!

I'm very sorry for what you have been through and even more sorry that I started to text you at 3:40, the night was quiet, traumas stopped coming in, and I had some time, but I didn't even think that you'd  be up! You can avenge your sleep by texting the fuck out of me all night, when I'm barely alive :)

Stay strong and move on. <3


@Heavenlee I too am really sorry to read everything you wrote there... my heart really does go out to you and you're in my thoughts. Sending you lots of positive vibes and wishes too. I know you say that we have an alcoholic parent in common, but I can definitely say what I went/go through pales in comparison to your story... and I just want to be able to say something to make it better. But I never know what to say. If I can help in any way, please tell me...

But I'm sending you lots of *hugs* and best wishes!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. CnC5 @ CnC5: Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Check out our new post on our thread ✨️✌️
  2. A @ AnnaSofia: Hi all hope everyone’s having an above average weekend.
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: We been rocking kinda hard since the day we begun, yo ready-c man, play Sanford and son....
  4. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: "Well his name is ready-c and im tellin u, he can play the beat forwards a d backwards too...
  5. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: @LatsDoodis maaan funk d.a.t!
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: maybe
  7. rosetrip33 @ rosetrip33: Hey anyone there
  8. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @Dr-Octagon “I got a hoe named reel to reel, she got a buddy named SP12 now you know the deal… Mo’ money, mo’ money for the bank roll / Stick to the script, don’t slip in the ’94”
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: or i guess you could just DM them on here
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: @robert1975 prob just shoot admin a msg with contact button at bottom of site
  11. rockychoc @ rockychoc: @xnxra hahahaha
  12. R @ robert1975: @xenxra my username man.... my handle, username.
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: what kind of handle? there are several types of interior and exterior door handles such as pull-out handles, push-down handles, pull-up handles, trigger handles, and touch handles.
  14. R @ robert1975: Can anyone tell me how I change my handle?
  15. C @ Cruzing: Hey guys whats up?
  16. P @ peanut: Good weekend to all. Enjoy the rest of summer.
  17. BobbyDigi33 @ BobbyDigi33: Just a friendly reminder, gratitude is literally a super power we all have at our disposal. It's the antidote to depression, anger, envy, lust and other low vibratory states. Have a nice weekend and be grateful today!
  18. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: ✌️
  19. QuantumMatrix @ QuantumMatrix: 💀
  20. CnC5 @ CnC5: Lmao 🤣